In second grade I met this kid who would smile and laugh at everything and better yet, he played basketball. Since my dad was the basketball coach my team, and he needed another player on the team. He asked Ethan to if he wanted to join the team and Ethan said why not. Ethan was an Asian kid, who was always bigger than everyone else, and would be the nicest person you would meet. Five years later, the basketball team is looking better than ever with Ethan and I dominate the basketball league were in. As we proceed to the championship game Ethan and I’s friendship is stronger than every. Getting hyped, laughing at the most stupidest things, and even dancing during pregame. Thanks to amazing playing from Ethan and myself we end up winning the
There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can’t. What you’ve got to do is turn around and say “watch me” by unknown author. This is exactly what the Willow Creek basketball team did. They looked their adversary’s right in the face after they were slapped by defeat and turned the other cheek. ☺ Instead of completely giving up when every fact and statistic went against them winning. They got right back up for the rebound life gave them and made a slam dunk of being the underdogs. Willow Creeks basketball team only has six players. But every one of there players has enough courage and grittiness that equals more than one player from the teams they have faced. If they want to vanquish their final dragon of defeat they will
Over the course of the past several years, the North Iowa Fire basketball program has helped me become a much better basketball player but it has also done so much more. The Fire program provided me with the opportunity to make, what are now, some of my closest friends. Throughout my years in the program, we went through our struggles, but from these struggles I learned the value of hard work and competing at every level. North Iowa Fire helped me fall in love with the game of basketball and I learned so much about myself that I never knew.
Mark Twain’s “ The Celebrated Jumps Frog of Calaveras County” created a lot of figurative language using his details that structured the folktale. The author Mark Twain gots the readers a real feel of the 1800’s with the figurative language he used in the story, it really gives the readers a visual of the setting and the events that are occurring throughout the whole story. Twain was incorporating the imagery using the figurative language he was using which keeps the readers engaged in his folktale. An good example of him painting a image in the reader's mind using figurative language is from his story “ The celebrated Jumps Frog” is the line when he says “ He was a different dog; his underjaw’d begin to stick out like to castle of a stream boat and his teeth would uncover, and shine savage like the furnaces.” Twain used this figurative language to describe the way the character Jim Smiley's dog main features of the dog so the reader can have more details and be more knowledgeable of the features the dog has instead of just saying “ it was an ugly dog”. Using the figurative language made it more interesting for the reader to read by incorporating the figurative language really gives the readers great imagery.
The topic of strength and weakness is discussed widely through literature and media. One literature piece that does this best is John Steinbeck’s novella, Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck’s use of motifs in the novella Of Mice and Men reveals the theme of strength and weakness. One of the motifs that is constantly being discussed is that people with strength will always take advantage over the weak.
My family was born to play basketball, both of my brothers had the size and athleticism to play professionally, and my dad towered over others standing at 6’6”. At a young age I was expected to follow in their footsteps. However, I did not have the size that the rest of my family did, and struggled to compete due to my small stature. In the seventh grade I tried out for my middle school basketball team and was promptly told I wasn’t good enough to play. I came home crying feeling that I disappointed my family. The next year, during the eighth grade try-outs, the coach said the same thing and broke my heart for the second year in a row. Dissatisfied with these results, I promised that I would make a change before entering high school.
College sports isn't what everyone makes it out to be. Some people relate college sports to High School sports only to the extent of: it's a level harder. Many feel that college sports isn't that big of a deal. What little people know is being a collegiate athlete is a job. The life ou hae is set out for you on the court. Most of the free time off the court is spent doing homework. There's hardly any time for a social life, and or time for your family. Being a collegiate athlete isn't just about playing sports anymore, this is your job.
basket ball, Then in second grade I started soccer and played for 3 years, then I started karate and I'm a orange belt and 2 stripes, then Now not only do I play instruments but I also play sports. When I was in first grade I played basket ball and then a new sport got introduced to our school. Its called speed stacking. You get a stack of 12 special designed cups with wholes on the bottom so they don't stick together. You can stack them in a bunch of ways like the cycle, 9 cycle, 3 cycle, 3-3, 3-3-3, 3-6-3, 1-10-1, 6-6, 3-3-3-3, and one where you lay out 12 cups and move forward with your hands while picking up the cups. There are many more ways you can stack them. It is an amazing sport, and on the cycle (The most difficult technique) I got
Catastrophic injury is devastating not only to the injured athlete, but also to the athlete’s family, school and community. The Washington Post indicated that an estimated 800 thousand boys and girls take part in high school sports yearly. This demonstrates how high school sports is a major part of the school extra curricular activity. In Daniel Gould article "Are High School Sports Good For kids?" he found that students who took part in high school sports got educational benefits and extracurricular activities have positive effects on adolescents .Experts may argue that high school sports allow kids to be physical active, but they must also recognize the clear dangers. Playing high school sports come with serious consequences and life altering changes such as physical injuries, peer pressure and psychology effects.
Sports have started to become more negative than positive extra curricular activities. There have been many bad byproducts from school sports. High school sports can be very stressful times for students. At some schools sports have gained such a large voice of their own that they have almost silenced any recognition for other extra curricular activities. Although many negative things can come from school sports there are positive sides like that some students can thrive from the sometimes extreme pressure from multiple school sports.
The amount of money professional sports athletes make today is mesmerizing. It makes sense that the top athletes would make the most money. Teams are able to pay these athletes top dollar amounts because they make an extraordinary amount of money as well. North America has four major sports leagues which has a large majority of its teams playing in the United States and a handful of teams playing in Canada. These four leagues are Major League Baseball, the National Hockey League, the National Football League, and the National Basketball Association. To control how much money a team spends on players each season, the respected leagues determine a salary cap for each season. Each league has a collective bargaining agreement where the players
A recent study shows that more than 7.6 million students in 2010-2011 played high school sports during the school year. US News estimates about 55.5% of high school students participate in a sport. With this in mind, one would think that there are no problems involving high school sports. When in fact, the are many problems with high school sports that aren’t apparent to everyone. Some of these problems include; politics, money, and consideration.
I wanted to write on this topic because of having first hand knowledge and experience. I began playing team sports around the age of eight and continued to play until I graduated from high school. My first love was for the game of baseball and this was the sport that I played all the years I just mentioned. I did play basketball for a couple of years but did not really enjoy the game. I wanted to compare what I learned from playing team sports and what I found after researching the subject.
To hundreds of millions of people sports act as way to escape reality, and connect to something greater themselves. Sports fan bases are many times the most passionate groups of people in the teams they support. Fans also drive the engine that fuels the business side of any major sporting league, as we constantly pour our dollars into the product they produce. And just like any other product, each league has many different brands, in the form of their teams; all of whom are competing against each other as business as much so, if not more, than on the field of play. You can quickly find a vast number of scholarly articles written about the trends between court performance and revenues of individual players, and teams; however, those articles
They should be allowed. People are proposing that high school sports are too much of a
The objective of this research is to study the effect of cell phone radiation on human brain. It is known that the cell phone produces electromagnetic radiation which could be harmful to the human brain. When the phone is placed 5 cm away from the head there is less brain activity compared to when the cell phone is placed next to the ear or head on either side. Special attention is focused on Temporal and Frontal lobes as these are very close to the ear, which is call the electromagnetic radiation. The Electromagnetic radiation is measured in terms of specific absorption rate (SAR). SAR is measured for two common holding positions of mobile phone: Cheek and Tilt. In tilt position, the mobile phone tilted for 15° and 30° from a person’s head. The SAR measured in the Cheek position has much lower values than of tilt position.