
Battle Of Bunker Hill Essay

Decent Essays


"Don't fire until you see the white of their eyes! Then fire low!" - Isrial Putnam's. This famous quote came from one of the Patriot Leaders in the Battle of Bunker Hill. This battle was the first major event of the American Revolutionary War in 1775. It got the name The Battle of Bunker Hill because it was thought to be on Bunker Hill but it was actually on Breed's Hill located next to Breed's hill in Boston, Massachusetts. About 1,000 British soldiers died and we did not have a well trained army or any of the supplies we needed. Even though we lost, it was a good loss because we effected the British Army. The war also caused the Olive Branch Pension a letter to the King requesting to avoid more …show more content…

General Gage sent 2,500 soldiers to capture Breeds hill. The patriots managed to find out about the plan and 1,000 patriot soldiers marched to Breed's Hill. They built earthworks as cover made out of earth and stone. Then waited for the British. The British had proper supplies and well trained men and we didn't have the proper supplies or well trained men like the British did and had to use everything we could spare, but we knew the land well and had help from Spain with is some of the things the British didn't have.

Who were the leaders in the Battle of Bunker Hill?

The patriot leaders were William Prescott, Isrial Putnam and Dr. Joseph Warren. William
Prescott was one of the men with Paul Revere when he rode to Concord. Then he lead 1,000 people on the Battle of Bunker Hill he was also the one who said "Don't fire until you see the white of their eyes!". Isrial Putnam took place in the French and Indian war, and The battle of
Lexington and concord. He was thought to be the one who ordered William Prescott to say his famous quote. Dr. Joseph Warren was a high ranked general in the Battle of Bunker hill. He fought as a soldier and killed in the Battle of bunker

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