
Battleship Potemkin Essay

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Editing manipulates the audience’s point of view of the story. Different cuts can delineate the plot and the meaning of the images distinctively. Battleship Potemkin, directed by Sergei Eisenstein was the example of how editing created emotions to the viewers in the theatre. The editing made the sequence into a lesson of how the Soviet Union authority was pressuring the public with complete dominance of violence. Battleship Potemkin is a movie produced by Eisenstein in 1925. A film about the Soviet Union soldiers' life on the battleship and how they disobey their authoritative generals. In addition, how they are welcomed by their families and the people, but get turned down by the governmental army by shooting down the crowd from the stairs. Therefore, this story was expressed by the cuts from frame to frame with sensitivity and anguish feelings. The sequence will be analyzed is when the soldiers return from their battleship and finally meeting their family and friends in Russia. However, the government …show more content…

The scene was a cut of discontinuity. The scene used discontinuity editing to show the woman’s facial expression to demonstrate the pain of being shot. This made the crowd trying to escape from the gunfires. The escape was first shot in a medium shot, which creates a clear image of people running down the stairs. Along with some long shots of the entire crowd deserting, shows how terrifying the firearms have impacted the innocent people on the stairs. Different angles of the images were cut alternatively to increase the tension of how communist authorities had been constraining the people from their rights to gather around. Additionally, Eisenstein included some close up shots to give the image of people dying and kids sitting in the middle of the dead people. The scene then jump cuts to the soldiers in white uniforms walking down the stairs roll by roll, pushing the

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