
Beach Towel

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From a balcony, on the second floor, smack in the middle of the resort complex, which was built on the site of the first resort in this area, a gray-haired man sits in a wicker chair and watches the morning happenings on the beach. The morning mist still hugs the coast, becoming more noticeable as the sun climbs and the sea breeze has yet to pick up help it in its way. The man takes a drink from his coffee cup finishing its contents as he does he stands up and bends backward in a sort of morning stretch and looks at his now empty cup.
“Honey,” the man says, “I need a refill please.”
A woman walks out with a coffee craft.
“Thanks, Honey,” the man says smiling up at her, “you’re the best”
Below them, on the far side of the pool, the lawn is …show more content…

This is the life, the tourists gets warm salt air and freshly caught fish for dinner.
Across the street or maybe just off the beach, a souvenir shop beckons with lifeguard shirts in its windows, a sign is plastered to one window and reads “Beach Towels, 2 for $10.” On the sidewalk sits a table, littered with seashells and other knickknacks for sale. These things are offered to as memories of a great vacation.
Someplace close to the souvenir shop will likely be a historical marker or local museum, stately and embellished with local charm. Facts about colorful local figures and legends, perhaps a horrific or tragic ghost story or two, captivate the tourist. The stories connect the visitors to the vacation spot, allowing for an immersive experience, which moves them closer to escaping their lives back home.
On the main strip, a group of college age boys, all wearing the same Greek letters on their t-shirts, sit overlooking the street at some rowdy bar catering to poor choices. One of them pulls out a white bedsheet from his backpack, on it reads “Free Drinks-For Chicks” in blue spray paint and he drapes it over the

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