Beagan Nguy I have been in a number of programs and extracurricular activities at Lincoln H.S. that helped me define my career goals and challenged me to the fullest. As I finish my journey from High School, I began to slowly realize that their was nothing tangible I had offered to this community, but I what I did offer was myself. Being on the Mustang Varsity team there was always this one person who showed me how to be the best tennis player. His name was David Dinh. David had shown me that their was more to tennis than winning the game, it was about having fun with your teammates/coaches and building relationships with others through a simple rally. His leadership skills and enthusiasm for this sport had influence my own perspective of
I have been fortunate to be the recipient of untold hours of guidance of my own coaches and mentors. I can only imagine the sacrifices they have made- time away from family and fatigue just to name a couple. As a result of their investment in me, I have had innumerable opportunities, not the least of which will be the opportunity to attend Rice next fall and play baseball for the Owls. I am doing my best to apply the lessons I've learned through Wylie high school sports, to my life and all the lives I touch through service. All of these lessons impacted my life immensely and will follow me through
In my current school, St. Jerome’s, I participate in almost everything sport and activity that I can and enjoy participating in. Through my future years at Hill-Murray, I know that all the activities and sports that I participate in at St. Jerome School will be overtaken by the immense amounts of homework that every high school student endures, but others have managed, and so will I.
My whole life I have been invested in doing what I love, focusing on my true passions, as well as finding new ones. I have been very involved in my high school, and have been lucky enough to be a part of multiple clubs and activities. Without these activities, my high school experience and life would be a lot different. I have been an active drama club member, a part of ‘Bottlecappers,’ a club advocating anti-drug, alcohol, and bullying to younger students in my district, and many other community service opportunities. I am lucky to have the opportunity to be in these activities, as they have shaped me to be the young adult I am today.
Along with NHS, being actively involved in varsity sports throughout high school has made me gain a “work hard” attitude. This attitude of constantly working above and beyond will carry over to my future education and career to help me succeed. As a two-year captain of both volleyball and cheerleading, I have learned to be a team leader while also being a team player. High school sports have instilled lifelong lessons in me such as working hard, being responsible, and being a leader, that I know will aid me in by success in academics and a
Throughout my freshman year at Notre Dame Preparatory I have participated in many new activities that have allowed me to grow in character, leadership, and service. Examples of such activities include school athletics, membership in the United States Civil Air Patrol, and ushering at my Catholic parish. Through school athletics I have not only grown in my athletic ability in the sports of track and cross country, but I have grown in my ability to move through adversity and challenges. In addition to my participation in school sports I joined the United States Air Force Auxiliary, the Civil Air Patrol. Through Civil Air Patrol I have grown tremendously through classes every week, a week long training
Working at the daycare has shown me how much children look up to us student athletes. One of my biggest dreams is to be the person little kids are talking about when they say, “I want to grow up and be like her.” I am also extremely proud of my athletic accomplishments. My sophomore year I was selected to be a part of the SDHSAA all state honorable mention team for soccer, Dakota XII Conference honorable mention team for volleyball, and I was also selected as the player of the week from ESPN 99.1 for volleyball. My junior year I was selected to be a part of the Dakota XII Conference second team and Region 4a regional first team for volleyball. My senior year I was selected to be a part of the Dakota XII Conference second team and Region 4a regional first team for volleyball, was accepted as to become a part national honors society and homecoming royalty court. Another thing I am proud of is being a part of the state runner-up team two years in a row. I am proud of this because not many teams can say they made it to two state games. Although we did not come out as champions, I believe this made everyone on my team a stronger person because it has made all want to work even harder in order to achieve all of the other goals we want to
From softball, to jobs, to community service, the plethora of knowledge I received shaped me into the person I am today. My involvement in a variety of activities make my success in life, possible. Although I may continue this sport after high school, it has still given me lifelong lessons that I will hold on to for the rest of my being.
Ledan gave a nod of acknowledgement, pleased he’d not bothered a random stranger, though it had been unlikely. Fleetwood occasionally got tourists, being a typical quaint New England town, but it was in the absolute middle of nowhere and was no hotspot. A second complete stranger in the local diner was, while not unheard of, not very likely. “Glad to hear it.” he replied though a slightly awkward chuckle before sitting down in the seat opposite Damon. “It’s a small town kiddo, and I’ve lived here a fair while now, most people here either know me or have seen me around. I'm the last person in the world who’d stick out in this diner.” he pointed out. He scooted to the left slightly to get a bit comfortable before signalling to one
The experience of coaching impacted me majorly, and helped to build my character to what it is today. This service project was not only extremely important to the community, it was also extremely important to me personally because I was able to express this love with young girls that were aspiring to follow my in footsteps. The pressure of having young girls look up to me in every aspect of life such as, cheerleading, academics, and character, added to the accountability of building my character to one that is desirable. Because I knew so many young girls were looking up to me, I made sure that I set the example that my five year old self once looked up
Hi, my name’s Baba! When you come into visit with me, I might be a little shy, and go towards the back of my cage at first. However, once I get out of my cage, and start interacting with you, the more I’ll start warming up to you. I don’t really care to be picked up, and will jump up in your lap when I want to be held. Even if I’m not quite ready to jump up on your lap, I love to receive affection. I don’t think that I was leash walked a whole in my past, because I don’t like leashed up or have my collar area messed with. I was only ever around men and women in my previous home, so as result I would probably do best in a calm, quiet environment that didn’t have young children. I’ve only been an inside dog in my past, and only seem to have
I have always enjoyed being involved in school activities. By the end of my high school career, I will have played volleyball and golf all four years. Although I was never the superstar or the best on the team for either sport, I always enjoyed playing and being supportive of my teammates. Getting involved with a team and making new friends has been half the fun. Not only do I play sports, but I also enjoy attending other sporting events. My favorite two sports to watch are football and basketball. While in third grade, I cheered on the 2004 Indian football team to a victory during the State game at Camp Randall. In 2012, I supported both the girls’ and boys’ basketball
In a much greater scheme, I have taken the lessons learned from track and field into my volunteer experiences. Through the organization Recreation Experiences, I worked with a team of volunteers to dig holes that would help install new septic systems to numerous families. I’ve been able to help service families in need of new septic systems who cannot afford to pay for the job to be done. Doing my part on a team was as important there as it has been on the track. I can absolutely trace my success back to humble beginnings in track and
Baschi was the quaint medieval village we fell in love with on our previous visit to this region. Plus, Vanessa was also able to schedule a tour of a small vacant apartment in a village with the beautiful name of Castiglione in Teverna. Tomorrow looked promising and we hoped it would be a very successful day.
A short, skinny man was running through a moonlit forest, cloak waving in the wind. In his sweaty hand, he held two knives tightly, holding on to them as if he was going to die. Following shortly behind were two men, only a few yards away. The branches of the trees cast their shadows on the ground, giving him slight moments of cover.
I attend a relatively small, private, Catholic high school in northern New Jersey called Don Bosco Prep. I am involved in a variety of activities including sports, music, and various clubs and organizations. My school encouraged me to grow academically, socially, culturally, and spiritually. Our school motto is “empowering young men for life”. I feel that my school has given me the tools to be an engaged student. The school promotes a brotherhood which has benefitted me personally. Whether a friendship forged from a study group or one formed with a teammate, each friendship brings different experiences to my life for which I am grateful.