The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge is an interesting place to visit. In the early 1900s, over 3 million birds died of alkali poisoning in the Bear River area. The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge was originally founded to prevent avian botulism and other diseases. Over 60 species of birds breed and raise their babies at the Bird Refuge, and approximately 250 species migrate through there.
Alkali poisoning or avian botulism is caused when birds eat a toxin that is created by a bacteria called clostridium botulinum. Clostridium botulinum toxin is produced when warm soil with the bacteria in it has some sort of protein and no oxygen. When animals that are affected by this toxin, birds, for example, ingest it, the animal gets paralysis. The animal does not have to ingest the toxin directly to suffer the effects. For example, since maggots are not affected by clostridium botulinum, if a bird were to eat a minimum of 2 infected maggots, the bird gets avian botulism. Between the years of 1900 and 1920, there were two outbreaks of avian botulism, causing over 3,000,000 birds to die. It was that there should be a place to protect the animal as well as the rapidly diminishing marshes in Bear River. Now there are tens of thousands of healthy birds and other animals, that migrate through or live in the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
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This is one of the reasons why over 70 species of birds reside at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. For instance, the American white pelican, the snowy plover, and the black-necked stilt. In fact, the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge has one of the largest colonies of white-faced ibis in the world. It also provides approximately 60% of the breeding population of cinnamon teals in North America. Thus, it’s an impressive place to visit because of its wide variety of North American
The Buffalo River area is a karst environment with attendant sinkhole and cave formation. Limestone, composed primarily of CaCO3 and dolomite composed primarily of CaMg(CO3)2, are the two soluble rock types in the area that host the karst features. Water in contact with air picks up carbon dioxide some of which transforms to carbonic acid, and this acid then dissolves the carbonate minerals, carrying the ions out in solution (e.g. Trudgill 1985). Limestone and dolomite layers vary in impurities and grain size so that different layers are more or less prone to dissolution, with dolomite generally being less soluble than limestone. To erode these rock formations with very low intergrain porosity and permeability, there has to be exposed surface area and so faults and joints within the rock greatly increase the rate in which the rock will dissolve, and partly control the location of
The wetlands of spring welcomes migrating shorebird species, including sandpipers, stilts, plovers, dunlins, curlews, and avocets. The colors of summer come alive with an array of birds atop trees with beautiful sounds filling the air. These include black-chinned, calliope, broad-tailed, red-tailed hawk, white-crowned sparrow, tanager and rufous hummingbird. Cranes and geese make their appearance in early fall, coyotes, northern shovelers dabble on the water, javelina, and mule deer idle or prance about in the open meadow, and wild turkeys trek in their roosting
The Anacostia river, a sanctuary for hundreds of plants and animals. One evening when I was cruising down this very river, I spotted a Bald Eagle. The first one I have ever seen in the wild. I was captivated by its grace, only to remember that it is an endangered animal. The problem that the Bald eagle has, as well as many of the others who live off the river is the river itself. The river is murky, and is contaminated with toxins from fertilizers, pesticides and other harmful substances. There is also unwanted ubiquitous pollutants that animals are sure to mistake for food, and the wetlands that surround the river were also damaged. Restoring the Anacostia River is problem that can be solved.
The grizzly bear was first found in Big Madly Creek on April 29, 1805. The grizzly bear is found in Southern and Northwestern states. You could also find them in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Sometime they wander into Washington and, Colorado. The grizzly bears usually can be found in the mountains and open areas near rivers and streams. The grizzly bears fur is brown and tan. The ends of the hair had white tips. The grizzly bear had claws and walks on all fours.
Grizzly bears are one of the biggest mammals living in North America, Canada, and Alaska. Grizzly bears are also known as Ursus Arctos Horribilis that’s their scientific name. They are often a dark brown and have long guard hairs on their backs that have white tips and that’s what gives the bear a grizzled look and what gives it the name Grizzly bear. Grizzly bears are also good diggers they have claws that are 2 to 4 inches long and a distinctive hump on the Back that helps them dig.
Life for settlers out on the Oregon Trail was very treasonous. It was a game between life and death. They had to find the perfect balance between taking rest and traveling. Some hardship they could have faced were the diseases. One person could have not been careful and attracted a disease and it could be contagious. Resulting in wiping out the whole community. This would have also slowed down their journey. Another hardship would be winter itself. Crossing the winter through the mountains could lead to many problems like the shortage of food, hypothermia, and death of the animals. In the summer, they could die from dehydration.
(figure 4) Current distribution of the Louisiana black bear, Ursus americanus luteolus, decades after listed as an Endangered
Discovering a secret from a family member is difficult, and it is even more difficult when the secret is revealed through a tough situation. I believe everything in life happens for a reason. This past spring there were several black bear appearances near my home. On a windy day, a black bear killed an innocent child in my neighborhood. The neighbors responded by rallying together to resolve this tragedy. Along the journey, we were persistent in trying to obtain as much evidence as possible in order to find the bear. Finally, everything came to an end and life revealed a secret that was unknown to me.
The exploration and settlement of the Americas by the Europeans had devastating effects on the Native Americans. As Europeans began to explore the Americas and form settlements a great majority of them saw the Native Americans as savages and pagans that needed to be civilized. As exploration and settlements expanded the Native American population and culture was decimated by disease, war, loss of land, the exploitation internal feuding among the tribes and enslavement.
While in the backcountry never ever travel alone always try to travel with a group or a few more people other than yourself. While you're walking always stay on the flagged trail u have a better chance on not running into a bear. A wise decision is to always carry a Bear bell, bear spray and even a bear banger because you never know Always look for signs such as bear droppings, tree scratch marks, and paw tracks. The key thing is to BE LOUD talk singing anything to make yourself loud. They are super attracted to food smells or even just sweet smells like toothpaste so cook brush teething anything like that could attract them do a it a good distance away. Walking with a dog can be good but also a bears a lot bigger than a dog so always be careful.
The wildlife refuge complex in the Klamath River Basin is part of a migratory bird wetland habitat system that spans the western seaboard. Wilson (2010) refers to the Pacific Coast wetland habitats as being“ like links in a chain ” that lead birds from wintering grounds to summer breeding habitats, which are only effective if each one remains intact(p. 7). It is estimated that three quarters of the birds traveling through this chain make a stop in the Klamath Basin, and roughly half of those can be found at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge in northern California (Foster 2008 ;Wilson 2010 ). Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge and it's neighbor Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) also serve as sources of farmland for local farmers, who are able to lease lands under the Kuchel Act of 1964 (Kuchel Act 1964). If there is water left over from irrigating farmland, it is allocated to remain on the refuges to provide wetland habitat for birds. Water scarcity has posed a serious threat to birds that use the refuges. In 2012, avian cholera killed more than 10,00 birds in the Klamath refuges, a result of overcrowding in scarce pools of water. In 2014 an average of 100 infected bird carcasses were discovered a day during the summer months(Jarrell 2014).
The Great Bear Rainforest is the largest remaining cool temperate rainforest in the world. Covering up to 32,000km2, The Great Bear Rainforest stretches along British Columbia's north and central coast.
The North American River Otter is one breed of the Lontra, or otter. This animal is a quick, intelligent, and clever hunter. Although hunted for their beautiful pelts, river otters are still found in almost every region. They are smart and playful, and very outgoing creatures. This paper, will discuss why river otters are one of the most amazing animals.
It is 1492, and many Europeans are hungry for exploration. The “New World” was seen as the future of trade. But there was one problem; the current way of shipping from Asia was by slow land travel, touching many hands before they reached the European market. With a market that was hungry and the means to travel by sea, Christopher Columbus set sail under the endorsement of queen Isabella of Spain, searching for passage to Asia. What Columbus would find was not Asia, but America. This discovery as time would tell, would not come without consequence. In the age of the new world, exploration, conquest and settlement would have consequences for both the people who were adventuring to these new lands as well
Even though the national wildlife doesn’t really offer any detailed breakdown on how this problem can be determined. During this article it could also weaken the emotional connection that you would have with the audience. Being that they want to grab more attention by showing that this issues are bigger than they really seems. Within the “national wildlife federation” it has a strong point discussing the topic of the article it mentions which is comprehensive balance. National wildlife didn’t really focus on making this argument double sided or provided a way to sidestep the spill in the near