
Beating Of The Old Man's Heart Annotated

Decent Essays

The title has multiple layers. Firstly, relates to the beating of the old man’s heart which hastened his death. Secondly, relates to the beating heart in the floorboard, as imagined by the narrator, which he believed had given away his crime. Thirdly, it relates to the guilt of the narrator’s actual heart, which was the true reason why he confessed. This punny title give an insight to the readers about the narrative and assists the reader to understand the story better because each layer of the title reveals parts of the story.
Poe used structure and punctuation to increase the pace of the story. At the start of the story, there were less punctuation and had more complex sentences than complex, but towards the end, as the climax grew, more punctuations and simple sentences were used. This made the narrative fast …show more content…

Poe capitalizes the fact that we are most vulnerable when we are asleep, and in the privacy of our home and bed. In this extract, the room was not described in full detail, so the old man’s room seems obscure and you don’t know what is inside, thus building tension and making it frightening because you don’t know what may happen. In addition, the fact that the room is so generically described, it makes you feel like it could be anyone’s room and you could be the next victim.
The narrator writes in first person to show insights of the narrator who is insane. For example “I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell.” and “how calmly I can tell you the whole story.” clearly conveys the narrator’s thoughts through first person narrative, hence Poe can emphasise the narrator’s insanity. “I heard all things in the heaven and hell” signify that the narrator is a mad man because it is impossible to hear things from either places. In addition, to claim to listen to things going on in heaven is not something someone normal would say and is

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