
Beauty Definition Essay

Decent Essays

What is beauty? How do we define who is attractive and who is not? Is it the models posing on the front of magazine, or the confident, bright eyed person sitting across the room? Our society and media is full of advice telling us what beauty is or how to become beautiful. As human beings we are drawn to beauty, but what exactly is beauty? The phrase, “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,” is accurate since what one may consider beautiful can vary from what another may consider beautiful. Some people say “inner beauty” is where true beauty lies, or that “appearance is everything.” While others think that beauty is in one's personality. Since everyone has a different definition and/or opinion of what beauty truly is, or where they can …show more content…

Sam knows she is beautiful and uses it to her advantage by putting on a facade to fool those around her. She acts as though she cares, but is quick to turn her back on people once she has achieved her goal. When one first meets Sam their initial impression of her is a nice attractive girl, but eventually her facade gets figured out. However, that doesn’t stop people from being drawn in by her beauty. Sam’s actions reflect her soul's beauty and can be considered her “ugly side.” While Becca, on the other hand, treats her beauty in a level headed way. She is never without a smile. She treats everyone kindly, encourages those around her, and lends a hand when needed. Becca’s confident and kind personality makes her more attractive than Sam, who uses her beauty to manipulate people into giving her what she wants. Becca’s beauty, in this situation, doesn’t come from her aesthetic appeal, but rather forms out of her benevolence. Her mentality to do good and be kind to those around her shows her “beautiful soul,” and shows that personality can affect your beauty. Some believe that their beauty comes from their outer appearance. These people usually lack self confidence and find ways to make themselves feel more confident through makeup and or clothes. They find comfort in materialistic possessions that make them feel more confident and beautiful. Every year, hundreds of dollars are spent in

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