
Beauty Essay : The Definition Of Beauty

Decent Essays

The Definition of Beauty The word “beauty” is often thrown around and can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Lots of people consider beauty to be a girl with a tight, little figure and gorgeous locks of hair cascading down her back, the type of girl that when she walks into a room, heads turn. Then there are those that consider beauty to be what’s on the inside. Such as someone that puts others before themselves. Beauty can have so many different definitions, and nobody’s is wrong. But beauty is out there, whether it be seen or felt. Some of the most common definitions of beauty are about what’s on the outside, or external beauty. What you see when you look at someone for the first time and what you will continually notice about someone every time after that. The attractiveness halo effect, explains that people often associate good-looking people to also have good traits and qualities. Such as success, intelligence and confidence. Which is what causes the brain to see someone as even more attractive. It is believed that beauty and good qualities tend to be bunched together for a number of reasons including media, culture, and our own preferences (Radwan). Every human’s mind was brought up in a different matter; therefore our ideas of beauty may be different than the person next to us. For example, my idea of someone being physically attractive is more than likely completely different than that of an Eskimo that lives in a remote part of the

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