
Beauty : My Humble Opinion Is All About Who Is Perceiving It

Decent Essays

What is Beauty? Beauty in my humble opinion is all about who is perceiving it, although there are many things that can be widely accepted as beautiful, whether it 's a bountiful orchard of apple trees or the deeply vast ocean blue with the waves cascading down producing a glorious sound and the grand mysteries of life looming in the depths beneath. Beauty can be described as the fresh snow glistening on the pine trees with deer majestic in their natural glory, nested down in peaceful slumber and fat, fluffy hares dancing playfully in the snow bounding in every direction or birds in song singing to their own unique tune not unlike a grand orchestrate making wonderful music for all to hear. It is in the fresh paw prints in the snow and the curiosity it creates of what furry little creature left them as he scurried by doing reconnaissance for food and how oblivious to our human world he was in doing so, relying on only primal instincts to live by. Beauty is the bright pink salmon swimming in the stream while a ferocious bear awaits them to pluck them out and subdue his monstrous belly in doing so, the countless amounts of rocks in that stream of every shape and size, the moss that clings to them and dances with the pressures of the current. I observe majestic beauty in the giant ominous mountains looming high above the sky, such as a stairway to the heavens for all those to gaze upon in grand awe. In the serene image of the clouds, white and puffy much the same as cotton candy

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