According to the Web site, only about 23.6% of college students attending Old Dominion University graduate within four years. The percentage of this school's graduation rate is really surprising. I intend to transfer to ODU, but I also would like to graduate on time. Because a college education is important, I will become more successful by listening to expert opinions, by developing effective strategies, and by overcoming my challenges.
Because being a college student is important, I will become a successful student. According to Robert S. Feldman, a psychology professor, a college education offers different advantages. One important benefit is that I will become better with communication and thinking skills, I will gain the ability and confidence to give speeches and lectures in front of an open crowd. I will have the confidence. Another benefit is to gain better thinking skills, so that I will have a better understanding about ideas
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One expert who caught my attention was Dr. Janet Elder, who told me about the six characteristic of being a successful student. The six traits are to use strategies, to be prepared, to be responsible, to be organized, to be respectful, and attend all classes to become successful. Sharon Bowman, an expert trainer, told me the levels of learning. Unconscious incompetence shows students that they don’t know the skill at all, and don’t know what's going on. Conscious competence lets students know that they know the knowledge, and know what is expected. Dr. Yvonne Thorton, another expert, gave us a brief explanation of the rabbit theory, which advices someone who is doing poorly on tests to pick up the traits of someone who is doing positively, and see those traits can help them move forward. Stephen Covey explained that building something strong does not just happen overnight. Students must spend time in order for their skills to
When obtaining a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life. It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career opportunities like better paying and higher ranked skilled jobs, but studies have shown that it also leads to overall happiness and stability.
Freeman Hrabowski’s informative essay explores all the benefits that one might gain from attending college. College opens doors to many different and unique experiences in the workforce as well as the networking world. The more people one knows in college, the more options they will have when deciding what they would like to pursue in life. Hrabowski goes on to say that, “Yes, colleges prepare people for jobs, but more critically, they prepare people for life. A
College offers many important benefits, including access to knowledge and skills, increased job opportunities, job satisfaction, job stability, huge impact of the family well-being, ability to make better choices, and the probability of increased income. A college education offers experiences and benefits that affect students for the rest of their lives.
Having a college education is an important tool that contributes to several aspects of a person’s life. The areas that are impacted the most would be the professional and personal areas. It is important to learn the value of a college education in order to take advantage of what you learn and how to productively apply it in your personal and professional life. Having a college education is something that can always be looked at as a positive achievement that feels good and looks good on a resume. Earning a college degree
Personal skills such as communication, motivation, concentration, and many more can be utilized in college. This can give you an advantage in any career wether a degree is needed or not. A degree alone can lead you into a higher paying workforce rather than just a high school GED or less. College will allow you to set milestones and aspire to achieve anything in your way. This will strengthen your ambition in life.
A college education provides people with a higher salary, a greater chance of getting a job, and a start to good life. Now let's get deeper into the positives of a college education. First, college is necessary in order to make an average salary, which is required to live peacefully. People who have a higher salary than others tend to live more easily than some. Throughout my
This semester has flew by a lot faster than I anticipated. The akron experience has taught me quite a bit that has helped me in many different areas. Being successful in college to me means to organize and manage all the parts of your life so that you are content. College is alot to keep track of and managing this and the rest of your life is the main thing that will keep you going so you are able to take breaks. Without breaks you will get burned out and I learned this pretty fast. I would say I was successful this semester even if my grades weren't exactly where I wanted them I am getting the feel for the whole experience.
a college education can improve our life in many ways because college can generate opportunities for us that may not have it with the highschool diploma. By going college we can get a high education and we will be open mind person in the society. According to, Mike Rose, "College changed my life, so when I think about the question of who should go to college, I can’t help but consider it through my own experience". As Mike mentioned, he was a median student at the school, good for reading but he was trouble with math. H was inspired by his English teacher and then he started his college which helped him to found his way in life.
A respectable college education gives people the advantage to lead themselves in any direction they want to proceed in life. College is a time that students can truly become individuals. They have the opportunity to become more independent and to take on new responsibilities. The bonuses of a college education include more self-confidence, greater economic stability and security, and it makes you a major contributor to the greatest nation on earth.
People often assume that if you are a college attendee, your life 's a piece of cake, but what they do not realize is that there is more to being a college student than just staying out and partying all night and all day or even sleeping in the mornings. To be a good college student, you need make sure you attend every class, turning in your assignments, and have time management skills. All these things are very important and I am going to explain detailedly why.
As a student in college I am here to find my future career and build who I am as a person. I have a lot of goals in life and I expect a lot out of myself. I started reading the New York Times article, how to Live Wisely. It surprisingly related a lot to my own life. This article made me consider if I am actually doing what I love. As I answered what my goals are, I kept in the back of my head what I want my future to in store.
One benefit of attending college is being financially stable, having knowledge, skills, and experiences to pass down to your children. Elizabeth Fuller states that “high school graduates are
The past has shown time and again that one who has been well educated succeeds in life. If a person attends college limitless doors will open for him or her because one has multiple possibilities in the career field. Since one has the qualifications, particular career options will continue to provide themselves. One will most likely be paid more money because one has a large wealth of knowledge, and have been professionally trained in certain areas of expertise. Financial success, excessive knowledge, and endless career possibilities are a few basic effects of a college education. If one has been trained correctly, life will provide a great deal of optimism, and one will most likely live an additionally comfortable monetarily savvy life.
Academic success in College is about many things. success prepares a person for a future career and helps transition someone to an adult. Success establishes an interest in lifelong learning. College is an opportunity for a person to take charge of the direction in their life. A person is in charge of the classes they take, how much they will study, and what they will experience.
A college education has numerous impacts on an individual other than just a better education. Individuals who have attended college and graduated tend to be more successful in life than those who didn't. There have been studies through the years that provide evidence showing that a college education can be very beneficial to a person and have major impacts on their lives.