
Becoming A Kinesiologist Essay

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The Long but Great Path of Kinesiology Everyone better be sitting down for this because this is going tibia good paper on the life and the road on becoming a kinesiologist. This, out of many jokes, are the ones I will be telling once I become a kinesiologist. Ever since I was little I’ve had big dreams. I was never the typical little girl who wanted to be a princess with a castle and crown. I wanted scrubs or workout clothes. I first wanted to be a fitness trainer and then I discovered the skeletal system. I love the bones and the muscles and how one thing connects to the other and how it all lets you do the fascinating things like running marathons and jumping without everything falling apart. So ever since then I’ve been reading books and studying the …show more content…

But besides that and the humor, this paper will explain the personality and skills needed for this lovely job, the daily or occasional tasks performed, what the work conditions and hours will be like, my college admission and tuition, the ups and downs, salary and benefits, and last but not least the future outlook. Personality for this Career Personality and impressions are very important in any career. In kinesiology there are a few that everyone entering this field or any related fields need to have. One of them are empathy. Empathy according to is defined as “the ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person’s situation.” This is important because this way people feel more invited and more comfortable knowing that whoever is treating them is truly listening and feels for them. Another was a trustworthy person. Everyone who has a job definitely has to be a trustworthy employee but in the health field the patient has to feel like they are in good hands and can trust their caregiver to give them the proper

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