The Long but Great Path of Kinesiology Everyone better be sitting down for this because this is going tibia good paper on the life and the road on becoming a kinesiologist. This, out of many jokes, are the ones I will be telling once I become a kinesiologist. Ever since I was little I’ve had big dreams. I was never the typical little girl who wanted to be a princess with a castle and crown. I wanted scrubs or workout clothes. I first wanted to be a fitness trainer and then I discovered the skeletal system. I love the bones and the muscles and how one thing connects to the other and how it all lets you do the fascinating things like running marathons and jumping without everything falling apart. So ever since then I’ve been reading books and studying the …show more content…
But besides that and the humor, this paper will explain the personality and skills needed for this lovely job, the daily or occasional tasks performed, what the work conditions and hours will be like, my college admission and tuition, the ups and downs, salary and benefits, and last but not least the future outlook. Personality for this Career Personality and impressions are very important in any career. In kinesiology there are a few that everyone entering this field or any related fields need to have. One of them are empathy. Empathy according to is defined as “the ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person’s situation.” This is important because this way people feel more invited and more comfortable knowing that whoever is treating them is truly listening and feels for them. Another was a trustworthy person. Everyone who has a job definitely has to be a trustworthy employee but in the health field the patient has to feel like they are in good hands and can trust their caregiver to give them the proper
Making sure the needs of the patients are met. Making sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to making things better for the patients. Making sure the employees are happy, this will help them to give excellent care to the patients.
In an article by Francine Parker, he stated that it includes the nursing knowledge and skills to influence patients. Patient should have a health care team that a highly
As health care providers, professionalism, respect and empathy should play an essential role in our daily routine. These core values allow us as health care providers to demonstrate understanding, compassion, and appreciation for our patients and their experiences. Utilizing these virtues will allow for an experience that will make the patient feel respected, valued and wanting to return.
“Compassion is a moral value hoped for in all caregivers” (Pozgar, 2016, p. 346). In general, people seek in their caregivers to possess a strong knowledge about their profession, but there are other important characteristics that a caregiver must maintain. An example for this can be compassion. “Compassion is the ability of the doctor to actively and deeply imagine the suffering
In the field of kinesiology are likely to experience a growth rate of 20% in the next few years because a large amount of people loves helping people out. Most people want to be in the field of kinesiology people they like working with people and to help them with the problems they have in their life. One can also choose to join a professional association as it offers great opportunities for their career and the profession. Ortiz-1 The job responsibilities for a kinesiologist is that they examine and understand the physical capability of every individual and provides them proper training.
The people in your care must be able to trust you with their health and wellbeing.
Physical therapy and kinesiology work in a close relationship to each other. Essentially one may think they are one in the same, however there are small differences between the two that provide different results when applied singularly. As a combined effort physical therapy and kinesiology work to heal the muscles and joints of the body, recreating movements perfectly as they were before injury or in some cases as closely as one can get to a perfect function. First one must understand where the lone is drawn between the two fields and how they balance each other to create desirable results in a patient.
Among the numerous professional attributes the primary nurse uses, such as superior communicator and an effective listener, empathy is of most importance. If the nurse is able to understand and feel what others are going through, he or she will be well suited to provide care to the dying patient (Altshuler, 2013). Also the professional nurse must be able to separate his or her career from their daily life, being able to decompress and leave work behind is an important attribute in this type of nursing care.
Competence: having the ability to understand an individual’s needs, as well as having the expertise and knowledge to provide effective care to individuals. 4. Communication: providing and exchanging information that helps to provide care and support, this can be between 1 or more individuals. 5. Courage: the vision and personal strength to do the right thing for the individual being cared for.
“The analysis of movement provides an athlete with optimal development as well as minimising the risk of developing injuries through the incorrect execution of a movement” (Ackland, Elliott & Bloomfield, 2009, p 301).
Making sure everything you do is evolved around that person so the work you do suits their specific needs ensuring the best care possible. Finding out that persons history and needs to help create a personal care plan which
developing a rapport with ones patients and that a little compassion and understanding can mean the world to a
My whole life has been centered around the field of kinesiology. Since I was about four years old I have been involved in some sort of sport or physical activity and I have never wanted to change that. When I learned that there was a major that could revolve around sports and activity of which I love so much, I decided to throw myself fully into it. I have always been one to throw myself into whatever I am doing and challenge myself and set high goals. Therefore, I have chosen to go to medical school after my undergraduate education and become an orthopedic surgeon. Within the next ten years I hope to be on a hospital staff, improving my skills as a surgeon for sports medicine.
Not being afraid to question doctors as well as the nurses about their care, asking for a 2nd opinion if they don’t feel quite right about a diagnosis. Patients should educate themselves on their disease process along with collaboration of the physicians and nurses. Patients should know why they are on their medications, I have seen countless times were patients have no idea what their taking and why their taking their medications, their response because the doctor said so this is not good enough. I also believe that many of our physicians and nurses have failed our patients looking at them as just a body not an individual. We should encourage screenings, early interventions (education) to help prevent or reduce diseases. By doing these things I think we can help to reduce patients hospitalizations, healthcare costs and risk of infections. Prolong the lives of our patients help them to live a healthy and long life.
I think it’s essential to your profession to be aware of your attendance, to work well with your co-workers, to practice dressing appropriately for your job, and to be attentive to your patients; this can transmit or be viewed as achievements. I practice these qualities of values by having proper etiquettes, thinking oneself as efficient in care, by my body language, maintaining a well-ordered body appearance, and maintaining eye contact with whom I was speaking to. First impressions are important when caring for patients, talking with families and understanding how staff reacts to me. All these distinguishing characteristics speak dynamically about my abilities, ethics, proficiencies, and how compassionate you are. (Living Values, n.d.).