My current career objective is to work in the field of addictions and I hope to work directly with individuals seeking substance abuse treatment. Although it has recently been announced that addiction is a brain disorder rather than a behavioral issue, there is still argument that drug use is a choice and not a disease. I want to contribute to the substance abuse population because I feel the stigma that surrounds recovering addicts does not accurately portray the strength and positivity that comes from the recovery process. I want to be a part of empowering these individuals to put the pieces of their life back together. My future career objective is to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and provide therapeutic services in the emerging market of FARR certified recovery residences. I advocate the importance of recovery residences and want to bring clinical services to all levels to promote the health and well-being of individuals every step of the way on their journey through recovery. My ultimate career objective is to open a non-profit organization that will promote awareness of health and healthy eating in residential substance abuse treatment centers. A big part of what my non-profit will do will be helping people improve their lives by teaching them how to take care of themselves from the inside out. I think that more focus needs to be put on the individual as a whole during the recovery process and this can be done through educational materials, classes, and
Substance abuse as well as addiction is a topic many people choose to ignore or tend to believe that it does not affect them. Addiction itself does not seek out certain types of people but can affect anyone, at any time, for any reason. Stress, per pressure, financial trouble, even genetics all play a role in substance abuse and addiction. Unlike others, I don’t see substance abusers as weak willed but instead in need of guidance and someone to talk to about their problems. That is why, when I decided to go to school I was very interested in becoming an Addiction Counselor. I am one of those types of people who really enjoy learning new things and coming up with solutions for myself or others. The biggest reason that I decided to go to college was to find a job that I was actually fascinated with and wouldn’t dread going to work day in and day out. The biggest concern I have for my future job is stability and job availability. One area that I don’t really find high on my priority list is the money. I want to be able to make enough that I can survive and even thrive at times but I’m not looking for a job just for the financial gain. If I’m going to spend my life in a working profession it might as well be doing something I love.
determined to achieve my goal of becoming a Clinical Social Worker. I believe my life
Substance abuse counseling is the profession that I will be pursuing upon my completion of my educational requirements needed
The professional association that best represent my future career is NAADAC (National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors). The purpose of this organization is to help people have addiction problem. NAADAC’s members is made up of educators, counselors, and other addiction-focused health care professional.
The duties performed by social and human services workers are varied. They can work in a number of different fields including psychology, social work, rehabilitation, and support for families in need (BLS, 2012a). Often, they help to identify the needs of clients and help them obtain available benefits, community services, and programs. There are several other job categories that are closely related including rehabilitation counselors, psychiatric technicians, personal care aides, and eligibility interviewers for government programs (BLS, 2012a). I wish to pursue a career in the psychology and rehabilitation field of the human services category. This population is of great interest to me because of experiences with friends and family. I find this category of human services to be the most interesting and I have a strong desire
It should be noticed that in the recent few decades, the science developed at an astonishing pace, and the problem of substance abuse cause a huge public concern. Currently, substance abuse has already become a pandemic around the world. It costs individuals substantially, and it of their family as a whole. It is essential for the society to help those people who struggle with drug addiction to get rid of their pain and get back their health and balance life. Therefore, I understand the substance abuse is a tough area, and people who are struggling with addiction really need help. During the course of the interview, I
With a master 's level education in social work, I see myself envisioning clients’ health and well-being. As a student, I will study and practice techniques, beyond a generalist perspective, that will allow me to give clients hope and the ability to see something greater than what they are facing. Upon completion of a Master of Social Work direct practice degree and certificates in gerontology and mental health programs, I intend to become a licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I will competently incorporate specialized skills in different professional settings while developing my knowledge of a wide range of social issues and professional standards. With commitment, I wish to develop skills that will enable me to create or find hidden resources and services for my future clients, create platforms through counselling for victims of trauma.
How I came to choose which career path better suites me is through figuring out which of the daily tasks and environments I would like to pursue as a career. Each job is particularly
My goal is to pursue a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. My dream is to provide counsel and guidance to individuals, families, couples or groups of people; who are dealing with issues that affect them physically, emotionally and mentally. I would like help clients determine why they are experiencing their life challenges, develop goals and actions to resolve their issues. I would like to provide life changing advice to support & help clients overcome outstanding life situations, collaborate assessment and maintain treatment. Family and friends has consulted with me about their problems. I enjoy giving them advice that allows them to think about the decisions resolving the circumstance. With this I’m inspired to work in the
My future career is highly influenced by my own passion, experience, and knowledge. My experience as an addict drives my passion to help others, and the knowledge of psychology will be used to further my career goal of becoming a Recovery Coach for those living with HIV or AIDS. I believe that there is a direct correlation between an HIV or AIDS diagnosis, and substance abuse. I want to understand these connections in order to help others through clinical, counseling, forensic, and public service psychology. All four areas of psychology are interesting to me because they are all directly connected to the areas of psychology in which I wish to focus my career.
I eventually want to graduate from UNCG with my degree in recreational therapy. I know that once I do that, then I will be one step closer to accomplishing one of the many goals I have set out to conquer. Then of course I want to attend graduate school for my program and graduate with my doctorate in that field but ultimately I would like to be my own boss and have my own physical therapy practice and facilities etc. I can honestly say I see myself established in my career 5 years from now and doing what I love of course which is helping others through rehab. The population I most interested working with in the future is children. Even though they are high in energy and may be hard for them to consecrate on the activity they are doing, I feel as though they would be the most fun and easiest group to deal with. I love to see joy I bring in a child life. The satisfaction of being that individual to make a change in their life or they look up to me as a role model makes me feel like their superhero. This gives me the chance to connect with a child who has been struggling, and when they finally understand what you 're trying to teach them is most fulfilling. The book "Everything I Know About Business I Learned from the Grateful Dead: The Ten Most Innovative Lessons from a Long, Strange Trip" by Barry Barnes and John Perry Barlow is an interesting book that contain business fundamentals useful for your business. Reading this book, you are able to use information that works for
This has provided me with an added insight into what interventions may be beneficial when working with clients. My aptitude for ¨thinking outside the box¨ has facilitated effective problem solving in situations that had no single or clear-cut solution. I hope to enhance this attribute during my time in field placement by refining my critical thinking skills and increasing my knowledge of community resources, so that I can gain a strengthened awareness of how to best advocate for and support clients. My ability to integrate personal goals, values, culture and socioeconomic background into treatment planning and in the treatment process has allowed me to develop realistic and attainable goals that are relevant to each individual. This strength stems from the steadfast belief that cultural relevance is essential to provide effective services. My social work experience has refined my organization and planning skills and I have fine-tuned my ability to manage a chaotic schedule. When I have encountered challenges in the field, I have overcome them by seeking supervision and consulting with more experienced colleagues. I also dedicate extra time to learning about cultures, concepts, and practices that I may have a difficult time understanding or am not familiar with. A final strength I believe will be an asset when working as a professional social worker is my dedication to the social work mission and
The career I selected is Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselor. In this career, I will advocate and instruct individuals, families, who has is or has struggled with some type of substance abuse as well as, disorders in prevention programs. Namely, I resolved on this career because of my personal trials and tribulations with substance misuse. I went through many obstacles in my life in which has lead me the position I am today. Be that as it may, I have been clean three years, four months and twenty-two days.
A career path which I am considering for my future is that of a substance abuse counselor. Substance abuse counselors provide assistance and therapy to clients wishing to stop their use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. I am considering this field because of my personal experience with substance abuse and a desire to help others towards recovery, as well. In order to further understand this occupation, an acquaintance who works in the field and who possesses a similar background agreed to meet with me to discuss her career.
I envision myself assisting children and teens of troubled and abusive past, showing them that they do have a choice, that there are myriad options available to them. Their cycle of abuse will end, no more will they be told they are less than someone, less than a dream they dream. There is no better way to break that cycle, then with someone who has been in that precise spot. I aim to maintain a constant and consistent path to Social work. I want to continue gaining the valuable insights into the work of clinicians, to see what I can do to make a chance, to help contribute to the difference they