8. How to acquire the skills to become a medical laboratory technician is to have training in that field. I do have 2 years of training from when I was involved in a career program in high school where I learned the skills of being in a lab from how to follow a protocol to noting every data I get from my experiments. What I need to improve is to hone my skills to become better and more efficient in the lab. I need to learn the ability of time management as well as knowing what I am doing before I get into lab so I’m not asking questions or just waiting around. 9. The positives of becoming a medical laboratory technician are that it is a fast growing field. Growing at 16%, which is faster than other fields. It is also a great field to start
It is important as an APRN to understand the rules and regulations of laboratory processes to better provide accurate testing for patients and because it is federal law. After reading and researching on Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), I can see how it is important for a future nurse practitioner to have this knowledge. There is a process that a clinic is required to understanding to obtain the correct certificate for performing lab testing. There are five different types of certifications: certificate of waiver (CW), Certificate for Provider- performed Microscopy Procedures (PPMP), certificate of registration (COR), certificate of compliance (COC) and certificate of accreditation (COA). I see that the certificate of waiver
Last year during my final semester of my senior year, I was blessed to have the opportunity to be an intern in the program of study I wanted to go into. Without any doubt in my mind I chose to intern at the hospital in our town, Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital. Once I chose my intern site, I then got to choose what area I wanted to work in. I chose to intern in the ICU, because I knew I would learn the most in that area. Almost a year later and after getting CNA certified, I got offered a job as a CNA/ Telemetry Monitor Technician in the ICU. Being a Telemetry Monitor Technician, I would watch and observe the heart rates and beats of the patients in the ICU on two computer screens. If something was abnormal in a rhythm, I would make note of the abnormality and notify the nurse.
Technologist and Technicians are relied upon to do many clinical procedures. They will usually help take care of the animals that are being boarded, prep a room and/or animal for surgery, and even will work on animals that need dental care. They are also responsible for making sure that the animals are handled with care, and treated nicely. Both will most often work with small animals like birds, pigs, mice, rats, sheep, and large animals that include cattle and horses. Technicians and Technologist can choose to settle on an area of expertise like dentistry, anesthesia, emergencies, critical care, and zoological medicine. Technologist must have a four year Bachelor’s Degree in veterinary technology. Some will work in private clinical practices, and although many will work in more advanced jobs they will usually be under the guidance of a scientist or vet. Technicians need a two year Associate's degree in a veterinary technology program and will generally work in a private clinical practice under the guidance of a licensed vet. Both the Technologist and the Technician will need to undergo a credentialing exam and must become registered, licensed, or certified (this will depend on the state that they live and work in). It is suggested that you take high school classes in math, and sciences, such as biology. Most states will require Veterinary Technologists and Technicians to pass the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE). Technicians and technologists must also have work experience in a lab and pass the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science examination (AALAS). In both professions you must have communication skills as you will be spending a large portion of your time communicating with supervisors, animal owners, and other members of staff. You also must treat animals with kindness and compassion. A vet technician or technologist
Someone would need to know what it takes and the daily routines of an ultrasound technician if they are hoping to become one. A person should know the amount and the type of schooling needed. They should know what classes are needed, and they should also know the advancements and changes in the profession in the last few years to know what is ahead of them and why the school curriculum has changed. The reason I am writing this paper is because I would like to know, and to share what I found. I have wanted to become an ultrasound technician for years, but have put it off because I have been out of school 14 years and was scared to come back. I would love to work in an obstetrician’s office, because that would be my dream job. The reason I want to become one is because most of my family is in the medical field somewhere so I have the background and lots of knowledge, but I don’t care for the blood and guts that go with most of the careers in the medical field. With radiology it is non-evasive I love babies, also. I wouldn’t mind going into other fields of the industry either.
The career that I have set my heart on is a career in the field of Forensic Drug Analysis. I want to become a forensic laboratory technician. A forensic drug laboratory technician is a lab technician that gathers evidence from crime scenes and analyzes any and all data that is retrieved from said evidence. My desire for this job began back when I was 13 and visited a laboratory, then my desire resurfaced again this past summer when my sister’s brother-in-law took me to his work and showed me exactly what he does. He is part of the Kentucky Police Department and is head of the forensic drug laboratory, so he is and has gone through everything that I want to pursue. He has answered any questions that I may have on the job and he has become my
Both courses introduced me the some of the basic skills and terms that I will need to competently accomplish my duties as a Radiology Technician. Secondly, Medical Terminology has provided me with a basic understanding of all the organ systems in the human body and I believe it has aided in my success in Anatomy and Physiology I. As for Basic Health Profession Skills this course alone can be considered valuable to most wanting to enter into a health profession. It is my opinion that this course has single handedly prepared me for just some of the sights, sounds, and smells that I will encounter in a medical facility. Moreover, this course has effectively informed me of the proper ways to interact with patients and their families as well as doctors and other staff members. For me this is an exceptionally important lesson to learn since it does not matter how competently you perform your duties as a health care provider, if you are unable to respect those around
What is a CMA? A CMA, also known as a certified medical assistant, is an individual that has been awarded a certification credential through the Certifying Board of the American Association of Medical Assistants(AAMA). CMA has been educated in a wide scope of general, clinical, and administrative responsibilities. They were also tested. CMAs play major roles in the medical field, by aiding other professionals to help patients. Being a certified medical assistant takes time, the process maybe complicated but in the end of the day it may be worth it.
As every other occupation in the world there are some positives and negatives. Some positives are that you build relationship with patients as you work with them through treatments. Also, knowing the information required it could also keep you aware of your own health. Some negatives are that its a lot of paper work and off duty work as well. Documenting Physicals and other medical paper work is required.
I have had some experience at doing lab work while participating in the Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP). While in the program we had to learn how to read scientific papers and we got the opportunity to use a microscope to look at different diseases. In this program we also had Harvard Medical School students as mentors to help us navigate the science life. My mentor was Marina Watanabe, a wonderful
My topic that I am researching is a Radiology Technician. Basically, their job is to help Physicians take x-rays and to help them out with the readings. They also perform cat scans, ultrasounds, and radiation therapy. This article informs the reader of the job duties and occupational specialties. It tells them what they need to be able to do, such as noticing detail and clearly communicating. It also provides them with educational and preparation opportunities. The training is provided and the work environment is in mainly hospitals or, if you are in combat, a mobile field hospital (#10). They need to be physically ready, able and willing to perform their duties. They have to be very alert and vigilant in trying to study and notice the
I will also be responsible for communicating my findings to other physicians and/or surgeons and confirm the accuracy or falsehood of test results (Werner, 2004). Medical technologists will need to have prior knowledge on how to operate laboratory equipment such as microscopes, cell counters, calorimeters, or computer-controlled analyzers (O-Net Online, 2011; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014), determine whether or not there is an abnormal presence in cells or blood content (O-Net Online, 2011; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014), identify different types of microorganisms (O-Net Online, 2011), cultivating and evaluating specimens (O-Net Online, 2011; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014), input information and data into a patient medical records (O-Net Online, 2011; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014), and more. Since Medical technologists are basically laboratory scientists, there working environment is quite flexible. These laboratory scientists can work in hospitals, independent laboratories, molecular biotechnology companies, universities, etch (Werner, 2004). According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 50% of medical technologists are employed by general medical and surgical hospitals on the local, state, and private scale. They are least employed by schools and universities on the same local, state, and private
Choosing a career you would like to pursue for the rest of your life can be quite the hassle. You have to consider your strengths and your weaknesses along with the changing economy. If you do not take into consideration those things I just said, you might be unhappy with the career you chose. The career I chose to pursue is a medical laboratory technician. A MLT is a person that performs medical laboratory tests for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. During their job, they analyze bodily fluids, conduct blood tests and transfusions, examine cells stained with dye, record test data, take care of laboratory equipment, consult with pathologist about abnormal cells, and collect
I chose a cardiovascular technician for my future career because they help people by testing their hearts for something bad. They use electrocardiograms, EKG, and medical sonography to detect problems in the heart (Become a 1).
Medicine and research changing frequently, which leads to the opportunity to become a lifelong learner in my potential career. I enjoys studying technical processes and information and will never tire of learning new things; for me, academia and facing a field that relies so heavily on research will never fail to evoke curiosity and enthusiasm. To me, the most challenging subjects have always been the most interesting ones, and I strive to conquer and succeed with these subjects. The laboratory industry, with its constantly evolving technology and methods, will always be changing and I am equipped with the desire and skill to excel in such a rapid environment. While taking Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science class we explored all the vast options for a clinical lab major, and in all of the different applications I see nothing but opportunities. With a Clinical Lab major, there is a world of
I intend to study Medical Laboratory Science at South Dakota State University. My goal is to acquire my bachelor’s degree by completing four years in that program to earn a degree that would allow me to find a high paying career. An additional perk to my career path would be the fact that Medical Laboratory Science positions are highly in demand in South Dakota. I do plan to live and work in South Dakota after I graduate. I wish to gain a lot of experience out of this education, and gain the ability to help save lives by diagnosing and researching in a medical setting. Pursuing a college education would gain me a vast array of different career opportunities if I found that Medical Laboratory Science wasn’t for me, along with greatly increasing