
Becoming A Military Spouse Essay

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Becoming a military spouse was a major change in my life because I would never have a settle home. Moving around and traveling all over the world is fun, but sometimes can cause you to put your dreams on hold if you let it. I never imagined becoming a military spouse, but it has taught me so many different things in life and how to appreciate the people around me. It has not been easy and I know it will not be any easier over the years, but it’s up to me if I want to make this an enjoyable life style or let it get to me. The lifestyle change has been challenging, but I wouldn’t have it any other way because I enjoy being with the love of my life every chance I get. I was able to choose a career path that I enjoyed by attending Northern Arizona …show more content…

What really helps me is constructive feedback from professors because they let me know in what areas I can improve on. One of my weaknesses as a student is my grammar in every assignment I have grammar issues, even though I re-read my work multiple times and have someone read my assignments before I turn them in. I haven’t understood exactly what I am doing wrong, but I plan to keep practicing my writing. In addition, as a person, one of my strengths is being determined because when I want something I will go for it no matter how long it will take me. One of my weaknesses as a person is that I am a shy individual and when it comes to becoming a Public Administrator it will be difficult for me. But I think I can slowly overcome this by being more social. A strength of mine as a professional is I enjoy motivating others to reach their goals because sometimes people just need that extra push for them to believe in themselves. One of my weaknesses as a professional is I like to do all of the work and I don’t like to ask anyone for help because I know I can accomplish it on my own. In addition, I need to learn how to overcome this by working as a team and letting others do the work. These are some of my main strengths and weaknesses but I know it isn’t easy to overcome difficult obstacles such as my weaknesses. I can overcome them by working on myself one day at a

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