Becoming a military spouse was a major change in my life because I would never have a settle home. Moving around and traveling all over the world is fun, but sometimes can cause you to put your dreams on hold if you let it. I never imagined becoming a military spouse, but it has taught me so many different things in life and how to appreciate the people around me. It has not been easy and I know it will not be any easier over the years, but it’s up to me if I want to make this an enjoyable life style or let it get to me. The lifestyle change has been challenging, but I wouldn’t have it any other way because I enjoy being with the love of my life every chance I get. I was able to choose a career path that I enjoyed by attending Northern Arizona …show more content…
What really helps me is constructive feedback from professors because they let me know in what areas I can improve on. One of my weaknesses as a student is my grammar in every assignment I have grammar issues, even though I re-read my work multiple times and have someone read my assignments before I turn them in. I haven’t understood exactly what I am doing wrong, but I plan to keep practicing my writing. In addition, as a person, one of my strengths is being determined because when I want something I will go for it no matter how long it will take me. One of my weaknesses as a person is that I am a shy individual and when it comes to becoming a Public Administrator it will be difficult for me. But I think I can slowly overcome this by being more social. A strength of mine as a professional is I enjoy motivating others to reach their goals because sometimes people just need that extra push for them to believe in themselves. One of my weaknesses as a professional is I like to do all of the work and I don’t like to ask anyone for help because I know I can accomplish it on my own. In addition, I need to learn how to overcome this by working as a team and letting others do the work. These are some of my main strengths and weaknesses but I know it isn’t easy to overcome difficult obstacles such as my weaknesses. I can overcome them by working on myself one day at a
There is a large amount of military families around the world. About Forty- three percent of active military members have children (Website). These children face so many challenges and struggles in their life while having a parent in the military. Children of Active duty military members exhibit anxiety, depression and stress just as much as the service members and spouses experience. For instance the children experience going through multiple deployments, long separations, frequent moves and awkward reunions when their parents return home from deployment. Even more so if the parent has been physically or mentally traumatized from overseas.
Weaknesses I have had difficulty on is having to write essays. Every time my teachers assign me work to perform that involves writing an essay for instance, I tend to get frustrated. I would often spend hours trying to craft an idea on what to write about and how I should word it in my essay. An additional problem is when I read the paper to myself and looks fine, but when I turn the paper over to someone else, they do not find the point I was trying to convey. Then, I would have to verbally express the key ideas or meaning of the essay. My next two weaknesses are the ones that I still continue to kind of struggle. Those weaknesses are not finding the right words to write and being easily
MILITARY SPOUSES AND THE CHALLENGES OF MILITARY Abstract Army life is unique to say the least. The subculture, with its own language, rules, acronyms and ways, is foreign to the general population. The Global war on Terrorism has brought more awareness and certainly more curiosity about Army life. (Krajeski, 2006, 2008, p. 5).Today, more than ever, the military spouse is a pioneer who travels to strange lands, rears her
Based on the Clifton Strengths Assessment my top five strengths are strategic, deliberative, learner, maximize and individualization. As an individual, I rarely look into my weakness. I believe that when your too focused on your weakness, you forget about your strengths. Everything the book said is true, and we need to take the time to look at our strengths and make it perfect. It is true that in this world or the school system, we are taught to look at our weakness and correct it so that we can become stronger in our life. This book brings out the truth that I longed to hear for a long time. Invariably, I hear my professor tell their students that for them success in life, they must practice and look at our weakness. This book proves it wrong because for us to become successful, we must stay to our strengths’ path.
As humans, and particularly individuals, we all have personal strengths that we bring to our interactions with others as well as areas that perhaps need some more time and attention in order to improve upon them. In this journal, I’ll be focusing on four areas of strength I believe I have, as well as four areas the require further growth and personal change.
Like every human being, the same way I have strengths; Also, I have weaknesses. The weakness I need improvement is my interviewing skills. My interviewing skill is one of the reasons I
My strengths are my self-confidence, determination, organization, and ability to prioritize. Balancing an overloaded school schedule, upwards of 24 credits in a semester, maintaining excellent grades, raising a toddler, and volunteering are demonstrative of my greater fortes. In terms of weaknesses, public speaking has always been difficult for me, as well as networking. I have branched outside of my comfort zone, engaged in volunteer opportunities, student organizations, and clubs as an effort to improve upon this.
My weak area was the self-regulation portion; most of my responses to how often I handled each situation were “usually.” I need to improve on controlling my feelings in certain situations, trying to be more aware of tasks and their proposed deadlines, managing my time wisely, and executing new ideas that I myself have formulated. Other weaknesses were found in most of the areas where my strengths were. Most of them involved taking risks, which my personality often deters me from engaging in.
The strengths I have: being efficient and organize. I have to have everything a particular manner before I write, perform, or do almost any jobs. Occasionally this can cost me lots of time. The weaknesses that I have are a perfectionist and impatient at times. I was used to working at a substantially faster rate than those around me. Sharing information and interacting with others is when I learn best. Understanding my weaknesses assists me to plan methods to conquer them when I am doing tasks and socializing with others. I must be kinder to myself and less strict about matters being merely so. I also need to be more delicate and comprehensible of others who tend not to take up my perfectionist styles. I also should be patient with people who take longer time to work. Since I have got a tendency to delay works when I do not feel like doing anything, I, therefore, need to create a regular schedule with integrated rewards and times for learning and acquiring assignments done.
Also, I'm never afraid to volunteer myself to say or do something. My weaknesses are studying and being on top of homework. Studying is really hard for me and I tend to distract myself with social media. I need to improve on these skills because it really does affect my
It is vital when looking for a new job or career that you know what skills and qualities you have. Knowing what you can or cannot do will alter what employers and positions there are for you. Throughout my higher education at Full Sail University, I have been able to overcome weaknesses that I have and raised other strengths beyond what I thought I could. Matching what you are good at and not so good at can help shape what your life path will be. Looking deeper into my personal capabilities, I have discovered three strengths and three weaknesses that I have and I’m working on eliminating or improving. If you are not good at something, improving even slightly can have a nice positive impact on your overall quality of
Ever since adolescence, I’ve always said “ I would never date or marry someone in the military.” Having stayed consistent, I was convinced that nothing could change my stance, but lone and behold I was wrong. Upon watching military movies or seeing military couples online I avoided the impact of becoming separated from my lover for months at a time, but it wasn’t enough to stop me from falling in love with the man of my dreams. Although us military wives are heavily criticized, i think it is important for people to know the sacrifices us women make so that our husbands can continue to keep our country safe.
I now know that my weaknesses particularly lack of confidence is through lack of knowledge in a specific area and can be boosted by improving my self management and allocating dedicated periods of time to a specific topic. This in itself will help me overcome the majority of my weaknesses and boost my confidence, in turn this will have a knock on effect in improving my assertiveness and concentration and avoid selling myself short. As stated by Chuck Gallozi Internet article 08.12.09 “Many are painfully aware of weaknesses that hold them back. Yet, surprisingly, they are unaware of their many strengths. Focusing on our weaknesses while ignoring our strengths can be a source of discouragement and failure. And glorifying our strengths while ignoring our weaknesses can be equally unproductive. It is only when we give equal weight to our strong points and faults that we can realise our potential. Also note that we must choose our friends carefully because each relationship nurtures our strengths and weaknesses. That is, we will grow better or worse, depending on whom we spend our time with. “ Choosing associates at University is not an option ,but I
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into visible” -said Tony Robbins, author and life coach. Everyone has challenges throughout their life, but people have strengths that can lead up to effect their future. We use our goals to keep us motivated and our strengths to help us get past the challenges we face. Our weaknesses fade because our strengths become so strong and we are faced with new challenges. With each challenge we overcome we become stronger and we find more strengths in our challenges. I am a great friend because I always care for my friends and i'm their shoulder to cry on. I'm a very strong-willed person because I don't give up on something I want easily. I’m stubborn because I
My greatest strength as a student is my perseverance. No matter the difficulty of an assignment, I choose to give it my all until the end. For example, a challenge I have faced several times as a student is working with uncooperative peers. With such a difficulty, I choose to stay calm and compromise ideas with others to solve the problems. Nevertheless, if the problem is not resolved I will continue to work on the assignment until it is complete with the my best work. I have noticed that I am not discouraged by such problems, but instead use these complications as learning points in my educational experience. However, considering my strength I have a promising weakness to balance out my work habit; I am a