Growing up in America, I knew that I had lots of opportunities to benefit from. With that in mind, my teacher expedtly said to me that I would be among students who will struggle through education, and in a way subtly that I will always be a failure.However, that just inspired me to prove her wrong. I became more driven toward bettering my academics. I know that being a doctor is not the same as other careers since my childhood I have a calling to become a pediatrician.This scholarship is an esteemed administration that will help me to achieve my dreams and enable me to serve other members of the society who are like my brother as well as mentoring people with same aspiration. I have understood my purposes which I strongly believe will help
I came to America from Pakistan two years ago. I am currently attending Broward College to get my associate degree. One of my most important goals is to get a master’s degree in aerospace engineering and become an engineer. To achieve this goal, I am very passionate. I have worked very hard to maintain good grades. I have joined clubs and faced many difficulties to be where I am. I am passionate about math and physics and due to that reason I want to attend a prestigious school for sciences and become an engineer. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to get the education; therefore, I am working hard to get scholarships.
My mom immigrated from India to America in her adolescence and later was the first in our family to attend college and get a degree. I want to follow in her footsteps and go and get a college education and prove to her that I did not take all the back-breaking hours of work that both my mom and dad put in for granted, and to prove that I am willing to work hard. My parents both came to America with a couple dollars and a dream, and they were able to provide for me with little outside help. I am fortunate for this situation, and many, like me, have not had such lucky childhoods, and this has shaped my aspirations and goals in life. I want to go into the medical field in order to one day help other people. I want to make a living out of helping
Scholarship can be defined as “academic study or achievement; learning at a high level.” I have always considered myself to be very driven and motivated when it comes to my education. I take pride in the fact that I have received “A honor roll” every year, thus far. But, up until this point, making good grades has come naturally and I have found that the longer I am in school, the more difficult making the grade becomes --
As my senior year comes around, it has become more real to me that I have to take charge of my future. I deserve and need this scholarship just as I need oxygen to breathe. Being the first in my family to attend college or even have the idea in their head means I’m on my own to discover what to do to get into college and how to come up with the means. I
I have come from a struggling background. My parents never attended college and my mother has been the sole provider for my family for many years. I have watched her struggle trying to provide for us and I determined long ago that I would strive to do more for my future family than what she was able to give us. My dreams required that I attend college. It is because of the financial hardship my family faces every day that the financial burden that comes from attending college rests solely on my shoulders. Although I am employed, I do not make enough money to pay for the cost of living and my school expenses. My goal is to become an attorney and I do everything in my power to attain that goal. I excel in all of my classes and have become a leader on my campus and in my community. I rely on scholarships like the Silas Purnell Scholarship to recognize these attributes in me and with the help of this award I will be able to take my last step in my path of earning my baccalaureate degree and making my goals my
This scholarship award has improved my experience at school over the past year by alleviating the stress and worry that would have been put on me had I not been able to afford to go to school. Due to the help that I was given through this scholarship last year, I was also given a boost of confidence in my academic abilities and was named to the Dean’s list for both fall 2014, as well as spring 2015.In the upcoming academic school year I will be starting my clinical classes. I am very excited for these because they will help me determine what field I want to focus on in nursing. However, for my sophomore year I have decided to live off grounds in an apartment with two other girls so I may have to pick up a part-time job. I feel that this is will give me experience in the adult world. My future goals are to continue with the nursing program and then to enlist in the
Countless high school students aspire to become neurologists or surgeons, but tend to disregard the incredibly rewarding and memorable experiences that Pediatrics presents. Pediatrics focuses on solving issues that pertain to children, and attempt to solve these problems using critical thinking developed over decades of training and education. For those who wish to follow the medical route and make an impression on the younger generations, pediatrics is a wise, fulfilling life choice.
Within the program I plan to earn a master’s degree and an M.D. While telling others my academic goals, I have been doubted by many and am frequently encouraged to take other routes. I am often told, “Why don’t you become a nurse instead?”, “Are you sure you can become a doctor?”, “Nursing is more of a woman’s job, rather than becoming a doctor.” The doubt and discouragement from my peers, family, and others has only encouraged and motivated me to a greater extent. My father has also played an important influence in my determination to become an Orthopedic Surgeon. He left his family and friends at the age of fourteen and crossed the United States-Mexican border with the little he had. He didn’t speak a word of English nor knew what to expect. He only knew he was coming for the American Dream to help his family and to one day be able to provide his future family with opportunities not accessible to him. Since I can remember, he has always told my siblings and me to go to school and get an education so we wouldn’t have to “break our backs” like he has. My father has gone to work with sprained ligaments, high fevers, shingles, and many other
With all this being said, I’ve always strived to better myself. The best way to accomplish this is to receive a college education. Sadly, college is a big expense for my family, especially due to recent events within the family. Last year for nearly nine months my father was without work because of an injury to his back. This made it hard for us to accomodate so quickly to less income coming in. Now that he is back to work is has been easier but still the hardships aren’t gone. My grandmother has just undergone surgery for her eyes which rendered her blind and is now living with us as she needs close supervision. If awarded any scholarships, it can ease up some of the worries and lighten the
Unlike a lot of students in this school, I do not possess an outstanding amount of intelligence or academic prowess. I consider myself to be a mediocre student to say the least, and I constantly struggle with my school work. I become so infuriated at times with an overwhelming amount of frustration that I question my life dream of becoming a doctor. I remember that the best things in life never come easy, that I have to have the determination and unquenchable thirst for success in order to make my dream blossom into reality. With that mindset, I have been able to succeed in taking the first of thousands of steps towards that dream. While taking the highest level science and english courses available at the school, I have been blessed with earning a 48 thousand dollar scholarship to Newman University ,renowned for their success in sending students to Medicine School, for academics. Until my dream of becoming a doctor is a reality, I will never cease in my efforts to achieve complete academic
I am writing to apply for your two scholarships, Christian College Scholarship and the Child Care Scholarship. The field that I am looking into is pre-med and child development. I found out these scholarships through my school guidance counselor.
As I was growing into an young adult, I was asked many questions as to what I wanted to be when I grew up. Now the time has come, the decision that will affect the rest of my life. As I reflect upon the last few years, I realize how much I enjoy volunteering and helping people in my community. I am thankful for the National Beta Club and Key Club for allowing me to be involved in many vigorous activities. These activities have led me to decide to pursue a career in the medical field, preferably Physical Therapy. I feel a scholarship could help me accomplish and have my dream job.
Struggling in school forced me to come out of my comfortable zone in the classroom and outside of school. My work experience and my volunteer work have opened my eyes on how much I want to people in the future. Therefore, deciding on majoring in psychology and possibility becoming an occupational therapist one day has made want to work harder in school. The educational process is the gasoline in my vehicle. Education is what fuels my dreams. I have grown a lot as a person while attending Diablo Valley College. It is not only what I learn in the classroom but all the other resources that continue to help me become the best student that I can be. It is so important that I continuing attending college and get a degree because the school was my number obstacle growing up. I came along way from being a struggling student to become a striving one. One of my goals growing up was to graduate college because I never thought it would be possible for me. I am confident as I continue to pursue my educational goals; I will continue to become the best person I can be and in the future give back to the community more. One of my goals in the future is to help minority students who have a learning disability to succeed in school and help them further their education. This scholarship is very important me because my parents were not able to save money for my college education. Recently, my mom job was terminated late last year which was
For as long as I can remember, my parents have told me that I need to work hard and get good grades so that one day, I may receive enough scholarships to attend college. Coming from a low-income household, college wasn’t an expectation but rather a dream; one that could only be achieved through a dedication to my academics. Fortunately, I love to be challenged and most of my decision to attend college derived from a personal desire to learn.
Scholarship isn’t just a commitment of learning for me, but more of a priority to learn. I view this pillar and an opportunity to challenge myself to my fullest potential. I challenge myself by taking every honors/ap course that is given because it makes me commit to do my very best at all times. My love for learning wasn’t always so strong. There was a period in my life where I actually hated school. All through elementary school, I never understood why school was so important; it all seemed like a waste of time. However, my seventh grade science teacher lit a spark in me and ever since then my love for learning has only grown. Therefore, I make a commitment every year to do the best I can in school because we are a country who has the privilege of free education.At the end of the day I would rather get an A on a paper that I know I worked hard on for hours and skipped out on spending time with my