
Becoming A Physical Therapist Essay

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Physical Therapist When David was 20 years old, and serving in the U.S. Army, he was shot in both legs. The shot to his left leg caused him to lose feeling in his toes. David went back to the U.S. and started physical therapy. The process was slow but David transitioned from a walker to crutches. Now, after two and a half years, David can walk with nothing at all. David would not be able to walk if it weren’t for physical therapy. A career in physical therapy is an interesting one because of the education needed, daily responsibilities, and options within the field. I am interested in this career because I like science and medical related things. Physical therapy deals with both of those topics. I think a career like physical therapy would be a good fit for me. …show more content…

You need to go to graduate school in order to become a PT. According to “Physical Therapists” on Career Zone Pennsylvania, to become a physical therapist a master’s degree, a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. (law degree) may be required. Some common college majors for physical therapists are “Physical Therapy/ Therapist” and “Kinesiotherapy/ Kinesiotherapist”. There are many important skills you should have if you would like to be a PT. One is active listening. Career Zone Pennsylvania says “...full attention to what others are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting…” are very important to helping your patient feel better as soon as possible. Other skills and qualities include speaking, monitoring, and social perceptiveness. Social perceptiveness and monitoring are important because PTs need to understand how their patients are feeling. As you can see, the path to becoming a successful physical therapist is not an easy

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