
Becoming A Physician Assistant

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The main reason I would say why I want to become a Physician Assistant is to be able to be there and care for someone during their most sensitive time. How I came to this realization is from my time taking care of an elderly man named Chauncey who suffered from Alzheimer's Disease. When I started to care for Chauncey he was a very high functioning person with Alzheimer's. He could remember his time as a Professor in the Special Education department, to how he accomplished the Iron Man race when he was 50, and how he traveled all around the world. In the beginning, he just needed to be reminded to take his medication and help to recall recent events, but as time went on the man I got to know slowly started to change. The stories he would tell me would start to become the same ones over and over. To have to remind him who I was and eventually reminding him that the women always beside him was his wife. While it was hard to see this person I got to know so much change into someone completely new, I discovered that I found great satisfaction in caring for him. From seeing him have a big smile on his face as he told me about the story of him traveling all across Asia for probably the 10th time that day. To even the more difficult days when he would start to get aggressive about not wanting to take his medication or wanting to leave the house.

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