
Becoming An Eligible Police Cadet

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Becoming a police officer in today’s society is a great challenge. One must have a clean record, good credit and debit score, decent immediate family, and with many more requirements. When I first went through the application process, I could not understand why so much information was needed about my past. The application consists of education information going back to elementary school. Every immediate family member with dates of birth and home address. All open credit debts with monthly expenses information was also needed. I would think that, how an individual spends their personal money should be a private matter. Just as well, who someone affiliate with off the job should not be of any concern to an employer. After watching the documentary, The Seven Five, I clearly understood the significance to an extensive background check to be completed in order to becoming an eligible police cadet. The Seven Five documentary highlighted police corruption outside of the typical blockbuster movie’s viewpoint. The documentary was based off particular New York officers located in the 75th district. The documentary discuss points from all sides of the corruption. The views from the powerful corrupted officer, the officer who was compelled in to the scams of things, the criminals who were dealing with the officers, and officers who were out to catch the corrupted officers. The documentary does not influence you to side with the good officers or the bad officer. It described the good

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