Memories are something precious to everyone. But the best part about memories is making them. Here in the yearbook our job is to capture memories all threw out the year and put them into a school book. Being part of the yearbook is a lot more than just taking pictures. Its memories shared by everyone being keep alive forever. Becoming part of the yearbook staff your job would be to keep these memories alive for as long as history can hold.
The idea of keeping school memories in a book has been around for more than 200 years. It’s a great society to be a part of because in the end everyone is a part of the yearbook, weather you just took a picture or gave an idea for a quote. You have contributed to history.
To begin with, yearbooks are a great way to keep all of the memories and friendships that you made throughout the years, so in 15, 20 years from now you can look back and remember all the great times that you had as well as look back on all of the unfashionable fashion trends that happened over
The following content areas form the foundation of my yearbook course. They were crafted into a pre-post test as well as educational learning units: Yearbook Terminology, Photography, Writing Copy, Website Tool and Functions, Ethics Responsibility and Student Press Law, Editing and Revising, Marketing
Fun, I can’t imagine anything more fun than to represent my school and classmates in a manner that we can look back at in several years to come.I have looked at my parents yearbooks from their childhood, it brings laughs and some very funny conversation to my family.
Four years of my life drained away at this place called Troy High School. After this year I will be walking away from Troy, worn and torn from the hours of anticipation for grades to be posted, the next weekend to arrive, the answer to whether that special someone will say yes to the next dance, or the unbearable wait for that painstaking bell to ring. Troy is a place of education, a very good one at that, with its Blue Ribbon Award and national recognition, you’d think I would be walking away with knowledge that will serve me well for decades to come, but no. I could have learned the same things I learned at Troy anywhere, it is the insight I picked up that will take me far. “What insight?” you ask. Its priceless wisdom really, it’s a
I hold my membership as a homeroom representative in my high school’s Student Government in especially high regard. What led me to value this organization and to join it was due to the fact that I wanted to become an involved member of my high school community. This goal would have proven difficult if I had not joined Student Government because I did not know a single student in my grade before enrolling in my high school. On another note, student government needs its members to help out at various functions—which aid in unifying the school—such as dances or weekly lunchtime events. Thus, I gladly offered my time to set up for the Back-to-School Dance at my high school this past August. Besides situating the sound equipment and selling soft
And when many of our high school memories begin to fade, we'll ultimately measure the time we spent here, not in periods or semesters or years, but in the friendships that we made and the times we shared
I, Makena Brown, was thinking about what to write in my fifth grade classroom, as I watched my teacher, Mrs. McGovern, discuss ideas for memoirs with fellow peers. After giving the familiar classroom a good look, I finally processed that there was only one month left at my beloved elementary school, Booth Hill. As I thought about my previous years at this Trumbull Connecticut school, I was shocked by how fast the years went by, and by the drastic changes regarding the school, students, and teachers.
Being a prefect has given me many opportunities in terms of responsibility and teamwork, as it is my duty to complete tasks that benefit the school community - such as assisting on open evenings - but also to communicate with other members of my team to organise ourselves and ensure that events in the school run as smoothly as possible. This responsibility means I have developed good organisational skills and time management through being able to balance my schoolwork with prefect
My most memorable school experience, revolves around the extracurricular of being a cheerleader. Being able to have the opportunity to thrive in school spirit and to be able to build lifelong friendships has allowed me to cherish my high school experience. Even though being a cheerleader consists of many responsibilities and events; my most favored school experience is being a part of the schools organized pep rallies. Pep rallies are memorable to me because it is a couple times out of the school year that each student comes together to support and encourage our own fellow students. By encouraging students of all ages to be apart of this experience is important to me, because seeing each student happy in sight of their school is inspiring.
Everyone knows the most important event in high school is yearbook picture day. Your hair is done, you have on makeup if you wear it, and your uniform is clean and ironed wrinkle free ;it's literally the best day ever. Pictures are taken in August and you have to wait until March to receive year books. Administration feeds off of student anxiety and laughs at their impatience because they know how significant this day is for us.
It was so wonderful, I received a gold metal necklace with a honor roll certificate. I still have the certificate plastered on my bed room wall, so I know I will remember that moment forever. One day I would like to frame the metal necklace, and hang it next to the certificate. It was a major accomplishment for me, and I want to remember it so that it could motivate me through out my senior
In the yearbook class, I think I did good enough to pass. My grade should be about a B or higher. The reason why I think this, is that I took the time to do my pages and I did a lot of work to finish my pages in time. I also would like a passing grade, because, I think I put a lot of thought in my pages, like the background and other things and creativity to my pages. I was assigned Staff, Middle School Baseball, Middle School Boys Soccer, and Middle School ASB. In the beginning of the year, I was working and giving ideas to my partners on the Staff page and the Middle school Boys soccer page. Towards the middle of the school year I had to work on my pages and they worked on the other pages for me. Julian did the staff page
End of junior year, I decided to sign up to be in yearbook for the following school year. A friend of mine and the future editor of the yearbook staff would always tell me stories of all the great times she had in the class. She claimed that yearbook members truly acted as a close knit family that was always behind you a hundred percent. After a short interview process, I was notified that I had been one of the few selected to have the opportunity to create a book of memories at my high school. The idea of what I thought the class would be like and how it actually was were two separate ideas in two completely different books.
In this aspect I was indeed correct, and we took many pictures. We also sorted the pictures and uploaded them to the computer. One of the hardest things I had to do in yearbook was try to match faces to names without a list. There weren't many cases where I had to do this, but when I did it was very difficult. When you are taking pictures at like the spelling bee or geography bee I would make sure to take way more pictures than what you think you need, cause it's better to have too many pictures than too little. We ended up not having many pictures for the spelling bee and it was a little complicated. Something I wish I had learnt earlier than what I did was that you could pick designs and layouts instead of trying to come up with one from nothing. When you choose a layout you have something to go off and it is a lot simpler then trying to come up with something from scratch. Also I didn't realize how to do format on the captions which was really useful to know when I figured it out. You could adjust the font and the blur or size. There were a lot of things that I could of guessed we would do, but I also learned a lot more than I thought I would. Being in yearbook showed me lots of editing tools and how to work together to get a good page. I got to come up with my own pages and work with my classmates to get the yearbook how we pictured it. My experience in yearbook was much more than I thought it to be, we learned more things than I anticipated. I learned many new things and worked with lots of new people. My time in yearbook made me more confident on giving my opinion and working on a computer. I got more familiar with faces and names, I also got more familiar with placing pictures where they look good on the page. I realized that you have to place pictures and captions where they look appealing on the page. You want it to be legible and eye catching, but not too much to where it’s a
The picture shows a white and an African American student shaking hands and laughing. This goes to show that Upike brings more than just education to students. This picture shows my suite mates, Justin Casey and Curtis Brown, having a good time. Curtis nor Justin had