While living together you have to be good at communicating what your plans are for the day yourself in general, while taking the viewpoints of those who you are living with into account. The situation that occurred in our room we obviously did not communicate effectively. As I was unaware of the situation that was occurring in our room. We have to effectively communicate and our communication has to be honest, open, and two wayed. We all have to respect what the other is saying and the wishes of others. Communication is a key aspect in making anything run smoothly, and quite obviously Kevin did not communicate what his plans for the night were. With that being said we also decided that one of the major issues with this was that he said that he had some friends over and the friends were inviting their friends. As you saw at the hearing it seemed like there was a lot of different groups of people that came separately and didn't know Kevin or other people in the room. So another thing we decided would have prevent the situation from happening was, setting limits, and following the school limit for guests allowed in the room, as well as being able to say no to people if it is going to exceed the limit. Communicating when other roommates are not present in the room, such as myself and Zach …show more content…
We have to be open as well as have a two sided conversation. This means that we don't just hear what each other have to say, but we have to listen, and take their opinions into account and follow the wishes of every room member. This goes both ways. It is ok to have friends over, and a social aspect of college is important, however we have to be accountable and hold our roommates accountable and make them follow the University guidelines, and expect them to follow the guidelines especially when they are in our room as its is also our living area and responsibility that they guidelines be followed
For example, you usually need a TV, microwave, refrigerator, and a couple fans if your dorm does not have air conditioning. You can save a little bit of money because you can split the necessities between three people, unlike the usual two people. This is nice in regards to all the money you are having to pay for tuition, any money that can be saved is important to the students and the parents. It is also nice to have three people in a room because if you ever forget something at home that you need, there is a bigger chance that at least one of your roommates is going to have the item. It is kind of like when people say “sharing is caring” with two roommates there is more to share, which is nice if you are all the same size because then you can borrow clothes as well! Madison Muscari states that “there is not enough closet space in a triple…” but, if you decide you want to share with your roommates there is no reason that you cannot all fit your clothes into the two closets
A dormitory may consists of two to three other individuals in a room whereas if a person works, attends college lectures, or even a college football games they would have communicated with more than three people apart from their roommates in daily life. For example, students might need to talk to each of their professor (who are all different ) regarding class work or course materials, converse with other students while preparing a group presentation, or debate with students during a class discussion who all have opposing viewpoints on certain subject.
I agree that there is a lot of peer pressure in college from your peers and other influences. If one of your peers are going to a party or out to a night club most likely you will be asked to go. In high school it was harder to go out to a party or to a night club because you lived at home with your parents or guardians. If you decide to move out in the beginning
Melanie states that “college isn’t so much an academic life , but it’s also a very social and emotional part of who you are , too.” She explains that college isn't about only education but also is socializing with others and knowing yourself. College students also have the rights to socialize with people and
The dorms isn’t what I expected when I came here, but I lived and went with it. We learn to be responsible, disciplined, want to keep the place clean, and don’t want trouble. There is always activities after school or on the weekend. I say go out there and have the out of dorm experience, try and not to be a dormrat. My favorite activities are swimming, paintball, and
“And with the recent demonstrations in districts 3 and 5, we must reconsider our actions in which we respond with my friends.”
Nestled among large oak trees, the two, three and four bedroom homes of Heritage Oaks at Brooks City Base are right near of ton of shopping and dining destinations. There is the City Base West Shopping Center and City Base Cinema a walk away as well as a Home Depot, Target and other stores right across SE Military Drive from this apartment complex. Located within the I-410 Beltway that surrounds San Antonio, it is near I-37, which residents can use to get downtown any time they desire.
Upon enrolling in Sexual Communication, my initial belief was that I️t would be an easy course. I also had the belief that I wouldn’t learn much due to my prior knowledge regarding sex and communication. Weeks later, this notion was dismissed and I began learning facts, tips, and other pieces of information I most likely would not been exposed to if I did not enroll into this class.
Any conflict we have had in our relationship we deal with head on and confront the person about any problems or difficulties. In another aspect I have noticed a slight frustration arising in our new living situation. The few frustrations that have arose were little messes in the kitchen. With Abigails and I’s communication being so open I have had no problem showing her my frustration to for a
Based on my own observations of male-female communication, Deborah Tannen, the author of “Sex, lies, and Conversation”, has expresses accurately the actual communicated problems that most of men and women have in her analysis. Although, her analysis does not include all type of men and women in the world. In my country, women are tricky and smart, they know how to make men listen to their story, but women also dislike when men give them a different point of view. Women are the selfish creature that everyone knows but never say it out. Additionally, men in my country, do not do such as close their eyes or look at another object while talking to their friend or partner. It shows as disrespect. Most of the Asian nations verily attach much importance
Communication is a big part of a relationship without there can be room for miscommunication. In order to get through future situations we need to use I statements so no one feels that they are being talked down to. Feeling judged is a big problem that has been the topic of all of our arguments. With this break through last meeting I think that we will now co-exist as roommates more smoothly and more effective
Another kind of roommates is conservative roommates. They are so careful about their relations with other people and students. Especially they care how to behave with their roommates. Roommates who include in this category are conservative and much cautious in terms of how to get relation and how his or her other roommates should behave with them. In our room I may go to this category of roommates. I am not that good a joker and get serious soon that is why my roommates don’t joke much with me. Once my roommate
Either the team will bond and grow stronger as one unit or will crumble and fall from the stress and tension that goes on from spending too much time together. For most college players, their main friends are the girls or guys they hang out with on a daily basis. With athletes, their friends would be a teammate, and when tension builds on a team these friendships begin to take a toll as well. Not having somebody there to talk to can cause a series of problems with both personal wellbeing and getting along with the rest of the team. Housing for college students should be split up between teammates and people that are not on the team. These “outsiders” help provide a buffer between teammates and gives them time away from the people they spend so much time with. When you mix in outsiders, the team ends up making more friends and not spending so much time with the same people every
We are often reminded of the adage, “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” Selfies are seen with the eyes; transitively, they must also be the windows to the soul. Just as this one opening statement exposes my logical-minded nature, this selfie exposes viewers to facets of my entire reality. It depicts my best friend and I working in the audiovisual control room of a local mosque. At the first glance, viewers deduce that both of us are of similar races. In fact, most of my close friends and I share an African-Indian heritage. They, like me, spend much of their time volunteering at or attending mosque-sponsored events, largely dominated by this culture; this frequent proximity caused strong bonds to form between us. Furthermore, viewers may notice that our clothing is the typical American formal attire. This is a testament to my generation’s Western acculturation in comparison to our African elders, who continue to dawn traditional festive garb. Now, if viewers choose to dive deeper into their analysis, they will find further elements exposing intrinsic parts of my personality.
When I walked into the boys’ lavatory for the first time, I was immediately overwhelmed by the horrendous stench. The lavatory was poorly ventilated. Over the years the lavatory odors had become part of the walls, ceiling and the cement floor. I briefly looked around, and decided that I really didn’t need to use the facilities, so I quickly walked out. I never wanted to go into that room again.