A tornado is a swirling funnel that goes hundreds of miles per hour. They include lightning, damaging, straight-line winds, heavy rain and hail. They damage houses and towns. A tornado can happen any time at any day. Humans and animals can die if they don’t take the right procedures. Some animals have been reported to survive living through a tornado. You can often notice if an tornado is about to happen. Here are some ways you can tell how. Their will usually be a dark greenish sky. Their will be and absence of rain but will be hailing. Sometimes Before a tornado strikes, the wind may die down and the air may become very still. Their will also be a Wall of clouds or an approaching cloud of debris.
“As long as my father was alive, I wanted to live-but only because of him” Ellie Wiesel. These words from Eliezer Wiesel clearly state that his only motivation to keep going during the Holocaust was his father. If he lost his father, he would lose his will to survive. Throughout the memoir “Night” by Elie Wiesel, we learn that there was only one thing that kept Wiesel motivated to live. Eliezer is driven to keep going by his father’s presence, decline in health, and passing.
The Joplin tornado was the biggest tornado on the record for that year. The Joplin tornado was the most powerful tornado that people have ever seen. After the tornado was over there was no building without debris on or in or by them everything was destroyed. The tornado killed thirty-eight people and over 1,000 people were injured. The cost of everything was about 2.8 billion dollars for stores, houses and even cars. The Joplin tornado was the tornado that caused the most damage that year. Now learning from that I have some tips for you. Some tips for you when there is a tornado in the area: If you see a tornado then run to the lowest area in your house and protect yourself. If you don't have a lower level then go to a room without a window. When the tornado hits keep covering yourself till it
During the Joplin, Missouri Tornado many people did not take shelter because they thought it was a false alarm. So by many people not doing that it cause many more injuries. Tornadoes form from rotating air caused by a thunderstorm. Tornadoes usually have winds less the 160 mph but the Joplin, Missouri Tornado did not. The tornado included many details common to tornados, damage and destruction to property and lives that affected the region, but the area has recovered in the aftermath.
The Tri-State Tornado affected Missouri, Indiana, and Illinois greatly through the 219 miles of damage. People in 1925 were unprepared due to the lack of technology in 1925. 75 years ago the tornado surprised people because they had no warning. In fact, the 1974 Oklahoma tornado outbreak, with 45 tornadoes in total, did not kill as many people as the Tri-State tornado. The difference in years is 49, that proves that the technology in 1974 was significant compared to the lack of technology in 1925. They were much more prepared for the tornados that occurred. If the tornado occurred today, the tornado would kill less people because the weather channels could see the tornado was approaching. The the wind speed of the tornado was 318 mph at it's
A tornado watch when issued is just a reminder that the weather does have the potential to produce a tornado and that caution should be used when traveling and doing outdoor activities. However, when a tornado warning is issued this is a warning to take cover in a cellar, basement or other safe places; away from windows and other places where one may be harmed.
How tornadoes form you ask? Tornadoes form when different winds from different places met and form this giant spinning destructive cyclone which can be powerful or only cause minor damage. Tornadoes form when hot air from different places and cold air from different places collides which can make a tornado at any speed,
Tornadoes are devastating atmospheric events that affect the ecology and the lives of people in their paths. Tornadoes are defined as “a violently rotating column of air, in contact with the ground, either pendant from a cumuliform cloud or underneath a cumuliform cloud, and often (but not always) visible as a funnel cloud” (Glossary of Meterology, 2011). The Tri-state tornado was the most deadly tornado in the United States. It stayed on the ground for a total of 219 miles through areas of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killed a total of 695 people, and an estimated $16.5 million in damages (National Weather Service, 2011). Luckily, the tornado’s path was largely rural farmland with scattered small towns between them. <Add thesis>
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a 501(c)3 business that will bring in over one billion dollars in revenue in 2014. However, many of the athletes that bring in the money to the NCAA are complaining of going hungry because of the strict rules the NCAA has placed on university athletic programs. In March 2014, Shabazz Napier, the star of the 2014 NCAA Champions University of Connecticut Men's Basketball Team, publically told reporters that he sometimes goes to bed hungry some nights because he can not afford food. Although NCAA full scholarships include meal plans, the NCAA recognized a need for more accessible food for athletes. In April 2014, the NCAA approved a motion that will allow universities to provide unlimited
Tornadoes are very complex natural events. The tornado has to be the right size so that the tornado can release the rain at the precise amounts. If the tornado was too small the tornado would not produce enough heat to create a vacuum. The height from the ground is also a really important factor in the creation of a tornado. This is because the higher up the tornado is from the ground the more air the tornado will have rushing into it. These are just some of the many factors that have to be exactly perfect for a tornado to be naturally created and sustain the wind speed required for it to be a tornado.
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive, powerful stimulant that affects the brain, and most importantly the central nervous system (NIH, 2013). It is most commonly known as meth, crystal, chalk ice and many others as it is a white, odorless and bitter crystalline powder that can be easily dissolved in water or alcohol (NIH, 2013). It is a drug that is harmful not only to an individual, but also to society and the environment.
Those who live in tornado alley as it’s called, knows that when they hear the warning sirens to be on the watch. Then as one looks at the skies they see the dark clouds gathering together as the winds start to blow, rain is starting to fall and then off in the distance you can see a funnel cloud now forming and then you have a tornado coming towards you.
“The crust of the earth is a vast museum” is very important in chapter 8. This quote is taken from The Origin of Species. This quote is a metaphor comparing the all the animals on the earth microscopic species to Elephants, and having them in the spacious museum. Darwin is saying that how many creatures we find small or big there will always be more out there. This quote is pretty explanatory and not difficult to comprehend.
Tornados are one of the most destructive and devastating natural forces on Earth. When a tornado is fully created, wind speeds can reach up to more than 300 mph (483 km/h). Most tornadoes that occur are between the Appalachians and Rocky Mountains, but tornados can happen where ever the conditions are right. 90% of tornadoes that happen in the United States, happens in the Central United States. Even though scientist have not yet understood how tornadoes are formed, they’ve developed a theory that consist of the process and conditions of which a tornado must have to form.
A tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes can produce massive destruction with wind speeds of 250 miles per hour or more. The typical tornado moves from southwest to northeast, but they have been known to move in any direction. The average forward speed of a tornado is 30 miles per hour but it may vary from stationary to 70 miles per hour. Although tornadoes occur in many parts of the world, they are found most frequently in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains during the spring and summer months. In an average year, 800 tornadoes are reported nationwide, resulting in 80 deaths and over 1,500 injuries.
A tornado is defined as a violently rotating column extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of two hundred and fifty miles per hour or more. Damage paths can be more than one mile wide and fifty miles long. In an average year, eight hundred tornadoes are reported nationwide, resulting in eighty deaths and over one thousand five hundred injuries. In the body of my essay, I will tell you about types of tornadoes, where tornadoes come from, where and when tornadoes occur, the damage they inflict, variations of tornadoes, and how to detect tornadoes.