Dr. Woods: Weight: 209lbs ( 5 lbs. since 11/13/15) BMI 28.3, medical visits: 3 since seen in Behavior Clinic 11/13/15: 11/14/15 “cold sore” 11/22/15 rectal bleeding (had several ounces of viscous lidocaine), RX lidocaine oral 1 refill, 2/5/16 “chest cold” RX: Levaquin 500 qd x 14 days, cetirizine 10 gd x 30 days with 1 refill. “Dr. Richardson is very worried about his weight gain”. Discussed need for better choices of foods or at least addition of multivitamin daily (suggested 2 Flintstones daily) suggest positive reinforcement & allow redirection instead of refusal. Discussed that his BMI is not a true picture due to muscle & bone mass. I do not recommend more weight loss. Also suggested Vitamin D level. Dr. Mejer: Did well at dentist
BH reports that he takes his medications as prescribed and reports he has tried to adjust his diet in order to decrease his glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol. He continues to consume
South Florida Behavioral Health Clinic, Inc. is a comprehensive and federally qualified health clinic serving residents of all ages, races and ethnicities, with or without insurance, within Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties for more than 15 years. SFBHC encompasses 6 health clinics across South Florida, and employ approximately 25 providers with over 135 staff members. The SFBHC main purpose is to provide residents in South Florida with effective treatments and services for mental and/or substance use disorders. Recent changes in the United States health system has helped remove barriers for citizens to access behavioral health services. As a result of the Affordable Care Act, a range of health plans are being required to cover essential benefits including mental health and substance abuse treatments.8 The Affordable Care Act extends the impact of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) so that many health plans must offer coverage for mental health or substance use disorders with at least an equal level of benefits as the plans offer for the treatment of physical health problems.8 Services at SFBHC include: individual/group counseling, supportive services, evidence-based treatment and
Tristan is a sixteen year old male that has been admitted to Newport News Behavioral Health Center for the following reasons: mood instability, impulsivity, substance abuse, and poor impulse control.
The offender returns to clinic today for a number of issues. 1. Diabetes mellitus type 2: This has been well controlled on oral metformin and the patient reports that she has no concerns in this regard. Last hemoglobin A1c was 5.9 about a month ago and all other labs within normal limits except for a quite high LDL at 171. She has not been on cholesterol-lowering therapy in the past. In addition, her TSH was very slightly elevated at 4.740 which can be considered the upper limit of normal. She has not noticed any significant constipation, excessive fatigue, or cold intolerance but she has had continued trouble with weight gain and thinks she may benefit from some low-dose thyroid replacement. 2. Chronic low back pain: At
This counselor was able to collect information from Jared's primary care doctor and therapist regarding his disabilities. The information collected from his treating team was used to assist with determining his eligibility for services.
Hi Joesph, in response to Desiree Smith's posting Client-centered, and consultee-centered Approaches would work well with this population group? Similarly, how might one implement the challenges when faced with denial and resistance? especially when asked to work in consultation practices? According to Dougherty (2010), Dougherty suggested that consultant roles may include that of advocate, expert, trainer/educator, collaborator, fact finder, process specialist, or other less common roles. Therefore, may I suggest Behavioral consultation as another approach to take in consideration due to the sensitivity nature of the specific issues. The application of systems theory and principles of learning to the problem-solving process would be beneficial in working with this population group.
I am Grace Norton, currently filling the position of Human Resources for Behavior Care Specialists. My educational and experience background comprises of an A.S. degree in Child Development and B.S. in Elementary Education and Special Education K-8. I was in the work force as Program Coordinator for the Developmental Population for almost 10 years.
The Behavioral Health Services outpatient clinic is located in a diverse community in Williamsburg Brooklyn, and although the organization’s mission reflects service delivery to multicultural populations in the borough, the agency service towards the Latino population continues to show high in numbers for clients’ satisfaction with services, more than other populations. The community demographics are made up of people who identify as minorities from different ethnic cultures who can receive services. Although some people may refuse services, Susanna and I believe that the agency is not active in reaching out to diverse populations within the community, who could benefit from the services. The agency services do not appear to be culturally
Rosemont Center is located in Columbus, Ohio. It provides for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being of troubled youth and their families. Rosemont is committed to helping children in need; it is dedicated to healing and renewing youths with a history of trouble and abuse. Rosemont provides the unconditional acceptance, treatment, counseling, education and hope that the youths urgently need to be more productive members of the community. Rosemont had two locations, Rosemont-Bay Saint Louis and Rosemont-Jackson (Swayne, Duncan & Ginter, 2008).
Attending McLeod Behavioral health, was a wonderful learning experience. I was given the opportunity to interact with several of the patients and learn how they viewed their illness. One of the patients described her illness as being “trapped in a box.” When asked to explain her comparison, she stated that her illness would cause her to hear several voices. She stated, “I try to plug my ears with tissue, but sometimes that does not work and all I can do is just listen, like a person would if trapped inside a box and cannot get out.” This was very interesting for me because I gained insight on the how the patient defined her illness.
2. Influences on behavioral health service delivery come from the combination of social, political, and economic forces. These three forces are intertwined and affect each other. For an example, legislation must be passed so that healthcare is accessible for everyone. One of the main factors preventing a person from seeking mental health is the cost.The ACA provided an opportunity to transform a fragmented and inadequate healthcare delivery system, especially when it comes to providing mental health and substance abuse services. It expanded eligibility of Medicaid, reduced the rate of Medicare rates, restricted annual limits for those with pre-existing conditions, increased accountability, encouraged an integrated continuum of care,
At this time, counseled him on weight loss and continue to observe him while he is here at corrections and will monitor him for his hep C, also. Will do another liver enzymes and a CBC in six months. Patient agrees with
lives with is grandparents, parents and one younger sister. Grandparents speak Spanish. Parents and children speak Spanish and English. had been ill frequently during first grade and missed a number of days of school. Parents indicated enjoys school.
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct Disorder are often referred to in the literature as disruptive behaviour disorders (DBD).This is due to the fact that children who have these disorders tend to disrupt those around them (Gathright and Tyler 2014). Disruptive Behaviour disorders are characterised by a repetitive and persistent pattern of antisocial, aggressive or defiant conduct. Such behaviour is more severe than ordinary childish mischief or adolescent rebelliousness, and it goes beyond isolated antisocial acts (NICE 2012). Children suffering from conduct disorder often act inappropriately, violate the behavioural expectations of others and infringe on the rights of others ( Grey and Zide 2013).
The key concepts of behavior therapy are that it “is grounded on a scientific view of human behavior that accommodates a systematic and structured approach to counseling” (Corey, 2013, p. 250). The attention is focused on the behavior of the person. Behavior therapy is about giving control to the client to expand their freedom. “People have the capacity to choose how they will respond to external events in their environment” (Corey, 2013, p. 250).