The article under review is titled “Behavior Management in Inclusive Classrooms.” The article describes just how important this issue is going to be to the future teacher and the ones already in the classroom. The ratio of special education students in a traditional classrooms are rising. Before entering into my observations hours I was unfamiliar with a collaborated classroom setting. Although this is one of the most challenging settings to face using a proactive behavior management program like the one described in the article can make learning undisturbed.
The authors selected research articles and other writings from the field for review and analysis. There methods were thorough. There intent was to integrate the findings that had already
The objective of this chapter is to provide a well detailed systematic critical analysis of the chosen articles related to the research questions previously identified in chapter 1. This chapter has been divided into sub-sections to reflect the research questions of the literature review.
Throughout the years education has taken many different directions, each direction presenting new positive and negative outcomes. One of the newest directions the school system has taken is the inclusion movement. As a result of the inclusion movement some other changes within the classroom have been made. This includes behavior management programs. This has led to the development of Positive Behavioral Support.
As an inclusion teacher, I am often tasked with growing students who have not achieved much success in the traditional classroom structure. Often times my students do not respond well to typical behavior management strategies. These students tend to be highly emotional and reactive in their responses to stimuli as opposed to working through those situations in a rational process.
Sources cited must be relevant, comprehensive and current as to provide evidence that the study conducted was necessary (Burns & Grove, 2011). Walker cited both quantitative and qualitative studies to describe current knowledge of the problem and need for additional research. The literature was effective and relevant to the focus of the research study. The author used literature to build a logical argument in the introduction and complement the findings of the study in the discussion. Available studies were not evaluated nor were weaknesses indicated.
Therefore, the following literature review will examine articles and their findings within this controversial topic.
The appropriate institutional review boards approved this study; and Pinto (2009) supervised all portions of the analysis process (Pinto, 2009). The method of analysis was categorized into the following sections: recruitment, interview procedures, interview protocol, analytic strategy (Pinto, 2009).
In the scholarly article, Positive behavior support in the classroom: Facilitating behaviorally inclusive learning environments, Terrance M. Scott, Kristy Lee Park, Jessica Swain-Bradway and Eric Landers introduce the idea of positive behavior support in the general classroom setting. Scott et al. (2007) focused solely on the positive behavior support that would benefit children with an emotional and behavioral disorder (EBD). No specific emotional disturbance was stated therefore the ideas are based that the child may have a exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child’s educational performance: (A) An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors. (B) An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers. (C) Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances. (D) A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression. (E) A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems” as given by the Individuals with Disability Act. The general idea being that adapting the classroom environment before a problem or problem behavior occurs, is the key to an effective classroom and learning environment. The ideas of Scott et al. (2007) will be compared to the concepts discussed in Sarita P. Santos’ course Inclusive Learning Environments for
The purpose of this paper is to critique a quantitative study and to present a critical analysis on its research findings. The paper will discuss the elements influencing believability and robustness of research, including writing style, research problem, literature review, conceptual framework, research question, hypothesis, study sample, methods, data analysis and results, and discussion of the relevance and future directions.
A total of 23 articles were deliberately analyzed and interpreted for common themes. A final consensus was made by three reviewers after comparing the prepared notes on articles. A comprehensive summary of every article is delineated in Table 1. In order to identify the frequency
There are ten scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles selected for the preliminary literature review and they are summarized below. The relevance of the articles and the research findings, research design and methods are included below.
An Introduction to Classroom Management in Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved February 02, 2016, from
A review of the literature provides more detailed information on the chosen topic. Its purpose is to give the researcher knowledge that will form the foundation for his or her study and therefore, the information must be related to the topic. Not only does it provide basic information on the variables in the topic but also covers various relatable studies conducted in the past; how, where they were conducted, and the conclusions that the researcher(s) came to. Literature can be obtained from a wide variety of sources; newspapers, journals, databases, books, encyclopedias, digital sources, and much more. Information obtained in this section helps the researcher understand the magnitude of the problem defined in the first stage, recognize any consequences and gaps that other researchers may have not filled, and identify potential strategies to combat the problem. It serves as a secondary source of information. Based on
Chapter 3 Describes and justified the research methodology adopted before gathering the primary data for analysis, chapter 4. Discussed the empirical findings and analysis of the study and finally, chapter 5, Concludes the study with critical review, key insights gained from the study, recommendations as well as avenues for future research.
This chapter is aimed at giving conclusions that are coming from research and also recommendations given to the outcome. The conclusions and recommendations are based on the findings of the research that were presented in the previous chapter. The findings and discussions give an overview to the management team on what needs attention