
Behavioral Approach And Consistent Misunderstanding And Devaluation

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Behaviorism application to early childhood, the behavioral approach and consistent misunderstanding and devaluation exists among many professional in the early childhood field. In this paper, it will discuss the important figures in developing behaviorism, the principal elements of the theory and relevant periods of development through adolescence. In addition, it will identify and describe the critical features of the behavioral approach and their similarities to early childhood and the strength and weaknesses of behaviorism. Finally, the paper will provide examples of the influence and application of the behavioral perspective in early childhood. In the conclusion of this paper, we assert that behaviorism is the most pragmatic and functional of the modern psychological ideologies and described both development and learning. The three theorists: Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, B.F. Skinner summarizes the behaviorist theory in different ways and in this paper; it will provide details of the theorist definition of behaviorism.
Keywords: behaviorism, theory, early childhood, adolescence, and development

Important Figures in Behaviorism

A child being born with a “clean slate” is known as “behaviorism”, which is written out throughout life and those conditions of events, cause all-important human behaviors. Behaviorism is the scientific study of human behavior. Behavior is to be considered something that can actually be observed not feelings or

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