
Behavioral Case Study Outline

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QP engaged Tatiana in participating in an evidence base practice geared towards understanding feelings. QP explained to Tatiana that the activity will help her make nonviolent and non-abusive choices in two ways; by separating feelings of anger from the behavior choose, by recognizing she can use other feelings when feeling angry. QP explained to Tatiana that the goal of the activity, is to identify the relationship between power and anger, to separate feelings of anger from the behavior chosen and to examine the relationship between anger and other feelings. QP explained to Tatiana that anger should not be used to justify violence and abuse, or to intimidate or make other people feel powerless. QP asked Tatiana to list some ways people can express anger without being abusive or violent. QP asked …show more content…

QP explained to Tatiana, the iceberg feelings people have; this is where anger is used to mask other feelings. QP asked Tatiana to list some feelings people tend to mask. QP demonstrated to Tatiana, with a diagram, how the iceberg feelings works. QP explained to Tatiana, that people need to understand what lies beneath their anger and other people’s anger in order to cope effectively with their feelings. QP explained to Tatiana that talking about feelings, instead of showing the anger, makes it much easier to understand others and resolve conflicts. QP provided Tatiana with a worksheet in which she had to identify the different feeling people express when they are angry. QP asked Tatiana to list some difficult feeling people may have. QP asked Tatiana to list some helpful feelings people have. QP provided Tatiana with scenarios in which she had write down the feelings, besides anger, the person might be having in each situation. QP provided Tatiana with words of encouragement and praises. QP provided Tatiana the opportunity to express her feelings and thoughts during the

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