
Behavioral Health Nursing Paper

Decent Essays

In doing my research for this paper there was one major theme that repeated itself as a concern for patients diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Medication has been the hardest part for treating clients that were diagnosed. Medication is a major issue when dealing with any patient in a behavioral health setting. The behavioral health system can do better with providing medication management to patient. Since the various problems with specific medication was already discussed in the previous section of this paper I will not go into much detail. I will discuss what doctors can change while treating patients. I will also discuss other possible problems with in the behavioral health system.
As social workers we are responsibly for providing proper medication treatment in conjunction to other services to help all behavioral health patients. The psychiatrist is often in charge of medication …show more content…

We should work to help our clients understand that having a mental illness doesn’t translate to them being less then or irrelevant. This population should still be given the opportunity to be hired for a job if they are able to complete the tasks assigned to them. They should be able to participate in community activities without being excluded. They should not be discriminated against or put down.
Also since we are the professionals within this field of mental health we should be working to educate our communities about the misconceptions of mental health. Every client functions on a different level. Some client may be unable to maintain employment and will require assistance their entire life. Some clients are able, with proper medication management and support, to maintain, employment and social life. We should educate and encourage communities to work with people who are able to function on these

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