In doing my research for this paper there was one major theme that repeated itself as a concern for patients diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Medication has been the hardest part for treating clients that were diagnosed. Medication is a major issue when dealing with any patient in a behavioral health setting. The behavioral health system can do better with providing medication management to patient. Since the various problems with specific medication was already discussed in the previous section of this paper I will not go into much detail. I will discuss what doctors can change while treating patients. I will also discuss other possible problems with in the behavioral health system.
As social workers we are responsibly for providing proper medication treatment in conjunction to other services to help all behavioral health patients. The psychiatrist is often in charge of medication
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We should work to help our clients understand that having a mental illness doesn’t translate to them being less then or irrelevant. This population should still be given the opportunity to be hired for a job if they are able to complete the tasks assigned to them. They should be able to participate in community activities without being excluded. They should not be discriminated against or put down.
Also since we are the professionals within this field of mental health we should be working to educate our communities about the misconceptions of mental health. Every client functions on a different level. Some client may be unable to maintain employment and will require assistance their entire life. Some clients are able, with proper medication management and support, to maintain, employment and social life. We should educate and encourage communities to work with people who are able to function on these
Behavioral healthcare has morphed its face over the last century from one that was focused on inpatient psychiatric hospitals to community-based behavioral health centers. From the beginning, “notions that people with mental illness are sometimes unpredictable and perhaps dangerous to know”, has caused a large stigma associated with behavioral health (Lawrie, 2015). With these changing facets also come challenges. There are challenges of consumer expectations and the treatment of behavioral health disorders from primary care providers. Insurance access also raises another challenge, that has slowly changed, as well as the retention of staffing. The financial stability of a facility is also an important factor for healthcare and for the behavioral healthcare system.
Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that is the base of several psychological symptoms. There are many people out there who suffer from this disorder and have no idea on how to cure it. Some people tend to spend their whole life with this disorder; whilst others get it treated as soon as they see first sign or symptom of it. Schizophrenia is not a disorder that cannot be treated; with the right kind of treatment, the disorder can be controlled and the individual suffering from it can be cured. The paper will discuss the schizophrenia disorder in detail, causes, risk, signs & symptoms, and treatments of it.
In an attempt to gain a position as a psychologist, I will be discussing schizophrenia and the disorder’s casual factors, associated symptoms, the areas of the brain it affects, and the neural basis of the disorder. I will continue on to discuss appropriate drug therapies. In addition I will also be reviewing two separate case studies, each on a different disorder. I will be examining each problem from the perspective of a bio psychologist. I will define the patient’s diagnosis at length I will relate each case to the nature-nurture theory, and talk about any helpful drug interventions or solutions for each disorder. When talking about drug intervention, it is also important to discuss the positive and
The purpose of this paper is to conduct an in depth exploration of the nursing care considerations of patients in a specific clinical area. Through the synthesis of prior knowledge, clinical experiences and skills, evidence based best practices, and care of patients a comprehensive care and teaching plan will be composed. Integration of critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills, combined with evidence-based research will provide confirmation of nursing process comprehension. The inclusion of reviewed literature will further support knowledge and understanding.
These potential psychosocial issues relevant to Jenny, create different nursing care interventions also relevant to Jenny. Education and emotional support for the patient and family is a necessary role for nurses to paediatric patients with cancer and chronic illnesses (Kieran, Meyler & Guerin 2010, p.16). It is important that nurses involve the appropriate health professional through referrals for social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists and more (Kieran, Meyler & Guerin 2010, p.16). When caring for Jenny, nurses and health professionals need to consider that the legal age for consent to medical treatment is sixteen (reference) and Jenny is nine. Therefore, her parents need to be involved and addressed in every decision throughout Jenny’s care. Family centered care is the dominant type of nursing care for children with cancer as it
Behavioral counseling supports women so they don’t have to quit alone. The counselor may ask, What is the reason why you started smoking?. A typical response would be “ smoking calms me down” or “I feel more comfortable in social situations with a cigarette in my hand”. Address each concern with the correct response, such as, breathing inhaling and exhaling creates a calming stress relief or slowly eliminate the social situation that would trigger a craving. Essentially, looking at the counseling session as an onion, peeling back the layers to find out, why, where are the triggers and how can I help you along this journey of becoming
Furthermore, tremendous advances have been made in the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses in the recent decades. Nowadays, someone with a mental illness is treated with respect, just like every other person, because, in fact, everyone is equal. Society’s goals today are to treat and support the mentally ill individuals enough so they can live in
For most individuals with schizophrenia, a thorough treatment plan is vital to assist with medication adherence, reduce hospitalization and to provide improvement in quality of life. Typically a prescription for antipsychotics is necessary not only to reduce positive
Throughout the many years, there have been many negative public perceptions of Schizophrenia, which is known by majority of the public as an indication of mental illness. This disorder is most of the time perceived by the public as caused by psychological factors. People with this mental illness are considered to be unpredictable and threatening (Angermeyer & Matschinger, 2003, p. 526). Most patients have a behavioural dysfunction. Victims, families and society carry a substantial burden due to this illness (Wood & Freedman, 2003).
Schizophrenia is a life-long disorder that affects about one percent of the population (Mueser & McGurk, 2004). The cause of this mental illness is still unclear. Studies have suggested that Schizophrenia does not arise from one factor but from a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors (Liddle, 1987). People diagnosed with Schizophrenia struggle to deal with a multitude of symptoms that make it difficult to function (Mueser & McGurk, 2004). Antipsychotic medications are a popular treatment of the symptoms of Schizophrenia (Mueser & McGurk, 2004). Research is constantly being done to develop these medications to enhance the quality of life of those diagnosed with Schizophrenia.
Human service professional is required to help everyone in-need and to be able to advocate their clients (no matter what races, sexuality, mental illness etc.). From the beginning, I would review the psychiatric evaluation to find out the basis problems that my client has. I would look for the recommendation of the psychiatrist. The convergence of these factors would help me construct the right treatment plan for my client. A treatment that me and the psychiatrist would agree on to ensure it is for the best. As well, to ensure it fits to the financial line of the family and that they feel the plan will do justice for the client. The treatment is crucial for the client to improve its mentality and to create progress which is why it should be treated carefully.
One of the biggest contributors for poor healthcare is the stigma against mental health. This stigma allows healthcare providers to view those with a mental illness as having low relevance, thus creating disinclination towards providing adequate resources and/or care. This negative stance, based on misinformation and prejudice creates those that have a mental illness to lose their self confidence. Because of this loss, people with mental illness decide not to contribute to their health or livelihood. In the past fifty years, many advances have been made in mental healthcare. However, with the attached stigma, many people choose to not seek out treatment.
Clearly, this is a very serious disorder, which is often utterly incapacitating. Therefore, individuals urgently require efficacious treatment, both for survival and for quality of life, and many different kinds of treatment and therapy are used. This paper will examine the use of two of these, cognitive behavioral therapy and drug therapy, and evaluate which one is better. It will take the position that drug therapy is a more effective therapy for treating schizophrenia than is cognitive behavioral therapy.
I have known for a long time that I have wanted to be a nurse; I came to the decision to be a mental health nurse on my first day working on an acute inpatient ward. Seeing the multitude of patients and the high quality of care going into the nursing of patients from my peers is where my desire to become a Mental Health Nurse solidified. I want to be able to play a part in helping to eradicate the stigma attached to Mental Illness. I want to develop as a Nurse and as a person by gaining a deeper understanding of mental health through study. I know becoming a Mental Health Nurse is a natural progression for me.
When people are mentally ill, they suffer social stigma, have higher health costs, and are at an increased risk of becoming poor. Every one out of five Americans is diagnosed with a mental illness. That 20 percent of the population can negatively influence the normal stresses of life, working productively and fruitfully, and being able to make a contribution the community. When humankind as a whole cannot recognize that mental illness is a serious issue, there is more harm being done than good. Any kind of mental illness can be caused merely by society, but also can worsen due to humanity not understanding how injustice can make a serious impact. The mental health problems that people face can be limited to society learning about the injustice of these illnesses.