
Behavioral Psychology: Antecedent Conditioning

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Behavioral psychology signifies the response of behavior resulting from the stimulus in the environment and within us. It associates with psychology that links with the study and alteration of people’s performance through the behavior of their actions, thoughts and sentiments (Heffner, n.d.). According to Watson, the theory to respondent conditioning in other terms classical conditioning is based on Pavlov’s observations that are able to justify all aspects of human psychology (McLeod, 2014). It is considered to be a theory that involves learning a new behavior through the procedure of association (McLeod, 2014). For an example in Pavlov’s experiment, the dog is offered food along with a ringing bell (McLeod, 2013). After a repetition of this process, the bell is ringing on its own. This results an increase in …show more content…

It is a technique the participant will use to observe and record factors surrounding the undesirable behavior. Behavioral modification implicates behavioral approach and applying methods to make any undesirable or destructive behavior, accurate (Heffner, n.d.). The participant identified the problematic target behavior of attempting profanity language, for this report. The inappropriate word that the participant often uses is, ‘Fuck’, or similarly, ‘Fucken hell’. This causes the participant irritation, furious and frustrated. It also has caused an effect of habit towards swearing. For an example, when the participant travels to the university or back home, while doing the house chores, during eating and studying. The behavior also occurs when the participant is told to do something from someone. However it is not only presented in negative states, the participant also swears in happy moods. For an example, if something surprises the participant. It has become an obstruction to an addiction of the undesirable

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