
Behavioural Theory. The Best Leaders Are Those Who Have

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Behavioural Theory
The best leaders are those who have the flexibility to adapt their behavioural style, and choose the relevant style suitable for different situations. This theory claims that people can learn how to be successful leaders by observation and particular behaviour patterns may be seen as suitable leadership techniques.
This theory can help managers find a stable balance between different styles of leadership, and to decide how to behave as a leader, depending on concerns for productivity and people.
The Managerial Grid created by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton focuses on five basic leadership styles. The first number refers to a leader 's production or task; the second, to people or employee.
Blake and Mouton proposed “Team …show more content…

Below are four elements of this theory by Daniel Goleman (2002). Overall, the more the leader is in control and can manage each of these elements, the higher their emotional intelligence.
Understand strengths and weaknesses. If a leader can understand their emotions, they can identify the impact on the team and themselves.
Being in charge of your own actions and being in control of what you say and do and without making rushed decisions.
Social awareness
Understanding emotions of team members and treating them appropriately. This is linked to empathy and is about understanding the demands of the team and environment.
Social Skills
Good communication and good at resolving conflict. Can communicate their vision, motivate, inspire and enlighten team members.
Research show that Social and emotional learning programs had strong benefits in schools. In participating schools, 50% of children showed improved achievement scores and up to 38% improved their grade-point averages. SEL programs also made schools safer: incidents of misbehavior dropped by an average of 28%; suspensions by 44%; and other disciplinary actions by 27%. At the same time, attendance rates rose, while 63% of students demonstrated significantly more positive behavior.
Compare and contrast leadership theories
The behavioural and situational theories have some similarities although they have different

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