
Behind The Mask Of Madness In Hamlet And Ophelia

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“Behind the mask of madness, both Hamlet and Ophelia can speak freely” This is a quote often used to explore the reasons as to why the characters: Hamlet and Ophelia use the element madness. In the play, it is believed that Hamlet is both feigned and real mad. The meaning of ‘feigned madness’ is defined to be “assumption of a mental disorder for the purposes of evasion, deceit or the diversion of suspicion.” Whereas ‘real madness’ is defined to be “the state of being mentally mad; insanity”. Both of which is presented with clarity in the play. In the quote, the use of the adverb ‘freely’ expresses how the characters aren’t able to communicate well with the other characters and that they are restrained from saying what the feel, they feel less able to talk. Thus with the ‘mask of madness’, they’re able to elicit what they feel more ‘freely’ and with meaning.
When Hamlet supposedly enters madness, he announces that he will be ‘strange and odd’, he declares “(As I perchance hereafter shall think meet
To put an antic disposition on)” which presents Hamlet in feigned madness. The use of the word ‘perchance’ shows how he may or may not go mad to thus presenting he is pretending to be mad. But also, as Hamlet starts of being melancholy at the beginning of the play it shows that he is emotionally unstable. Comparing this idea of instability …show more content…

The use of the adjective ‘sweet’ expresses how Ophelia used was someone who sang so sweetly and that she was once very happy and now she was ‘out of tune’ and fallen very low, that she is making ‘harsh; no so fine notes like she used

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