
Behold 2009 By Sheela Gowda

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It is interesting to note that this study was conducted amongst 800 companies across Indians hiring the top brains in the country. Yet, superstitious beliefs were still prevalent.
Sheela Gowda’s work entitled, Behold 2009 was first shown at the 53rd Venice Biennale. In it, she uses four thousand metres of rope hand-woven from human hair. Hanging entangled within this black, knotted mass are twenty steel car bumpers. It is a dig at a common superstition held by motorists in India. Motorists there often ties woven hair to car bumpers as a talisman for their safety. In fact, it would not be a surprise if these motorists actually place more belief in this talisman than the need for regular servicing to their vehicles. For Gowda the piece communicates ‘a coming together of fear, superstition, belief and a need for comforting action in the framework of modern life’ (F).
In Singapore, I do not see such outward practice and exhibition of superstition by Indians. I attribute this to the …show more content…

These are accompanied by headsets where viewers/listeners can hear the children speak about their ambitions and who they wish to grow up to be. Not surprisingly, many of them speak of wanting to be a celebrity, an actor/actress or a fashion designer etc. Given these are children, it would be fair to say, they would not have had an opportunity to rationally think about their futures yet. As such, their views would probably be a reflection of the impressions left on them by society today. This work serves to highlight the huge sphere of influence Bollywood and its associated industries like music and fashion have on Indian children today. (H) The use of new media like still pictures combined with audiophiles was indeed unique. The impact the artist intended to create is even larger when you hear the children speak in their own words with their own voices which gives it

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