
Being A Bystander

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" There is two types of evil in this world, those who do evil things, and those who what the evil things being done and do nothing about it " - Tina Fay Being a bystander is much worse than a bully because if this victim commits suicide or tries to harm themselves, you would have to deal and live with the guilt and it would most likely be on your mind for the rest of your life, so being a bystander is much worse than being a bully because you have to deal with the guilt, you'll get in trouble either way because you were involved, and you encourage the bully to keep harming the vicitim and by laughing or doing nothing you're telling the bully that it is okay to continue whatever he or she is doing to the victim.

To begin with, if this victim commits suicide you will have to …show more content…

And you think that nothing will happen or they will get it eventually. But being a bystander is way worse because if you knew what they were going through you'd try to help them or if you were in their shoes you'd what to be helped too. And when you think that the bully might just be there friend check again being a bully is very bad but being a bystander is way worse. According to 17% of Americans report to being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a semester.

In conclusion, being a bystander is much worse than a bully because you have to deal with the guilt, You'll get in trouble either way, and you encourage the bullies to do more by sitting by and letting it happen or laughing and cheering the bully on. You let the victim suffer bulling, every seven minutes a child Is bullied all around the world. we can stop bullying if you just stand up. Don’t be a bystander be a

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