
Being A Medical Student And As A Future Doctor

Satisfactory Essays

Research suggests that the attitudes and behaviours that medical students show or develop at medical school may predict their behaviour later in their professional careers. Bearing this in mind, explain the following three concepts and outline what relevance they have to you as a medical student and as a future doctor; Professional duty of candour, compassion, and conscientiousness. Introduction: What this essay will be about Even as early in training as when we are medical students certain levels of professionalism are expected of us, as outlined in the documents Good Medical Practice and Tomorrow’s Doctors. (1,2) Due to the sensitivity of the positions they occupy, it is important that future doctors are individuals who are trustworthy and are people able to exhibit professionalism in all aspects of their work. This is vital to maintaining the high esteem the public holds the medical profession in, a regard that may be extended even to medical students. Research has shown that unprofessional behaviour by students in medical school bears a concurrence with behaviour warranting disciplinary action later on in their careers as future doctors(3). Thus, it is important to ensure that professionalism is ingrained into medical students and unprofessionalism watched out for by those involved in giving medical education. The General Medical Council provides a guidance with specifications for professional behaviour expected from even medical students. The professional duty of

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