Being a nerd isn’t always easy for anyone. Of course, being a nerd is pretty much anyone’s opinionated definition, but this is what I think the definition is. There has always been a stigma around being a nerd. Nerds are usually associated with never showering, lacking a socially acceptable amount of friends, and parent’s being harder on them. Being a nerd has its upsides, like willing to learn, or the ability to soak in a lot of information and put it to use. The downside, however, usually nerds lack social skills that otherwise normal people would have. Walking into a place that contains people that I don’t know makes it feel like I just walked into a giant social force field. Any attempt at social anxiety will go wrong, I have no doubt about …show more content…
Instead of learning being a chore, it becomes a necessity. Being a nerd pretty much makes you a lifelong learner. Most people will not go out of their way to figure out how anything works, but a nerd will because that’s what makes them a nerd. Learning new information is always interesting, especially when it involves something as interesting as space. A nerd won’t ever really be satisfied when it comes to learning in class, and will always strive to learn more stuff. A nerd is always ahead of the game when it comes to educating themselves on subjects that will be discussed in the next week. A nerd is a person who saves you from being called on in class because ultimately they know that they are the only ones that know the answer. Nerds have a wide range of topics that they find interesting. For me, personally, it’s space and computers. Both of these areas fascinate me more than anything else in the world. Usually, nerds tend to gravitate toward each other which means that usually a group assignment will be better than every other groups because they all have similar interests. Homework, quizzes, tests, and finals all become relatively easy because a nerd is like a walking encyclopedia of all of the information that everyone has learned in the last few
When I arrived here at college I was extremely disappointed with the selection of food here in the cafeteria. I frequently found myself eating only hamburgers and pizza over and over again, simply because I did not like the other choices. About four months into the school year I had do go to the doctor for a virus and when the nurse weighed me I was a little surprised by what I saw. I had gained a little over ten pounds, close enough to what some refer to as the “Freshman 15.” It is a common fear among college students that they are going to gain fifteen pounds during the course of adjusting to college life. However experts have stated that the idea of the so called “Freshman 15,” is not that accurate. Every college student is obviously
Leonid Fridman, author of "America Needs Its Nerds" wrote about how people who want to pursue their knowledge should be not be ashamed of that. Fridman develops his argument by talking about how other countries go about learning compared to the U.S, asking rhetorical questions, finding similarities between the different school/ education levels when it comes to the terms "nerd" and "geek".
In “America Needs Its Nerds” by Leonid Fridman, he shows his concerns of social acceptance. Fridman’s purpose is to reconstruct social acceptance and emphasize how intelligence is necessary to be a world-class power through a matter-of-fact tone that proves there is no better choice to all social classes.
Surviving high school is no easy task. From the very first day of class, students are forced to find comradery in various social circles. These cliques can range from sports jocks, to math and band geeks, to school club members, and to the social outcasts who could care less about school. While there are more various types of groups, the most common are the jocks and the nerds. As far as everybody in the school in concerned, the popular athletes and the “wimpy” nerds are from two very different planets. However, while there are a lot of differences between the two as far as physical appearance goes, I had the honor of being part of both worlds, and I know for a fact that they have more in common than either would care to admit.
Sophomore year, I joined my High School's division of Kiwanis Key Club. The club prided itself with their devotion to community service. I thought that the club would be a great vehicle for me to assist my community while creating and expanding my relationships. However, I was greatly disappointed in the club my Sophomore year. There appeared to be little leadership present, so hardly any community service successfully took place. I made it my goal to gain a leadership position and turn the club around. Junior year, I was elected as President of the club and was re-elected to the position my Senior year.
Educators must understand and respect the legal rights of students and their parents, which are protected by the U.S. Constitution/Fourteenth Amendment. The Individuals with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protect students who have been identified with disabilities. According to both IDEA and Section 504, all special education students must be educated in the least restrictive environment. The two provisions also mandate that that all children with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education, which is referred to as FAPE. This essay will answer the question, "what is FAPE and why is it so important in the education of all children, especially students with disabilities?"
It is unbelievable that this year is my last year in Charlestown High School. As I look back at the past three years, there were several poignant moments when I was struggling with my classes and would have given up trying to achieve my goals. But as a diligent student, I chose to endure those moments. And that is how I become an outstanding student today. National Honor Society honors students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Being nominated to become a member of the National Honor Society is a highly prestigious honor, and I am very grateful to be a candidate.
Over the summer, I read a book titled, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Convey. The seven habits described in this book were being proactive, Beginning with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand, then to be understood; synergize, and sharpen the saw. The first habit Being proactive means not to make choices on impulse. it means to evaluate the situation before making a desicion. for example, two years ago when i had friends that talked behind my back i just moved on and found better friends rather than be mean to them or excluding them out of my way. The second habit Beginning with the end in mind means to think ahead at what your goals are and start working towards them. My goal for the eight grade year was to recieve a 95% or higher score in all of my classes. in order to realize this goal i worked hard through the year on assignments and and sometimes did more than what was expected of me during projects. in the end, though,
In the American society, the exterior of a human has higher values than the interior. For instance, an athlete is held in high regard by the public, due to their aesthetically appealing body and the proficient ability to do physical activities. On the other hand, a nerd or geek is seen as an outcast in society, because of their intelligence. These uneven values of society are exactly what the founding member of the society of Nerds and Geeks at Harvard University, Leonid Fridman argues upon in his writing of “America Needs its Nerds.” Through the rhetorical strategies of tone, pathos, and rhetorical questioning, Fridman emphasizes the significance of intellectually driven people in America.
This class resides within the other classes, like a sleeper agent, and may at first be easily mistaken for a member of another class. However, being a Geek transcends traditional class labels, and one can find them within the lower, middle and upper class. The reason these members defy traditional labels is that regardless of their monetary or educational status, this class holds those values in it’s core. As the dictionary defines it, a geek is “an enthusiast or expert, especially in a technological field or activity” (Merriam-Webster), and that enthusiasm, that passion, bleeds into all aspects of the geek’s life. Because they have that enthusiasm, the geek values and purchases items, not because they
For my nonconformity/compliance assignment I chose to violate a social norm. I felt that doing it only once would not suffice, so I tried it a few times to see if the results varied from person to person. I went ahead and started with refusing a handshake. The first instance was a friend introducing me to a friend of theirs. He reached his hand out and I just looked at it and shook my head. I must admit it was hard to keep a straight face, but I managed. Concerning my personal feelings, I was surprised at how uncomfortable I was, considering that I was aware that it was an experiment. Despite this knowledge, I still felt a mild rush of embarrassment. His reaction was what I had
The transition from middle school to high school can be very large. Not only are you in an entirely new situation from a social perspective, you are also in an entirely new academic situation. As a freshman at a Catholic high school, your teachers are going to expect that you produce your best work at all times. You will be held to very high academic standards, and more work is going to be expected of you than it was in middle school. Here are a few study tips to help you make it through your first few months of high school.
There is a lot of things that I have learned about myself in the past few weeks of this course. I have learned many things about myself that I would have never known if it was not for this course. I have learned about my; self concept, attitudes and feelings. I have also learned about social influence, group dynamics and relationships. I learned about myself and how to describe the way that I am and the way that I think.
The Self Every situation that an individual is exposed to throughout life, helps mold our “self.” As humans we have the ability to see ourselves from the outside, and all through life we try to see what others see and our “self” revolves around the generalized other. We observe how others perceive us and we make conclusions depending on our observations. How we act around others depends on the image we feel they have towards us.
People who are nostalgic about childhood, were obviously never children. Few people can remember the truth about adolescence. Their minds "censor" their memories; and have them believe that being a teenager was was one big party, free of cares and responsibilities. Well let me say this, you couldnOt be more wrong if you had a lobotomy. There aren't that many adults around who realise what adolescence was really like. The anguish, the fear, the anxiety, the stress. People don't remember those problems because they want to forget them.