
Being A Nerd Essay

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Being a nerd isn’t always easy for anyone. Of course, being a nerd is pretty much anyone’s opinionated definition, but this is what I think the definition is. There has always been a stigma around being a nerd. Nerds are usually associated with never showering, lacking a socially acceptable amount of friends, and parent’s being harder on them. Being a nerd has its upsides, like willing to learn, or the ability to soak in a lot of information and put it to use. The downside, however, usually nerds lack social skills that otherwise normal people would have. Walking into a place that contains people that I don’t know makes it feel like I just walked into a giant social force field. Any attempt at social anxiety will go wrong, I have no doubt about …show more content…

Instead of learning being a chore, it becomes a necessity. Being a nerd pretty much makes you a lifelong learner. Most people will not go out of their way to figure out how anything works, but a nerd will because that’s what makes them a nerd. Learning new information is always interesting, especially when it involves something as interesting as space. A nerd won’t ever really be satisfied when it comes to learning in class, and will always strive to learn more stuff. A nerd is always ahead of the game when it comes to educating themselves on subjects that will be discussed in the next week. A nerd is a person who saves you from being called on in class because ultimately they know that they are the only ones that know the answer. Nerds have a wide range of topics that they find interesting. For me, personally, it’s space and computers. Both of these areas fascinate me more than anything else in the world. Usually, nerds tend to gravitate toward each other which means that usually a group assignment will be better than every other groups because they all have similar interests. Homework, quizzes, tests, and finals all become relatively easy because a nerd is like a walking encyclopedia of all of the information that everyone has learned in the last few

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