Being on the Brinks of Happiness Hope, the one thing that everyone wants. The thing with hope is that every time you're given the slightest idea of it, it's taken away. It seems that every time it's taken away, it takes a piece of you with it. What happens when it finally takes everything from you, and it takes so much you go beyond the line of repair? You eventually go crazy, or you shut down, or you just give up all together. We all have a false belief in a outcome just so the time we are here we’re happy and content with ourselves and the way life is going until the end comes. The book “Of Mice and Men” written by John Steinbeck, shows many ways “hope” can be deceiving. The dream affects us in different ways, it either breaks us down, or it keeps us going and sane. Dreams have the power to indefinitely change lives by giving hope whether it's for the better or worse. Curley's wife's life has been doomed ever since her teen years. She was stuck in the idea of going big and being in the lights just like any other teenage girl. The first way i saw this was when she said “I tell ya i could of went with the shows. Not jus’ one, neither” (78). She was showing that she had confidence in the fact of her ideal dream. The second way was when she stated “ …show more content…
Sometimes it makes the best of us and takes us over. Or the dream is so powerful and the hope consumes you and you push forward. Maybe your dreams are so big it brings in others who have the same hope that you do and it makes them strive with you or for you. At the end of it, yes we break down and give up on some of our dreams but what if that one small dream changes you forever. Then you've completely missed out on any opportunity to be better and do better. So take the hope and follow any dream you come to, because you never know when you're on the brink of
Curley’s wife was known as a tart and was avoided by the men on the ranch. At first the reader could assume her dream was to be noticed and talked to but her dream was to ‘be in the pictures’. A professional man had promised to make her famous and she waited for a letter that ensured this. She never received the letter and that’s where the decline of her dreams happened. Shortly after, her dreams started failing she married Curley who controlled her.
Had she not sabotaged her dream by marrying someone she barely knew (the exact opposite of what she wanted to be), she ruins her chances of making it
My artifact that shows my success is a cheer trophy that my team and I won in Vegas at a competition. The trophy is significant to me because it took a lot of hard work for our team to perform at this competition. Our team has never worked together so well and had more dedication than ever because that first place trophy is something we all wanted.
“And when they gone, Candy squatted down in the hay and watched the face of Curley’s wife. ‘Poor bastard,’ he said softly.” Sometimes through false hope, we tend to get to sucked into unrealistic dreams which can lead us to becoming a victim of our own vulnerabilities. Throughout the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, false hopes and dreams have impacted our society and how some people live their lives today. John Steinbeck uses metaphors and foreshadowing to show how false hopes and dreams can sometimes result in something not as great as it was once believed to be, which can ultimately impact our society.
Throughout the novel of mice and men the quality of life and happiness are present many times in this novel through every chapter. Of Mice and Men is a novel about two men that are not very educated that have the American dream. They want to own their own land and work for themselves. Lennie is a one of these two men. He is obsessed with soft things which gets him in trouble throughout the story. He lives a life of happiness and doesn’t let anything faze him. He is a large man with a mental disability that is not said exactly in the story. Lennie has a low quality of life due to how lonely he is and he is not seen to be very highly ranked on the nature scale. He also is seen to be an unhappy person which is not the case. He has a dream that he does not reach and he has a terrible fate that leads im towards trouble.
The definition of the word Hope is “ a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” A common theme between Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and Gaines’ The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman is hopes and dreams. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman follows the life of a young girl born into slavery, and her hope to have a better life. The book, Of Mice and Men, details the struggle of two men trying to find jobs during the Great Depression in hopes of reaching their dream of having their own farm and a better life. A historical event that ties the two books together is Martin Luther King Jr. and his famous “I Have a Dream” speech where he explains his hopes and dreams of a better life for African Americans.
“There is no way to be completely happy without being oblivious to the world around you” (Maredith Close). Everybody is oblivious, sometimes on purpose, sometimes not, though it tends to be beneficial. As said by Maredith Close, true happiness can not be achieved without oblivion, but in extreme cases, too much happiness for someone can cause less for someone else. Being oblivious can cause calm thoughts, but when conceived in extreme, can cause confusion and lack of comprehension, perhaps leading to irrational actions.
In John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men dreams are crushed throughout the novel, but people still fight to make them true. The three main people that fought for their dreams ran into problems or realized that their dreams were never going to happen by them self . Lennie and George,Crooks, and even curley’s wife all had dreams and had them crushed. What they had in common was that they were willing to fight for their dreams, that they knew would never happen but they still believed in them. Throughout the whole novel they fought for their dreams and didn’t want anyone telling them that they are not going to happen even though they were right, they wanted to find out by themselves.
History is thought to be the past, but the past influences the present in many ways. Insane, lunatic, mentally deranged, madness, madman, crazy, mentally disturbed, troubled, these were just a few terms used to label those with mental illness and these labels are at times still used in society today. Although the shift of viewing insanity as a diagnosable condition did not reduce the use of such terms in 19th Century England, there was a historical event that changed the way those who suffered from mental illness were seen. This historical event came in 1845 with the enactment of the Lunatics Act and the County Asylums Act which were dependent on each other. Now, in order to comprehend what these Acts did it is important to first understand
Hopes and dreams can be very important for peoples’ needs and survival. In Steinbeck’s story, Of Mice and Men, each of the main characters is driven by their hopes and dreams; it provides a sense of motivation and animation to each of their being. From Lennie and George being driven by their hopes and dreams of owning a farm, to Curley’s wife’s dreams of becoming an actress, having dreams plays an essential role in giving hope to the characters of Steinbeck’s story. Although dreams and hopes are essential themes in Steinbeck’s story, in a sense, Steinbeck does seem to emphasize that dreams are not meant to be achieved, and that there are other factors that are essential for survival. I believe Steinbeck included their dreams to give
Dreams are what a person hopes to achieve in their life. During the Great Depression, dreams and goals were important aspects of people’s lives. They gave life meaning, which gave people hope. Throughout the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck portrays the theme of the American Dream. Using the characterization of George, Lennie, Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife, Steinbeck conveys the predominant theme of the American Dream.
What is it like to have a dream that makes you feel alive, that gives you another reason to rise and to strive in the morning and throughout the rest of your life? During the 1930’s this was often found within migrant workers who were searching for “The American Dream” of, at the time of the Great Depression, land, wealth, and liberty. Sadly, most people failed to find “The American Dream” and ended up isolated and empty. Dreams are the reason people chose to suffer this pain. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, the author, John Steinbeck, has demonstrated through dreams and false hope that they cause more trouble than good.
One of the major themes of John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men is that having a dream creates hope, friendship, and determination, enabling one to strive onward in life with a sense of importance. Three major examples show this idea. The first example is Candy’s loss of his dog and his joining George and Lennie 's dream of owning land. A second example is Crook’s memory of his father’s
Hope-an illusion. Hope-something to be seen but never achieved. Hope-something to look forward to, never a reality. Reality comes from action, not wishes. Hope-a thing with feathers, flighty, beautiful, unreal. In both “Hope is the thing with feathers”, by Emily Dickinson, and Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, hope is portrayed as keeping up one’s spirit, and welcome when times are grueling, and sounding promising but not always making sense. Curley’s wife dreams of being a movie star, and this keeps her married, if unhappily, to Curley, but her dream is actually a delusion, and while promising much, never actually delivers. George and Lennie are sustained throughout their troubles by their dream of a farm and escape from the migrant
Dreams in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck A dream can be described as an ambition or the aspiration to reach a goal in life. In the novel "Of Mice and Men" John Steinbeck creates characters to have an optimistic dream. These dreams are ones which they would all like to make a reality. They all have a longing and desire to fulfil their dreams.