“I remember a big, dark cloud coming across the sky in the middle of the day.” recalls Sean Syverson. Sean was about ten years old at the time and lived in Kendrick, ID. He lived out in the woods with his parents and two siblings which were both younger than him. “The people on the news are sure it will happen soon. Work and school have been cancelled for the last few days. It would be best if we stayed here until it happened.” I overhear my dad say to my mom. My mom responds,” Kendrick isn’t supposed to get it real bad but you're right, we shouldn’t go anywhere till it happens. Getting stuck at the grocery store in town isn’t something that appeals to me!” Due to the storm, we are out of school. This is the life! Being out of school …show more content…
I don’t sleep much. I wonder what will happen tomorrow and when it will stop. By the time morning comes I have only snoozed a few hours. I blast down stairs like it is Christmas morning. When I look out the window I see ash inches deep. It looks like a grey snow, but in May. I discover my dad sitting in his favored chair watching the news. I think to myself, “I survived through a natural disaster! Now I can tell my kids on May 18, 1980 Mt. St. Helens blew and I was there!” The news notifies me that they have uncovered fifty-seven bodies now and we won’t be able to leave our house for a couple of days. When we do leave the house, they said it would be smart if we wore masks. Ash stopped falling early afternoon yesterday. Outside, the ash is roughly three and a half inches thick. Everything is covered with ash. There isn’t much to comprehend. The news shows a before and after picture. I can’t believe my eyes! 1,300 feet of the mountain has disappeared and the eruption left a horseshoe shape on the top of the mountain. I am so glad we are not close to the mountain. Good thing Grandma Alice and Grandpa Bill left the mountain when they did. They departed last week to see Mt. St. Helens a week before for Grandma Alice’s birthday which is today. As soon as they heard the news they
St. Helens, and how it changed. It was beautiful, before the eruption. Mt. Hood was jagged, and Rainier was a funny shape. But Mt. St. Helens was a perfect dome, snowcapped, with Spirit Lake spread out far below. I remember a man telling me that they thought a bomb had gone off. It shook the house. They thought maybe next door the neighbors were setting off fireworks. They lived over 90 miles from the volcano. All of the streetlights came on in the middle of the day, as a fine layer of ash darkened the sky. People living near the volcano were simply smothered under a heavy
It was May 18, 1980. 19 year old Charles Davis was scared to death. He fell to the ground and covered his head shoving it in the dirt beneath him. All he heard was a swooshing sound of ash and rock exploding from the side of Mount Saint Helens, an active volcano. He head a deep tumbling and felt the earth shake just seconds ago. He could see nothing. Understand nothing. Just the terrifying thought of death overwhelming him. Charles started to feel a burning sensation covering his back. The winds slowed to a normal speed and he moved his head slowly up to look around. He couldn’t make out much that far away from him due to the dust in his eyes and the ash in the air. He pulled his shirt up to his face to protect him from breathing in too much ash.
"Greasy Lake" by T.C. Boyle is a tale of one young man's quest for the "rich scent of possibility on the breeze." It was a time in a man's life when there was an almost palpable sense of destiny, as if something was about to happen, like a rite of passage that will thrust him into adulthood or cement his "badness" forever. The story opens with our narrator on a night of debauchery with his friends drinking, eating, and cruising the streets as he had done so many times in the past. What he found on that night of violence and mayhem would force him to look at himself hard. This is a story of one man's journey from boyhood to maturity.
In the past year, a lot has changed for me. I lost a grandfather to cancer, then a month later an uncle to a gruesome semi accident. My grandmother on the other side of the family barely remembers me due to alzheimer's, and my mom lost her job but is now working over 1300 miles away in Florida. If someone would have asked me at the start of my Junior year what I expected to happen, I wouldn’t have listed any of those. As anticipated, it was not easy dealing with a downfall of events like that, but the way I was raised helped me cope with it all. I started out at a small private school, where Religion was just as important as Math and English. How we were to act was drilled into us, and after I switched to public school, there was a noticeable
The best way to be prepare for a category five Hurricane storm is to plan what to do, be alert,and be safe as possible. There is a devastating hurricane on the way. As you may have heard it is a category five storm. You should evacuate now because we can not help out during the storm. This is Hurricane Irma and she is on the way.
It is pretty cool that you had the same teacher for three years and that you liked her. It is nice to be reminded that there are teachers who care so much about their students and it is sweet that she wrote you letters over summer break. She is definitely a teacher that leaves a memorable impression on her students. It is too bad that college was a lot more difficult than you expected, but congratulations on deciding to go back and finish. I honestly do not know if I would be able to go back to school after stopping, however, maybe after discovering that I need an education in order to move up in my career then possibly my opinion would be different. I agree that this program is a lot of work, yet there is no doubt that it pays off.
Today the lava is on the move just inches, but it is still sending everyone into a frantic state of mind especially my parents. For the past two weeks my parents have been out of their minds especially today , now what I can’t imagine is how two weeks ago they were normal people. Let me explain, my mother keeps on cleaning non- stop everything. Sshe has at least vacuumed 20 times today and it's only nine in the morning and my father insists it is the end of the world. So, he starts packing everything day in and day out and then realize what he is thinking is nonsense and this loop has been on repeat for 2 weeks. What scares me is that before this news struck out he worked at a lab not just any lab. aA lab that focuses on volcanoes and natural disasters, he specialized in the volcano department.
“Jovanie, I’m going to have to let you go,” my coach said to me in a nonchalant voice. My stomach started twisting in a million knots and I felt my eyes watering, but I was not going to let them fall… yet. “Not here, not now” I reassured myself. I slowly walked off the bus trying to act unbothered, but I was. Everybody that knew me understood what track was to me. However, starting off in a different school as a freshman, where nobody knew me was hard. I had to prove to them that I was a good runner, but I have failed.
The hum of fans, the spinning of the disk in its tray. Sitting on my soccer ball beanbag chair that I got for my 11th birthday with a controller in my hands. As a kid, in Washington state, on school days we were not allowed to play video games during the week. Summer was the break from school and the time for lots and I mean lots of video games. Before I could hit that power button, I had to do something I despised, hated, and avoided like it was the plague. I… had… to… read.
To know how much I have changed over the years, you should know how I was before I went to public school. I was a sheltered homeschooler, and I had very bad social skills. My parents knew this and that is part of the reason I’m at Remington. The other part is because math sucks. So let me start from the beginning of the story.
I really enjoy doing my homework and learning but, I hate going to school to learn and get my homework. I moved to Vermont after eighth grade because my father got to move higher up at work. I don't know a lot about his job but, I didn't have a say. Back at home in Mississippi I didn't have a lot of friends. I had one named Lucy but when I told her I was going to move she said we weren't friends anymore. I'm starting high school now and I'm so scared to start over again. I love my new room the view is very pretty but, tonight I hate it because tomorrow is my first day of school.
"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which," a quote seen in the political satire, Animal Farm. This novella, by George Orwell, symbolizes the Russian Revolution by using characters that are allegorical to leaders and followers during that time. Numerous animals reside on Animal Farm and expect life to be exceptional without their former farm owner, Mr. Jones; however, they were incorrect, and the totalitarianism creates a tragic misfortune of chaos and exploitation. Animal Farm includes many leaders and followers, such as Napoleon and Boxer, causing corruption and manipulation due to Napoleon's violent tactics and Boxer's obedient lifestyle.
When I awoke in the middle of the night I went outside on the ledge and looked along the shore, peaceful and quiet except for the small waves crashing ashore. As I turn my head to go back inside I saw an orange, red flare in the night sky. It was on the volcano! Magma was oozing out of it like an overflowing bath. I quickly ran inside and grabbed all my valuables and rushed out the door, I stole someone's canoe (I'm not sure who's). I then took my oar and pushed the boat out with a loud grunt. It let out a loud squeak as I hopped in, “I haven't been in one of these for months!” I thought to myself. It was shaking as if the earth was too, it was a struggle to get out in the water but I made it safe, all in one piece. It was dark and gloomy and the moment had a horrifying tone to it. I couldn't see past the surface of the water it seemed like I was on top of a layer of coal. I tried to sleep but the rocking of the boat was against that idea so I stayed awake and waited until morning. When the sun started to rise, a dark ashy cloud started to fill the sky, just as I thought it was over, the horrifying feeling struck again. The sky started lighting up and let out loud roars, lightning was upon us. Though it was morning, it felt like midnight, except, no moon, no light, nothing except me and my boat… That suddenly changed though, along with the roaring I started hearing cries of terror as flying cinders with a size ranging from pebbles to boulders started plunging into the water. It was hard to notice what was going on but I knew Vesuvius was erupting and people were dropping like flies. I tried to remain calm but it was a struggle. All of the sudden before I knew it I was knocked out by a cinder… When I awoke I was further out but I still had a small glimpse of Pompeii
When I was at Tad Gormley watching the Blue Jays and realized I couldn’t stand, I learned not everything goes as planned. My parents were helping my sister move into college, so I was attending the Jesuit football game with a babysitter. During the celebration following a score, I knocked my water bottle onto the track; so, in order to retrieve it, I decided to jump over the fence that separates the field and the stands. It didn’t seem like a monumental task as I had jumped over that same four-foot fence multiple times that game alone. Unfortunately, I was standing at a poorly patched area in the fence and as I jumped my foot barely caught the edge of it. Consequently, I fell awkwardly, but I rotated my body to avoid hitting my head and ended
I Am happy to be in 7th grade but also I’m not. I really like summer! I’m scared this year about 7th grade. I am afraid I will not get my book points, and my homework done. This year we have a lot of “new” things to get used to like schedule, teachers, computers, and grades. Last year we never had that many responsibilities. I also like having new responsibilities because it prepares us for high school. My favorite book I have ever read was Because of Winn Dixie it was a really good book! One of my goals this year is to get out of teen biz!