
Belgium's Economy: World's 20th Freest Economy

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Belgium 's economy is 71.5 per cent free, according to our 2008 assessment, which makes it the world 's 20th freest economy. This is a 0.9 percentage point decrease from last year, primarily reflecting increased government spending. Belgium is ranked 10th freest among the 41 countries in the European region, and its overall score is above the regional average.
Belgium scores very high in investment freedom, property rights, monetary freedom, and business freedom and is above the world average in eight areas. A member of the European Union, it has a standardized monetary policy and relatively low inflation despite some government distortion in the agricultural sector. Its transparent rule of law protects property and encourages …show more content…

Monetary freedom - 80.4%
Belgium is a member of the euro zone. Between 2004 and 2006, its weighted average annual rate of inflation was 2.3 per cent. Relatively stable prices explain most of the monetary freedom score. As a participant in the EU 's Common Agricultural Policy, the government subsidies agricultural production, distorting the prices of agricultural products. Price-control policies affect water supply, waste handling, homes for the elderly, medicines and implantable medical devices, certain cars, compulsory insurance, fire insurance, petroleum products, cable television, and certain types of bread. An additional 10 percentage points is deducted from Belgium 's monetary freedom score to account for these policies. Investment freedom - 90%

Most restrictions on foreign investment also apply to domestic investment. Permits and licenses required for certain industries are not hard to obtain. Regional and national incentives are generally open to foreigners and Belgians, but taxes and certain employment criteria are federally controlled. Performance requirements, when present, are linked to job creation. EU regulations require some restrictions on non-EU investment in public works. There are no restrictions on the purchase of real estate, residents ' and non-residents ' accounts, repatriation of profit, or transfer of capital.
Financial freedom - 80%
Belgium has one of the world 's most developed

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