Avoid believing in hearsay and myth will have a far reaching impact on transforming our own behaviors (specially our character of believing in hearsay and myth and looking for shortcut, magical cure instead of understanding and practicing Herbs Meditation.) and the present social health care system, and those irresponsible media, medical, non-medical doctors, the food industry which are presently health hostile foe, into health friendly ally.
Any information and activity to misguide and enticing people to become more and more unnecessarily dependent on, and or become addict to unnecessary and excess use of curing facilities, curing methods, health products plans devices be it proven or unproven, tantamount to health fraud scams.
Health scammers
Last December Police in Italy found 7000 tons of phony olive oil headed for supermarkets, and stores all over the world(Whitaker). The agricultural mafia or agromafia of Italy has taken over the food industry in Italy, and many of the traditional Italian foods that people and tourists eat are phony. Tom Mueller, a journalist who has lived in Italy for twenty years, and routinely speaks with food investigators, and producers said, “Easily half of the bottles that are sold as extra virgin in Italian supermarkets do not reach the legal grades for extra virgin oil”(Whitaker). This information could not have been found without muckraking, and people all over the world would still be paying great amounts of money for adulterated italian cuisine.
The findings of this survey showed that 73.6% agreed with the use of traditional medicines for health maintenance, 79.2% agreed for benign illness, such as colds or sprained ankles, and 90.3% agreed for palliative care (Zubek, 1994, p. 1926). Where they disagreed the most was with the use of traditional healing in the intensive care units, only 16.9% agreed with the use of this treatment for serious illness, such as cardiac or respiratory compromise, whether in the hospital (21.2% agreed) or as outpatients (26.4% agreed). Nearly half (48.6%) agreed with using traditional medicines for chronic illnesses, such as non-insulin dependent diabetes or Parkinson's disease (Zubek, 1994, p. 1926). One instance where physicians were unwilling to allow their patients to use Native medicine was while the patient is in the hospital, because the physician could be held legally responsible for any treatment administered while admitted under their care. There is also the problem of differentiating between legitimate Native healing practitioners and those who would take advantage of anyone not aware of the proper rituals and techniques that need to be performed (Zubek, 1994, p. 1929). This could be overcome by having a formalized licensing organization such as is used by Western practitioners (i.e. American Society of Clinical Pathology [ASCP]). That poses another problem though, as to whether traditionalists would be willing to have such an organization.
Based on this 2011 documentary featuring the numerous statistics and examples from physicians on their patients making changes to their health, showed the high improvements on their health after a few weeks on a plant-based diet. They showed not only the crucial medications and prescription drugs the patients were each taking, but they helped them create exponential changes to their cholesterol, weight, and health problems of their western diet that made it possible for them to no longer take them. This documentary captured the many risks people can get such as diabetes, heart disease, arteries of blood clotting, cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and much more in which costs the United States more than a million dollar each year. According
In modern medicine, alternative therapies are poorly understood and studied. The preference for alternative therapies, and herbal medicine were indicated, and the fear of relinquishing information regarding these practices were almost paralyzing. It seemed as though they were ashamed to admit to cultural healing practices, and did not divulge information to practitioners regarding their usage. The cultural disconnect was present as alternative/complimentary medicines are valued as a culture, and “modern” practitioners cast judgment on their usage. This perceived stigma additionally limited the information shared by the cultural participants with modern medical treatments, potentially causing additional harm, as some herbals are potentially toxic.
Over the last 10,000 years, humans have evolved more than any other species that has ever set foot on planet Earth. As a population we have grown exponentially and made changes to our society that allow us to do things that have not been done before. In 1878, Thomas Edison recognized the ability of a bamboo filament that was connected to platina wires, to burn for significant periods of time: resulting in the first formation of the light bulb. Suddenly, the human race no longer had to endure the darkness that each night brought at the end of a 12-hour light period.
Everyone has their own belief when it comes to health and healing. Some people may believe in power of pray with no conventional medicine. Others believe western medicine can cure what ails them.
Hearsay is a statement, other than the one made by the declarant testifying the court, offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.
The Federal Trade Commission and the Food and Drug Administration have advised people that they could be prime targets of health care fraud if they have one or more of the following conditions: cancer, AIDS, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. People with these conditions need to be up to speed on the coverage of their insurance and if they can qualify for government programs. Cancer is one disease that shocks a person mentally as soon as it is diagnosed. Feelings of death can sometime impose improper judgment by those that have been diagnosed and can lead to poor planning for the attack on their cancer. "Miracle" cures need to be questioned before one jumps to a conclusion that probably won't cure them and could leave them with a huge hole in their wallet. If one is willing to try such cures, they should enroll in clinical studies that are endorsed by the FDA. An HIV or AIDS
An increasing number of medical schools are now offering courses in alternative medicine for their students, and some hospitals already have alternative medicine departments. The availability of healers and doctors practicing holistic medicine has also increased in recent years, and more and more people are educating themselves in these new fields. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that between 65 and 80 percent of the world’s population (about 3 billion people) rely on traditional medicine as their primary form of health care.
‘False negatives’ are a sort of dog-bites-man twist on one usual critique of this software, though I’d rather have students slip through cracks than stand falsely accused,” said Douglas Hesse, professor of English and executive director of writing at the University of Denver. He described Schorn as a “thoughtful and careful scholar” who had produced a “compelling” but “modest” study he would like to see replicated on a larger scale.
Is seeing believing? In my opinion no, seeing does not mean believing. You don’t have to see something to believe that it exists. I’m the kind of person who believes in what people say. Others might have to see to believe but I’m different. I have a few reasons why I believe seeing is not believing using the stories The People could Fly and Sorry, Wrong Number.
Money does not alleviate the pain of false imprisonment. Being falsely accused of a crime and falsely imprisoned is extremely painful. You lose your freedom because of someone else’s wrongdoings. Receiving money as a compensation for losing your freedom does not alleviate the pain. Being accused of a crime falsely is scarring. Going to prison or even being on death row is extremely frightening, especially when you are innocent. Not only are you losing your freedom because of someone else, the person who actually committed the crime is still out there, possibly committing more crimes. So not only is it bad for the accused, it is bad for the community, who is still in danger of the actual criminal. Although money would be appreciated, it isn’t
Every individual of the society has to work within the bare bones of the legal system. The one who violates the provision of law or infringe the right of an individual shall be punished. In trail false evidence, fabricated evidence, forged evidence or tainted evidence is information created or obtained illegally, to sway the verdict in a court case. Misrepresentation and concealment of evidence takes place where the party in question misrepresents or conceal an importance evidence or fact of the case which is important to meet the ends of justice.
Modern medicine and healthcare system have categorized herbal medicine as a natural remedy used when people can’t afford to purchase conventional drugs. They are perceived inferior because they cost less but the health benefits are endless. However, there have been various situations and instances that prove that herbal medicine is good for health.
Abstract: The current healthcare system across globe is heading in a way that, to maintain the health and vitality of human beings they have to address forces in both the natural and spiritual world. The traditional health care system and beliefs are grounded in cultural and religious practices of local communities. Historical circumstances, geography and demographics shape and inform the delivery of traditional healthcare systems. Modern healthcare systems are the result of a long evolution through trial and error and exchange of such information between diverse communities and regions. This process of exchange and gathering of information is still continued, today traditional medical practices are compelled to accommodate to the modern health care policies. The aim of this paper is to address on development of health care system to integrate the best of Indian traditional health care methods to meet the primary health care needs of contemporary society.