
Belinda's Elimination: A Short Story

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As the occasion came to a close and the lock of hair was adrift, Belinda desired to withdraw to her dwelling. During the passage home she was brimming with emotion. She was angry, and resentful, and began plotting revenge. Gradually her emotions changed to humiliation and heartache. A little time passed and tears began to billow down her soft cheeks. She realized the events of the day and it was too much for her. Suddenly, she was startled by a flutter in her pocket. She reached down, while wiping her tears into the hem of her dress. As she gently lifted the overlap, a sprite dashed out! It bounced across her lap and straight up across the sky where it disappeared. Belinda was disoriented for a moment. “Could this have been one of those inhabitants …show more content…

My name is Bridget, which means power and virtue. I come from the land of Saint Columba. I assume that you know of Saint Columba, being that you are of Roman Catholic descent. I am a sylph, but I differ from the sylphs who have current charge over you. Before I was a sylph, I was a human of the female kind. I lived in a place called Kildare. I was very beautiful with my long, wavy, red hair. And, I was the desire of many clansmen. However, I held onto my chastity and rarely tempted the flirtatious game. I did not live in a time of great ostentation rather of war and struggle, which did not lend to such exorbitant vanities. I fell in love with a warrior and he returned my love, when we were united in matrimony. I never bore a child because I was widowed after only 5 months of marriage and had not become expectant in that time. When I left that life and became a sylph, I decided that I would care for those whose hearts longed for their great love. Thus, I come from a faction of heavenly sylphs and we have the power to perform miracles. I am aware of the dream that you had during the morning hours of the attractive boy who was sent with a message from the sylph, Ariel. That company of sylphs concern themselves with only the trivial events of this day. I know what happened and it is a disappointment I am sure, but there is a greater injustice that has occurred. There is a worthy …show more content…

Therefore, I propose to give you one miracle and it is the miracle of Eros. Because you have squandered many days in gossip, dalliance, and play, you will only be given one miracle. In order for this miracle to succeed, you must carefully follow my instructions. If you agree and follow through, I will have you married to a noble lord of great stock and bounty. You will have your beau by springtime. He will protect you from the Baron and any other men who would violate you. He will be your admirer and lover. He will provide you with all the spoil of life and grant you the love of babes. He will stay faithful to your union, even after your youth and beauty has left you. First, you must cease participation in all the balls and masquerades. Second, you will no longer participate in any game of flirtation. Third, you will replace this time with practice in reading literature, penmanship, embroidery, and etiquette. In addition to exercising your mind, you will take your canine on strolls through the gardens. Fourth, you will attend daily morning mass and sacraments. Fifth, you will have tea with your mother and her

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