As the occasion came to a close and the lock of hair was adrift, Belinda desired to withdraw to her dwelling. During the passage home she was brimming with emotion. She was angry, and resentful, and began plotting revenge. Gradually her emotions changed to humiliation and heartache. A little time passed and tears began to billow down her soft cheeks. She realized the events of the day and it was too much for her. Suddenly, she was startled by a flutter in her pocket. She reached down, while wiping her tears into the hem of her dress. As she gently lifted the overlap, a sprite dashed out! It bounced across her lap and straight up across the sky where it disappeared. Belinda was disoriented for a moment. “Could this have been one of those inhabitants …show more content…
My name is Bridget, which means power and virtue. I come from the land of Saint Columba. I assume that you know of Saint Columba, being that you are of Roman Catholic descent. I am a sylph, but I differ from the sylphs who have current charge over you. Before I was a sylph, I was a human of the female kind. I lived in a place called Kildare. I was very beautiful with my long, wavy, red hair. And, I was the desire of many clansmen. However, I held onto my chastity and rarely tempted the flirtatious game. I did not live in a time of great ostentation rather of war and struggle, which did not lend to such exorbitant vanities. I fell in love with a warrior and he returned my love, when we were united in matrimony. I never bore a child because I was widowed after only 5 months of marriage and had not become expectant in that time. When I left that life and became a sylph, I decided that I would care for those whose hearts longed for their great love. Thus, I come from a faction of heavenly sylphs and we have the power to perform miracles. I am aware of the dream that you had during the morning hours of the attractive boy who was sent with a message from the sylph, Ariel. That company of sylphs concern themselves with only the trivial events of this day. I know what happened and it is a disappointment I am sure, but there is a greater injustice that has occurred. There is a worthy …show more content…
Therefore, I propose to give you one miracle and it is the miracle of Eros. Because you have squandered many days in gossip, dalliance, and play, you will only be given one miracle. In order for this miracle to succeed, you must carefully follow my instructions. If you agree and follow through, I will have you married to a noble lord of great stock and bounty. You will have your beau by springtime. He will protect you from the Baron and any other men who would violate you. He will be your admirer and lover. He will provide you with all the spoil of life and grant you the love of babes. He will stay faithful to your union, even after your youth and beauty has left you. First, you must cease participation in all the balls and masquerades. Second, you will no longer participate in any game of flirtation. Third, you will replace this time with practice in reading literature, penmanship, embroidery, and etiquette. In addition to exercising your mind, you will take your canine on strolls through the gardens. Fourth, you will attend daily morning mass and sacraments. Fifth, you will have tea with your mother and her
When they arrived Mama and Kirst went inside, Annemarie and Ellen went for a walk. They walked down a path where they saw a cat that was eyeing them out. When they reached the ocean Ellen told Annemarie how she and never been to the proper ocean, only the harbour because her mum was afraid of the big sea and that it was to cold. The girls sat on a rock and took their shoes of. When they felt the water they got straight back out again. They then started to talk a they saw Mama waving for them to come back. When they got back Ellen as holding the kitten that was well asleep in her hands. Mama asked if they saw anyone and asked of the girls to make sure that they stayed out of sight from anyone else. They started to make dinner for when Uncle Henrick returned. The girls were getting ready to go to sleep when Ellen asked about her necklace when Annemarie responded by saying that it was in a safe hiding spot. While they were trying to fall asleep they heard the adults talking about why Henrick didn’t have a wife. Annemarie remembered the old times and how things had
Even being surrounded by unfamiliarly, the ladies felt at home in this quaint but spacious hut. The old crone like voice spoke again, asking the girls to stay for tea. The girls entertained the idea and sat at the small table where the tea was already placed, even though they could have sworn it wasn't that way a few seconds ago. A few moments later a cat with indigo eyes jumped on Ygritte's lap, nudging its head against her. The cat then jumped on the table and moves over to Beckah, giving her the same treatment as Ygritte. The girls notice a young woman descending through a hatch from the upper portion of the hut. The youthful women inquired why the girls were visiting her
Shimmer was shaking, her body trembling; she had never been this fearful yet excited at the same time. She had been driving for hours before her adrenaline calmed down. She found she was getting hungry, and wanted out of Luc’s clothes. She pulled into a little fishing village that was rather picturesque. It had little shops, cafes, and a couple restaurants along one side of the road, and wharfs, fishing boats, and fish shops on the other side. She drove all the way through the little town until she was on the outskirts and pulled into a wooded area. She wiggled out of Luc’s clothes while still seated in the car she didn’t want to get caught in oversized men’s clothes it would defiantly appear suspicious. She glanced around making sure no one
One day, Eldora received a letter from her mother explaining a lot of unanswered questions. Eldora was thrilled to know that her mother was not dead, and was alive and quite well. Eldora’s mother said that she would soon come by to pay Eldora a visit and to tell her why she had been unable to care for her the past few years. However every time she was due to visit, she would have something come up and not be able to visit. Until after about the 3rd reschedule, when she was finally able to come into the city for a visit. Eldora was scintillating with happiness and very eager to see her mother for the first time in what felt like forever. When she saw her mother and she immediately began to look for every similarity, such as eyes, voice, hair, even the way that she walked.
It is often—in books, poems, paintings, and sculptures—that one hears of and sees the goddess of love. But when is it that one hears of the god? In Greek mythology, Eros is the god of love, and a god who is many times overlooked. In Robert Bridges’ “EPÙÓ” and Anne Stevenson’s “Eros”, the idea that Eros is overlooked is portrayed, but in two separate ways. Techniques such as diction, imagery, and tone are used to help convey the idea.
Over the many weeks that followed second by second the dream gradually got longer. Amelia had grown used to the dreams and even got excited to find out what would happen next, alas her excitement was premature. As she sat in her boring English class, the teacher droning on, the only was gloomy disinterest spread amongst the young students. In her peripheral vision she saw a flash of black, her eyes subconsciously followed the black blur and found nothing. Just as she was about to give up looking for the cause of what spiked her interest, she heard a screech... The same screech that was in her dream nearly every night, that same sound that had caused both fear and excitement to run hot within her veins. Her eyes linked with those of the bird, at first look anyone would call
The school day finished without a further peep from Gideon, to Judy’s surprise. She bid Angie a good-bye as the ocelot was picked up by her parents. Judy smiled, as her best friend climbed into the back seat, waving to her all the way to the end of the lot. Judy was about to make her way to the car until a large paw grabbed her mouth and made is so she couldn’t scream, another went around her waist picking her up. She was thrown again a metal pole, what she presumed to be the tetherball pole that was for gym class.
The opinion and image that most people have of Eros, the god of love in Greek mythology, often reflect the view and representation that people have for love itself. Since love is such a puzzling matter, people quickly form an ambivalent opinion toward Eros. Robert Bridges and Anne Stevenson reveal these uncertain feelings toward Eros in their poems directed to the Greek god of love through their diction, allowing readers to notice similarities and differences in their works. Although Bridges and Stevenson expose a level of uncertainty and sympathy toward Eros in their poems, both poets different inquisitive interpretations of Eros divulge their true and differing feelings toward
Brenda was an only child who was born in Sinaloa Mexico. She lived with her mother and an abusive father. She described her life as a life that consisted of fear, a fear she would have once her father would arrive home. She remembers her father as a drug addict and as a problem seeker. She viewed her father as the man who would take out such anger towards his wife and kids.
Near the barn, Petal Dust tastes the air and Leopardfur hide in the bracken on their way as they squeaking excitedly. Drizzle meow echoes through the icy air as she asks if she and Pine can stay up until dawn excited as he screeches they’ll hit air any moment. However, a creaking sound is heard and the patrol is forced to run. Sandgorse checks every cat off. Leafstar glances over her shoulder to spot her a tail-length below, clinging to a jutting piece of wood with her forepaws, as her hind paws dangle in the air Brackenfur Echoes Blossompaw is playing with her sister, Briarpaw, by throwing leaves in the air with her tail. Graystripe stops her, saying she was supposed clatters, making Cherry Fall jump in surprise. She loses her balance and with a yowl of terror falls, her body twisting in the air. She manages to snag the air, and claims that there were cats, eyes gleaming with excitement. He states that they would be saved, as the cats would share their prey. Three cats to him, as he can jump the
Ella and I start tumbling on the blue mat with everyone else. Next I see Ella and TIffanee talking to each other. Ella looks really mad at Tiffanee but Ella keeps on tumbling. Then Ella heads to the hallway with the art on the walls from art class. I try to catch up with Ella to see what's wrong. So I go follow Ella out to the hallway and see her in tears!
She rolled to her feet, turned around and raced back at Finklesnorp. Belinda used the shield to block the downward swing of the sword, the sword was repelled backward and flew out of Finklesnorp's hand. Belinda smashed the edge of the shield into his neck, Finklesnorp 's hands rose to his throat and he tried to suck air through his ruined windpipe. Belinda brought her knee up into his rather large testicles and when he doubled over, her shield made violent contact with his face, Finklesnorp fell backward and lay on his back gasping desperately for
There once was a beautiful girl born to a poor family who had so much love for her, as she was the only daughter of eight. Unfortunately, they never had enough time with her, and her parents needed another son so he could work in the fields, not a daughter, who they would have to save up for a dowry. As she grew older her beauty did not fade, but alas, it grew stronger, yet she did not notice. At her 15th birthday her parents grew tired and their number one mission became to marry her off, as they just had a great harvest and could afford a small dowry. They made her walk through the local village in thin clothing every day so that the men would notice her, and make her curl her hair and spend time working on her looks so that her natural beauty could not shine through, only the
Come now, listen closely. Take my words to heart. At daybreak summon the island’s lords to full assembly, give your orders to all and call the gods to witness: tell the suitors to scatter, each to his own place. As for your mother, if the spirit moves her to marry, let her go back to her father’s house, a man of power. Her kin will arrange the wedding, provide the gifts, the array that goes with a daughter dearly loved. For you, I have some good advice, if only you will accept it. Fit out a ship with twenty oars, the best in sight, sail in quest of your long-lost father. Someone may tell you something or you may catch a rumor straight from Zeus, rumor that carries news to men like nothing else. First go down to Pylos, question old King Nestor, then cross over to
The term “Eros,” referring to passionate love in English, has long been the mainstream of themes in drama, literature, arts, and cinematic media. The fascinating power of love has been exhaustively publicized, and the pursuit of love is diffused in streets and lanes. Conversely, in ancient times, many poets, especially Virgil, Ovid and Apuleius, described eros as such an evil spirit that it will destroy the female soul thoroughly, except for the one in Apuleius’ story of Cupid and Psyche. Even if taking into account the historical background of a patriarchal community and therefore the esteemed male dominance, the particular case of Psyche’s surviving and even thriving her encounter with eros