
Ben Stiller Film: The Litter Kwitter

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A toilet-trained cat may seem like something only Hollywood could dream up, but you really can teach your cat to use the potty - and say goodbye to kitty litter forever. Inspired by a scene in the Ben Stiller film Meet the Parents, Jo Lapidge created the Litter Kwitterafter she grew tired of cleaning up her cat's litter. The potty training system is so effective that Lapidge claims it takes less time to toilet train a cat than a child. Cats bury their waste in their litter largely to get rid of the smell. The Litter Kwitter works on the odor-elimination concept by giving cats the same satisfaction of hiding elimination smell by using the toilet, rather than burying their waste in the litterbox. Although cats can be trained to use the toilet without the Litter Kwitter, its step-by-step system is the simplest way to gradually introduce your cat to the toilet. The Litter Kwitter The Litter Kwitter is ideal for people …show more content…

Practice at first with the lid down; set treats on the lid to lure your cat up. Most cats can easily jump onto the toilet, but for cats with any difficulty, a step stool can be used. Once your cat is comfortably hopping up onto the toilet, move the first Litter Kwitter tray from the floor to the porcelain rim of the toilet and clip it in place. The toilet seat can be left in either the up position or down on top of the Litter Kwitter. Once your cat has mastered climbing on the toilet and using the red litter tray, it's time to move to the amber tray. This tray has a small hole in the middle surrounded by a recess that can be filled with three to four cups of litter. Your cat will place her front paws on the toilet seat and her back paws in the tray to position herself to eliminate where the hole is. Eventually, your cat will learn to balance entirely on the edge of the toilet seat, with her back paws close to her front paws - but this is a skill that must be mastered. Eliminating the

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