
Benchmark Ethical Dilemmas

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Benchmark - Ethical Dilemmas Everyone at a point in their life has had to make a decision of whether to choose one alterative or the other while neither of which would provide them with amiable results. This is what an ethical dilemma means, and the way people react to it gives us a lot of feedback about them. Their reaction tells us a lot about their worldview and what affect it has on their world, how it is interpreted and practiced the religion. One example of an ethical dilemma is whether to use performance enhancing drugs or not to improve your performance. I will give my opinion on what is the right thing to do in this case as far as my worldview goes. Ethical Dilemma Paul is a hard working young athlete who has gained the first position on his team. Other members of the team start using drugs in order to improve their performance and they are obliosly doing so. The fact is that these drugs cannot be detected by tests and even though judges know about them they are not interfering. Paul’s dilemma in this case is whether he should start using the enhancing drugs himself to remain in the first position or not use them and lose his position. There is only one way this dilemma can …show more content…

In a few words the Christian belief would suggest that Paul keep working hard to keep his first place without using these performance enhancing drugs which will affect his body and his values. To further support this, Corinthians 6:19-20 write: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” Does this mean that Paul has to consider his decision based on

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