Benchmark - Ethical Dilemmas Everyone at a point in their life has had to make a decision of whether to choose one alterative or the other while neither of which would provide them with amiable results. This is what an ethical dilemma means, and the way people react to it gives us a lot of feedback about them. Their reaction tells us a lot about their worldview and what affect it has on their world, how it is interpreted and practiced the religion. One example of an ethical dilemma is whether to use performance enhancing drugs or not to improve your performance. I will give my opinion on what is the right thing to do in this case as far as my worldview goes. Ethical Dilemma Paul is a hard working young athlete who has gained the first position on his team. Other members of the team start using drugs in order to improve their performance and they are obliosly doing so. The fact is that these drugs cannot be detected by tests and even though judges know about them they are not interfering. Paul’s dilemma in this case is whether he should start using the enhancing drugs himself to remain in the first position or not use them and lose his position. There is only one way this dilemma can …show more content…
In a few words the Christian belief would suggest that Paul keep working hard to keep his first place without using these performance enhancing drugs which will affect his body and his values. To further support this, Corinthians 6:19-20 write: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” Does this mean that Paul has to consider his decision based on
In order to make ethical decisions, it is helpful to think about several questions, including: 1) who will be impacted by the decision, 2) who will benefit from the decision, and 3) who will suffer from the decision.
Ethical dilemmas are something that almost every person will face at various times in their life. Often, even more than once. We were born sinners, so there are times people, even though knowing right from wrong, struggle with making the right decision. How a person works through the dilemmas they face are considerably influenced by their worldview. In this paper, we will look at the ethical dilemma a student faces when confronted with performance enhancing drugs, Christian worldview beliefs, and how different worldviews may handle the same dilemma.
For a given ethical dilemma, there is usually a dominant pair. Frequently, more than one must be considered, and sometimes all four. But, as Kidder
From the worldly perspective, people can be inclined to compromise ethical beliefs for their perceived benefit in doing so. In this case, having a coach ignoring performance enhancing drug use to continue a winning record, and teammates that are “pushing” the use creates tension for a developing athlete. Just because a substance is not yet illegal does not make it “right” to consume; the substance still offers an advantage over those who are not using it. “One hundred percent of community sports instructors…reported that they have a role to play in preventing doping” (Backhouse, 2012, p.170). With this knowledge, it becomes clear that there is a negative connotation associated with using performance enhancing drugs, and for good reason, “94% of community sports instructors indicated that doping should be outlawed due to its negative effects on health” (Backhouse, 2012, p.170).
These days it seems as society is constantly being faced with Ethical Dilemmas. Whether it is normal everyday citizens, actors, business executives, and even athletes. The way that every person deal with ethical dilemmas is by relying on their worldview. The world of professional sports is a very tough and competitive place. It is full of top level athletes that are masters in their respective sports and the struggle that they all face is to be better than everyone else. With all these athletes working hard and looking for new ways to better themselves, some take the easy way over the right way. In this paper, the ethical dilemma of performance enhancing drugs being used in sports will be addressed
While many believe that prisoner’s dilemma is only involving two suspected criminals, we actually deal with the prisoner’s dilemma every day in our lives. We face this dilemma in every aspect of our lives because we based our decisions on our own benefit even if it’s better to compromise with the other person. Prisoner’s dilemma forces two people to make quick decisions knowing that they will not cooperate even if it’s in their best interest to do so. In this scenario two athletes are faced with deciding whether or not it’s best in their interest to take performance enhancing drugs. Both athletes know that if they use performance enhancing drugs it will increase their chances to beat the other competitor. However, using these drugs or steroids increases the likeliness of being caught and banned from the sport. These performance enhancing drugs and steroids will also leave them negative side affecting their health.
Ethical dilemmas often face a challenge on deciding what the right action to take is, and therefore are quite complex. Nevertheless, there are situations in which majority of individuals feel there is a clear acceptable choice. Specifically, the use of performance enhancing drugs through the public eye, are often not sanctioned as acceptable. With “the number of professional athletes using steroids […] estimated to be fewer than 1%” (Petersen & Kristensen, 2009). Throughout this paper the scenario regarding performance enhancing drugs will be analyzed specifically focusing on the ethical dilemma, the Christian core beliefs, how they relate to this situation, the resolution, evaluation, and comparison to other options.
Making the right choice in life is a constant struggle that everyone faces daily. Moral issues arise for everyone in different situations. They may not have big impact on the world, but these ethical problems happen every person no matter if the individual is an actor, actress, CEO, athlete, pharmacist, doctor, etc. A moral problem that has big effect on other people takes place in the sphere of sports. Drug use to enhance performance has been a big moral issue because some people claim it to be necessary while others claim it is outrageous to use drugs. On this moral issue, Machiavelli, Kant, and J.S. Mill would have different opinions on this problem due to their difference in beliefs. While all three individuals would have their own
People from all walks of life face many ethical dilemmas. These dilemmas have consequences. Our worldview determines how we deal with these dilemmas, and guides us to the right decisions. In this essay, I will examine an ethical issues through my Christian worldview. I will also present other viewpoints, and compare them to mine.
Nurses are faced with ethical dilemmas every day. There are a lot of different beliefs surrounding ethics and the code of ethics. Ethics and ethical issues have always existed, that is why they have put in place the code of ethics. The American Nursing Association (ANA) Code of Ethics isa guideline to help nurses determine which course of action to pursue. Every minute many ethical decisions are made, some may not comply with guidelines and others the patient’s will never understand. In this case study the nurse is put in an uncomfortable position and has two find a way to comply with the family, the patient, and the doctor’s orders.How can she report to the doctor the information the daughter has told her? How she approached
I am going to define a “significant ethical decision” as some decision made by an agent—in this case the fictional Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr., that the agent could reasonably expect to significantly affect the lives of the agent or the lives of other humans. By this definition, Tony Starks choice to listen to rock music instead of classical music while he’s working alone would not be considered a significant ethical decision because it doesn’t significantly affect his life or the life of others. By this definition, five of the many significant ethical decisions Tony Stark makes on screen during Iron Man are: 1. He attends a weapons product presentation in an active combat zone (Iron Man, 15:27). This is a significant ethical decision
“ethical dilemmas are commonplace, complex, and require critical thinking skills that are honed through practice, and practice, and more practice. Airth-Kindree, N. M., & Kirk horn, L. C. (2016).
During this class I we read the book Strength-Based Leadership and took the survey StrengthsFinder 2.0 through Gallop which gave me a concrete list of my strengths. This was one of the most profound documents I received during my time at Viterbo. It explained a lot about my professional career path to this point. It showed my why principals put me on certain committees and in particular classrooms. It also helps me service my caseload better.
Everyone has a distinct set of pet peeves that frustrate him or her to the core, whether it is obnoxiously loud chewing or incessant pen clicking. Personally, I find slow walking to be the most irksome behavior out there. It’s nearly impossible and definitely a bit painful for me to be behind people meandering aimlessly in hallways, on sidewalks, or out and about in public. Recently, I found myself in a situation that truly tested my patience and encouraged me to contemplate whether I made the right choice or not.
Each of the three prominent approaches to moral dilemmas carry with it various aspects with which I find affinity. For example, generally, each maintain the existence of many absolute moral norms, meaning that for these norms there are no exceptions or exemptions. Specifically, however, Non-Conflicting Absolutism (“NCA”) highlights the Lord’s sovereign rule and transcendence over creation in arguing that moral norms are birthed from the character and essence of God. For example, Isaiah 55:8-9 (NRSV) says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Reminding us,