Introduction One may arguably say "customers first" but the truth is employees are just as important as customers. Having a happy, productive workforce provides a better output and is a win-win to all parties. In fact, the image of happy workforce is a favourable brand that attracts talent. In order to accomplish this it is important that the business strategy identified should be alignment with all facet of the business which includes recruiting, selection of resources and compensation. The founder of Fit Stop, Susan Superfit started the company as result of injuries she sustained personally. She realized during her rehab that while there were businesses that sold fitness and conditioning equipment their staff had limited …show more content…
It is also crucial that the company keep abreast with the trends of the industry and be the most up-to-date supplier of new products and techniques. Although, Susan has obviously thought her business through she has knowledge of how to compensate her staff and thought that paying her employees as her competitors will be a safe option. However, after reviewing the text book and PowerPoint, it is clear that taking safe route will not provide the success she hopes for. Therefore, by examining the case study the following questions were answered and recommendations were made. 1. Define and describe the managerial strategy (classical, human relations or high involvement) which would be the most effective for this company. The Managerial style assumes employees dislike their work and the work is being done to fulfill individual immediate and basic needs related to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. With reference to the managerial strategy Long, (Long, chp.2, p26), it is known to be the connecting piece to the strategic framework of compensation. It takes into consideration the Contextual Variables and matches the best managerial strategy with in structural variables. (Long, chp. 2, p.25). Managerial strategy which is also known to be as structural variables (Long, chp.2, p25) is described as a company having goals in which it develop and implement different reward and compensations system that fits the specific
Which managerial strategy would be most effective for this firm. Given what you know about Susan Superfit, which managerial strategy do you think she would prefer to use? Does this match your choice?
In the two books that we read, Anthem and Brave New World, there are several things in their societies that are the same, and several things that are different. They do spend their free time doing different things, but their beliefs are basically the same.
This is the most important aspect to help determine the managerial strategy to use, because it help ask two questions to determine
1. Create or describe a strategy for your firm, as operationalized by Collis and Rukstad. Be sure to be comprehensive and specific when separately describing your
The company Under Armour (UA) was founded in 1996. The founder Kevin Plank invented a new type of clothing that included microfibers, which was something completely new to the sports equipment industry. It helped the skin to breathe better during physical activity, allowing the body to better regulate its temperature. This revolutionary product was the try card for Under Armour into the sports industry.
business strategy because, in order for employees to want to work for a specific employer, employees must feel they are making a difference in his/her position. Employees must also feel that the organization is meeting some of their important needs. Employees place value in job satisfaction for example, employee earnings and benefits. ‘A job is the primary source of income and financial security for most
Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the businesslevel strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or
The mindset of an organization especially ABC company should be " customer first, Employee second and Shareholder third ". ABC company cannot improve its productivity without raising its worker productivity first. The assumption is that the more effieceint the job, the more employers can justify their salary expenses. One of of the Company's main weakness is due to the decline of growth of worker productivity. Maintening healthy employee realtion in an organization is a key for organization success.
It would have been good if this fundamental vision was in place right at the very beginning of the company’s formation. In the end it is the customers that make the company, so it makes sense to work towards satisfying this customer relationship. To become profitable and achieve market share are secondary objective that can be measured on a annual basis and overall company well being targets can be rewarded with incentives that link into the company’s performance as opposed to individual contribution to the company’s success.
The critical factors in the successful transformation of British Airways were changing the culture of the organization for the employees and the consumers. British Airways embarked on an aggressive media campaign that helped change the “face” of the airline. Their new tag line was “The worlds favourite airline”. Customer service became the number one priority for all employees. Lead by Colin Marshall, “an enabling culture (was put) in place to allow customer service to come out, where rather than people waiting to be told what to do to do things better, it’s an environment where people feel they can actually come out with ideas, that they will be listened to, and feel they are much more a part of the success of the company” Jick (2011)(p.30). A “Putting People First” (PFF) program was instituted for all front line employees. This helped to unify the employees with the new vision of customer service first for the company. During these two day mandatory meetings, all front line staff interacted with all levels of managers and leaders on an even playing
Employees are essential to a well-functioning business and to provide quality service to consumers. It is important for the business to care for their staff, making sure that they are happy with working conditions etc. and this is right up there with the importance of financial matters, because customer service is another key to returning customers, and if there is not a happy worker then there won´t be good customer service.
There are two types of propaganda: sociological propaganda; the spreading of an ideology through the mass media, and political propaganda; efforts that are sponsored by governments and political groups that alter a persons’ interests. All propaganda has a direction, and the overall quality determines whether it will have a positive or negative effect over the masses. Our entire nation is a vast propaganda operational system that is greatly linked to education, consumerism and politics. A great deal of what makes up propaganda and how it is placed among the masses lies in understanding the overall emotional and physical states of these groups of people and in finding a way to draw a persons’ attention to capture their hearts, breaking down
* Apply and evaluate at least three theoretical concepts of either Strategic Management or Management Knowledge & Learning.
Shaun Achor is a Harvard professor who is at the forefront of research on the effects of happy, engaged, employees on organizations and strategies to develop happy workers. Achor (2016) admits that the reaction he receives from many organizations during his initial consultation when he inquires about their commitment to cultivating an engaged workforce is generally along the lines of, "we don 't need it, we pay our employees to be engaged". Anchor has spent his career proving these individuals and organizations wrong.
The various roles of a manager in a company will be decided by their style of management and the way they handle various situations in an organization. The two of the main styles are autocratic and Democratic (Jordan, 1977). With a contrast in both the style, every management style comes in a way between these two opposing management styles. Autocratic style is oriented towards the results and the strict rules and procedures that should be followed by the employees whereas in a Democratic style the manager is completely oriented towards people and their needs and hence employees and customers are the main themes for his management. The choice of management style will suit according to the required situations as every style is not fit for every scenario and hence an efficient mapping must be done. It is an art of getting the employees and the projects on a platform and to have a vision to extract the best out of all to come over an excellent result. There cannot be a single management style that will incorporate every required feature for an efficient and effective management style. Management style is the soul of a bonding amongst the employees (Morris, 1992) so as to motivate them to work together towards a strengthened goal. It is expected that a manager must be a glue to integrate all the employees and must have attribute of a