
Benefits Of A Happy Workforce

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Introduction One may arguably say "customers first" but the truth is employees are just as important as customers. Having a happy, productive workforce provides a better output and is a win-win to all parties. In fact, the image of happy workforce is a favourable brand that attracts talent. In order to accomplish this it is important that the business strategy identified should be alignment with all facet of the business which includes recruiting, selection of resources and compensation. The founder of Fit Stop, Susan Superfit started the company as result of injuries she sustained personally. She realized during her rehab that while there were businesses that sold fitness and conditioning equipment their staff had limited …show more content…

It is also crucial that the company keep abreast with the trends of the industry and be the most up-to-date supplier of new products and techniques. Although, Susan has obviously thought her business through she has knowledge of how to compensate her staff and thought that paying her employees as her competitors will be a safe option. However, after reviewing the text book and PowerPoint, it is clear that taking safe route will not provide the success she hopes for. Therefore, by examining the case study the following questions were answered and recommendations were made. 1. Define and describe the managerial strategy (classical, human relations or high involvement) which would be the most effective for this company. The Managerial style assumes employees dislike their work and the work is being done to fulfill individual immediate and basic needs related to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. With reference to the managerial strategy Long, (Long, chp.2, p26), it is known to be the connecting piece to the strategic framework of compensation. It takes into consideration the Contextual Variables and matches the best managerial strategy with in structural variables. (Long, chp. 2, p.25). Managerial strategy which is also known to be as structural variables (Long, chp.2, p25) is described as a company having goals in which it develop and implement different reward and compensations system that fits the specific

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