Caffeine is said to help people with ADHD and to help them focus more. Caffeine is supposed to help people focus more on homework and work they are doing. Caffeine provides more energy for people. Pop is supposed to help since you can buy it with caffeine which can help you focus. This story is not uncommon ADHD has been a problem ADHD doesn’t have a cure for some ages. ADHD is mental health disorder that some kids have right away when they are born. (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Since ADHD has been a problem supporters of ADHD believe; the patients should have help. While critics of ADHD believe there should be goals.
The way ADHD has been medicated is still going on in the United states. To begin, ADHD has been looking for
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Other disapprove, because there are doctors who have cures after all. For example, with behavioral treatment there are 10% to 13% that have more homework done. (ADHD drugs no help with homework) Opponent dispute the idea there are cures for the disease. For example, there aren't cures for all ages such as ages 5-12. (ADHD drugs no help with homework) For instance, there may be a skin patch containing methylphenidate in ages 5-12. Other critics back the idea there are too many cures after all. For example, some of the cures have not worked in the past. In fact some of the drugs may have major side effects. (ADHD drugs no help with homework) In brief, some cures have worked in the past there are some doctors who have found a cure and there are lots of …show more content…
ADHD patients need help from doctors and they also need help from parents. The history of ADHD has been looking for medicine for different ages. ADHD has begun to find cures for different ages. There should be long term care from parents and doctors. Those who support ADHD believe that there should be long term care from parents and doctors. ADHD has begun to find cures for different ages. ADHD doctors have been looking for cures for all ages. Critics that oppose ADHD believe there are already many cures. In the end, this is still an issue that caffeine will help patients even though it is bad for you. ADHD doctors have been looking for a cure for a long time. Some ADHD patients have a harder time because not all of them have a cure. Doctors are working hard to find a cure for patients of all
The trend of over medicating children with ADHD is labeled well with the phrase anesthetization of our youth. “Anesthetize- deprive if feeling or awareness.” (Oxford Dictionary, 2014) Many children often express to their parents that they feel as if they are a walking zombie. A child may find that they are having memory issues, are not quite themselves, and feel overly drowsy. “ADHD medications often change a child’s personality creating what many kids with ADHD (and their parents) refer to as a zombie state or making them more aggressive.” (Barnett H., P. 1, 2013) Children with ADHD have other options for treatment but unfortunately medications are pushed on them at an alarming rate. The government paved the road for the pharmaceutical industry for ADHD medications in the 1990’s.
With treatment of ADHD people, more than not, choose the medication instead of the therapy for the easy fix. "The combination of medication and behavioral intervention, known as multimodal treatment, is the best treatment strategy for ADHD, however, stimulant medication is the most efficacious, single treatment for reducing symptoms of ADHD" (Lesesne, 2007). Evidence of medication being a much more used source of treatment shows how people want the easiest and quickest fix for unwanted behaviors and also shows how people might be motivated to become diagnosed which ADHD to get the medication that will help their standing abilities to focus and function. "Using national survey data, we recently found that medication rates among boys and girls
ADHD is a treatable learning disability, though there is no “cure”. Many people only have ADHD during childhood and teen years but then grow out of it. Most
In the article by Brendan L. Smith gives insight about a generation of adults who were diagnosed with ADHD in their childhood and how finding treatment later on in life has been beneficial to their stressful life. People with ADHD may have trouble paying attention,controlling impulsive behaviors , or be overactive.Throughout the article the main point is that adults who were unable to receive medication throughout the years because ADHD was something that many people either didn 't know about or was misinformed about it. The author suggests that It was something that many psychologist thought could only last during childhood and that once the individual progresses in age it would go away.
Michael Jordan, one of the all-time greatest basketball legends, explains how to overcome obstacles in life: “If you are trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, Michael Phelps, Walt Disney (Sonny) - all of these very successful men have one significant thing in common. They are all diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperniss Disorder (ADHD). This can be considered proof that people with ADHD are capable of great things. In Jordan's quote, he talks about roadblocks and how people should overcome them. In this instance ADHD is the roadblock and medication is the way around it. Those who have ADHD should be medicated because the stigma of the disorder and medication continues to lessen with time and information, the positives of taking medication outweigh the negatives, the selection of medications is becoming more varied, and it allows the patient to advance in school and their careers. Many people are against medication due to ignorance, when all they need is a better understanding of the effects of it. The number of patients diagnosed with ADHD taking medication is rising due to the accessibility of the information. Many people are seeing how the good outweigh the bad which
There has been so much controversy around the diagnosis of ADHD. There is also a big debate about whether a child has a disorder or not. There is also a huge controversy over whether a parent should give their child the medication that a doctor prescribes for the disorder. Once parents finally decide to place their child on the medicine. They are making the decision that they feel is the best option for their child. Other parents may decide that other treatment options may be better to begin with to see if they cannot fix the problem therapeutically instead. Parents that decide that medicine is the best route may feel that their child would benefit from it, and that benefits outweigh the risks. Whereas to parents that decide otherwise; feel that their child is not that severe with the ADHD, and can handle trying other ways to deal
There are various resources that parents and caregivers can access to get informed about ADHD. ADHD can have an impact on a child’s life. The National Health Institute reported that 3 – 5 % of children in the United States were diagnosed with ADHD, this is approximately two million children (Mall & Holland, 2013). According to (Schwarz & Cohen, n.d), mild symptoms of ADHD have been diagnosed. The rise of ADHD diagnosed over the past several years has caused increasing concerns among many doctors that ADHD diagnosis and medication are being overused. Parents and caregivers are also concerned about the increase in ADHD
One of the remarkably renowned mental disorders in the world is ADHD, but despite being infamous, there are still stigmas and myths about it. People often listen to what the general public says than to form their own arguments or research on them. By all means, this will be a problem to all including those who have ADHD.
This overabundance of coverage has led to a kind of public hysteria, parents and doctors now see ADHD around every corner. It has almost become a social norm for a child in school to have ADHD. One could argue that ADHD isn't necessarily a disorder but an unfortunate byproduct of a fast paced reward driven Society. Luckily there is hope. Recent studies have been done and new tests have been designed to help curb the tide of malingering in terms of ADHD. “The IVA CPT adequately distinguished adults with ADHD from non-ADHD” (Colleen A Quinn 2003) Many people will fake the symptoms of ADHD in order to get access to the prescriptions given to those who suffer from the disorder I say few that these medications will help give them in the edge in their work or home life. Students will sometimes take these drugs and hopes that will help them focus on the paper that there trying to write or give them that needed edge to focus on the test they are taking the next day. Either is are pursuing these drugs for recreational use they are hoping for a high off of the schedule
Parents and teachers have given up on these children and they have been the ones who drop out of school or end up in prison. It is thought that by diagnosing ADHD early and treating it properly, children who might not have had a chance to succeed can now be successful. The advocates for diagnosis of ADHD also point out that the treatment of ADHD with prescription drugs is actually very small and only one out of every three children diagnosed with ADHD is actually treated with prescription drugs (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, para. 45).
A study conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health came to the conclusion that medication alone showed the most promising long-term effects for treatment of this disorder since it quickly took care of symptoms that behavioral therapy could not fix in the same amount of time if at all (“A.D.H.D. Experts Re-evaluate Study’s Zeal for Drugs.”). Even though there are those who abuse ADHD medication, taking away the medication would prove disastrous to those with the disorder because of how well the prescriptions do treat symptoms associated with ADHD. The disorder is real and many children do have ADHD and the need to treat it as a real disorder is further proven by what happens in the adult lives of some of these children with ADHD. According to Dr. William Barbaresi, the complications for children diagnosed with ADHD does not stop in childhood as previously thought but a new long-term study found that not only did 29% of those diagnosed with ADHD as children still had the disorder but that 57% of those with ADHD as children had other psychiatric disorders (Jaslow). So it is not only a disorder for children but adults as well along with being a good indicator that the person could have other psychiatric disorders later in life making it very important to diagnose and treat as a real disorder to discourage further complications. Many opinions from doctors and parents have been heard on this
Over the past couple of decades there has been a huge increase in the diagnosis and prescriptions given out for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. According to a news report done by USA Today over the past five years use of ADHD medications have risen 40% totaling 39.5 million individual prescriptions ("New findings," 2009). When statistics like this are seen it is only normal for someone to ask questions. People are becoming curious about the legitimacy of the disorder, and whether or not the treatments being given to individuals are appropriate. The argument seems to be strong on both sides of the fence, but the extensive research done on ADHD leaves it hard for one to believe that it is a made up disorder.
The trending topic of ADHD and the medication provided has been widely criticized and reviewed for its long and short term affects. Most commonly the concerns are raised from parents struggling to decide whether or not to place their children diagnosed with ADHD on the available prescribed medication. The persistent controversy stems around the long- term effects of stimulant ADHD medication and the development of substance abuse within kids and adults (Zheng, Lichtenstein, Halldner, D’Onofrio, Serlachius, Fazel, Larsson, 2014). Many claims surround the condition is not adequately recognized, while others claim once diagnosed medication is pushed too hard on the parents without knowing the possible hidden dangers or complete understanding
The increase of ADHD is a trend because it has been occurring for several years. ADHD is one of the most well – known neurodevelopmental disorders Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), (2016). The possible consequences of the increase of ADHD is that the ADHD diagnosis will continue to rise, patients will not receive proper care, and ADHD diagnosis and medication will be overused. According to Gordon, J (2013) a study from the state of California showed the diagnosis of ADHD increased by twenty-four percent between the years 2001 and 2011. The awareness of ADHD may have contributed to increasing of ADHD diagnosis in the United States. Many doctors and physicians have noticed the rise in ADHD diagnosis occurring over the past several years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered in their data that parent-reported cases of ADHD led to the increase by 22 percent between the years 2003 and 2007 Gordon, J
I have just informed you about the basics of ADHD including its definition, and as we have seen from the study, not only would adults benefit from being treated for ADHD, but their children would also be able to reap the benefits as a result of a treated parent.