College Finances
(How much college can really cost)
College, a wonderful school that provides education after high school. Many jobs prefer that you go to college and get a degree so that you look better for the job, or that you can prove that you can do the job required. Jobs usually hire a person that has a college degree more offer than they will with a person that just has their high school diploma. The college graduate also is more likely to get paid more fast than if some one just graduated high school then goes into the workforce. Only one problem comes from college, this is that it is expensive. High schooling and below are all free, but college cost money of the precious education that they provide. Three major groups that require
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Depending on the state that the college is located from the state that you live, helps determine how much tuition the student has to pay. If the college is in the same state that you live in then you can get the in state tuition fee which cost a little less than the out of state tuition fee. This is true for the University of Wyoming which the in-state tuition fee is about four-thousand eight-hundred ninety-one dollars and the out of state tuition fee is about fifteen-thousand six-hundred thirty-one dollars. Even though the in-state tuition fee if cheaper it is still very expensive. To help pay for this many students try and get scholarships which help the student pay for college. Wyoming’s big scholarship is the Hathaway Scholarship which pays about one-thousand to two-thousand dollars depending on what category of the scholarship the student falls …show more content…
All three are over a thousand dollars which to a student that is used to school being free, except for the occasional lunch and book fees. Luckily there is a way that all of the expenses do not have to come out of the student’s pocket and that is through the use of scholarships and financial aid, which pay the colleges so that the student does not have to pay over twenty grand just to go to school. Scholarships depend on the student more and what grades he gets in high school, maybe even ACT or SAT scores. While the financial aid more depends on what the parents are
College can help everybody earn so much more money than a high school graduate only. Next, going to college can get you a lot of new job opportunities. There are certain jobs you can only get if you have a college degree. In “5 Ways Ed Pays”, it says that if
Attending college won’t always be so expensive with the help of financial aid. Net tuition for colleges was recorded on average to be to be fees of about $2,000 for attending public four-year colleges, as stated by David Leonhardt. (Source D)
Whether a student is looking to stay in-state or move out, the cost is still very high. According to College Board, expenses, on average, to attend a 4-year university add up to around $9,000 a year for in-state residents. Triple this amount and non-residents must pay that. Private school expenses tend to add up to around $35,000 a year (College Costs). During the 1995-1996 academic years, 66% of four year students in public institutions received some form of financial aid (Losco). Although the financial aid sounds like a good plan at the time, it causes the ones who take aid to being their adulthood in a large amount of debt. Even though there are a number of scholarships and financial aid programs available, each student must qualify and meet certain requirements that are not always met.
In 2016, college grads graduated with an average of $37,172 in student loan debt. This is a 6% increase from the previous year, and the rates increase as colleges become more expensive. Going to a University or College is looked upon as a luxury or a privilege nowadays. Good paying jobs that supply good living standards are requiring at least a bachelor’s degree to be considered for hiring. Any persons, including college students, should not be forced to live with, be pressured by, or be under the control of student loan debt. Student loan debt has been proven to have an impact on a person’s mental health. It keeps the less fortunate from having a chance to prosper in a competitive workforce, and the system that provides financial aid (FAFSA) doesn’t always meet a person’s needs completely. College should be an earned right for those who have stuck through the education process as an adolescent.
As pounded in our heads by teachers and adults, after high school the best idea is to go to college. This may not be the case for everyone. There are many pros and cons for college. College is not for everyone, and I believe students should have the freedom to choose the path they take. For people who desire to acquire a well paying job, a degree may be required. Most data points that the fastest growing job categories require at least a college degree. Getting a degree can be as simple as going for 2 years or even 6. Getting a college degree will draw employers attention and gain respect. Some people who have a degree may get paid more at their job than others who do not. Expanding your knowledge is important as there is always more to learn. In my opinion, college is the best idea for any age student.
Colleges should be around $20,000-$25,000. They should be that much because that is a reasonable price for parents to pay and if your kid(s) gets a scholarship. That would still reduce the price but if it is and academic scholarship you could get between $5,000-$10,000 and for an athletic scholarship you could get either full ride, or between $10,000-$15,000.
This varies from one student to another student because some colleges cost more than others and some students receive more financial aid than others. The most affordable option for college is a community college where many students will pay about $1,000 a year .The cost of a community college is so low that even if students did not receive financial aid or help from their parents, they could easily pay off the tuition by working a part time job. The next option that is somewhat affordable is public in-state schools such as the UCs and the Cal State School System. These universities cost more than a community college, but many students receive financial aid that covers both their tuition and even their books. Hector a senior at Venice High School will attend Cal State Los Angeles and the reason he wants to go to the school is because he says that he will “stay at home and have the chance the graduate with a college degree with no student debt”. Lastly, there are private universities and out of state schools and the cost of these schools vary because they are more expensive than public colleges, but they offer more scholarships and sometimes even full ride scholarships to students who qualify .Now that we have discussed the options and relative costs of colleges and universities , I will shift over to the issue of student loans. Student loans are
No doubt, having less things to worry about will make one less burdened. Indeed, having little to no debt after I'm done with college would make my life easier and would ultimately help in many other areas, like helping others and fulfilling my dreams. In fact, having to pay student loans will haunt me until my death, or at least until I figure out a way to pay it off, because student loans cannot be forgiven. I would rather not have to deal with that headache. Although the tuition of Rose State is comparatively cheap, it still is asking a lot for a young adult just born into the world to come up with that amount, not even considering the taxes that are imbued on this too. Finally, yes I have plenty of potential, but so does every other bright
As of now, college has a set price. However, it fluctuates with the amount of
College education today can be very pricey, especially considering that you have to pay for everything, even applications. To even send in an application and be considered for Texas Tech University it cost 75 dollars. Meal plans, dorms, and parking can add up to thousands and thousands of dollars a semester. Classes are really expensive too, the average cost is 38,016 dollars per year. This may seem overwhelming, but fortunately there are ways to help you with the cost. You can get scholarships in high school from many different organizations such as sports, or 4h and FFA. Also at Texas
“We have three cats. It's like having children, but there is no tuition involved” (Reagan, 2017). This might be the way to go for today’s millennials futures. College tuition has become a great financial burden over the course of a few years. After high school, students have many different career options such as: being apart of the workforce, joining the military, and of course. . . going to college. Many who choose the workforce and the military over college though is almost always for the same reason though. College is just too expensive. Living in too much debt could lead to lots of stress in life, and no one wants to stress about getting a higher education just to make it through life. Many students who do choose college over the workforce
The hardest part of going to college is the expenses today. Most students have to take out loans which leaves them in debt all of their lives. University of Bluffton’s tuition is $44,008 (“CollegeSimply.” ) which is slightly more than University of Findlay which costs $42,335 (“Cost of Attending the University of Findlay .” ). The difference is $1,673, which in the big picture does not seem that much. I am hoping to receive some financial aid through the government, but am also hoping to apply for many private
I pay for my own college tuition and fees and all the expenses that my parents can not afford to pay for themselves because they don’t work. I pay the house rent, buy all the weekly groceries, as well as pay for the necessary things, such as gas and food that I eat out. I am a completely independent man, so it’s hard for me for pay all of my college tuition. Every semester I have to pay $7,000, which is a lot considering the fact that I basically run my family. Apart from college tuition, I have to pay for all the books that are required by professors in each of my classes. I take five classes every semester, and a book costs around $150-$200, so if I have to buy a book for every class, it would be $1,000. That would make my educational expense
The price to go to college can obviously get very expensive and seem beyond stressful. How am I going to pay my tuition? How am I going to get scholarships to help pay for tuition? These are two questions that seem like they are commonly asked. UofL, IUS, and Ivy Tech’s tuition prices all fall around the same ranges. For myself, I will not be staying on campus, therefore I will cut that price out of my cost. A student’s tuition per year at UofL, without living on campus will average around $12,268. (Office of Admissions-Tuition and Fees) IUS students will pay at an average of $12,308. (Bursar-Tuition and Fees) Lastly, Ivy Tech students will pay $14,072. To help decide which college is the best for me, I will soon apply for FAFSA. FAFSA will allow students to apply for scholarships from colleges they have applied for and will offer money to those students who do well in school to help pay for their college tuition.
At a public two-year institution, the tuition is approximately 19 percent of the total price; while a public four-year institution it is approximately 40 percent. Remember, the cost of fees, books, housing, supplies, transportation and personal expenses are not included in this 40 percent (Weeden, 2015).