
Benefits Of Configuration Control Of Constructing A Building Or Assembling Product

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Benefits of Configuration Control in Constructing a Building or Assembling Product
Change is an unavoidable part of any project. All construction projects passed through several changes both unwanted and wanted during its lifespan. Through different phases of the project lifecycle, circumstances and situations are created that lead to variations and changes in the initial plan and scope. Admittedly, uncontrolled and unwanted changes result in loss of money and time. They also result in scope creep, accumulation of small changes that leads to the alteration of the framework of the project into an inflated and different that initially predicted. Therefore, it is prudent to control these changes to get a final finished product with wanted configuration and specification. This is where configuration control plays vital role. As such, the following paper describes the benefits of configuration control in constructing a building or assembling a product. Configuration control also called configuration management has existed since the 20th century but only gained recognition as project management tool in creating a building or assembling product in the recent past. Many pundits have argued that configuration control has many definitions depending on the type of application and the industry. According to American National Standards Institute, it refers to the management process for creating and maintaining steadiness of product’s functional, performance and physical characteristics

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