
Benefits Of Implementing The Parental Leave Policy

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The United States and the United States Army had made several revisions to the paternity/ maternity leave policies. Even with current changes we are not where we need to be. The United States Army currently offers 10 days of paternity leave to Soldiers that are married¹ and 12 weeks of maternity leave for female Soldiers.² The Army should convert these two policies into one policy titled parental leave. Some of the benefits of implementing the parental leave policy are mother’s physical and mental readiness, increased performance, and equality.
Maternity leave is to allow for the women to heal after delivering a baby. Having the father/ spouse home during the first ten days is helpful but not enough time. The father/ spouse being present can allow for them to take on some of the child rearing activities. These activities can range from bathing, diapering, feeding and etc. This helping hand will allow for the mother to get more rest aiding in a faster recovery, provide breaks from child rearing that reduces the likeness of postpartum depression and create more flexibility. Parental leave will provide the ability for the father/ spouse to support the maternal mother through the duration of her medical recovery, which is an average of six weeks. This can be a stressful time as the female body regulates its hormones. Another important medical factor is the father/ spouse can help monitor the mother’s signs and symptoms and get the help if necessary. In addition, having both

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