
Benefits Of Learning A Second Language

Satisfactory Essays


Learning a second language has become a necessity in today’s globalized world. Due to the growth of industries and the increasing demand for jobs; the internet’s influence in the way people communicate, helping cultural exchange by increasing the desire to explore other cultures and the constant search for new opportunities to improve one’s life. For instance, today we can find 7000 languages around the world, which gives a wide range to choose from; learning just one different language from the mother tongue can lead to multiple benefits. Although most people concern about learning a second language with the aim of improving economic incomes, the ability to communicate with people around the world, jobs and educational opportunities; there are others benefits from learning a second language.
Despite the advantages previously mentioned, learning a second language may also be beneficial because it could contribute to a better understanding of the world; it can improve the first language use and increase learners’ attention. According to recent research language does shape the way people see the world and how the acquisition of a second language can alter that perception; in the research “Two languages, two minds: flexible cognitive processing driven by language of operation” it is stated that “It turns out that if you change how people talk, that changes how they think. When bilingual people switch from one language to another, they start

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