
Benefits Of Multilingualism In A Globalized Society

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Multilingualism in a Globalized Society Nelson Mandela once said, "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart" (Okpomo). This remark was said by Nelson Mandela years ago, yet its meaning holds true even today. Language is a form of communication and every citizen of this planet speaks a language. People that speak the same language can communicate among each other, but with a couple thousand languages spoken, a person misses out on great opportunities by speaking only one language. Languages are an investment for all ages, and its benefits extend to wealth, health, prosperity and one’s security. In the next decades, it is estimated that the number of older adults will increase. With older population growing, neurodegenerative diseases are expected to increase as well. Because of that, it is important to protect older adults from those diseases. There is growing evidence that multilingualism can act as a safeguard against cognitive decline related to the aging process (Leca). The modern world is quickly expanding, and with the technology and ability to travel the entire world, speaking another language is beneficial to anyone. At this moment there are 6,500 languages spoken (Multilingual Teaching Does More than Just Improve Learning). That being said, most people in United States are monolingual. In 2010, Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, said, “For too long, Americans have

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