Playing baseball for Lemoore High School has not only made me a better baseball player but it has also prepared me for life in many different ways. It has taught me extremely important life skills that can only be learned through baseball.
One of the most important skills anyone can ever learn is how to be part of a team. Almost every single profession you will have to work with a group of people to achieve an overall goal. Playing Tiger baseball has taught me that in order to achieve that goal everyone has to be doing their part and if someone isn't pulling their own weight then the others will step up to help him out. All of these team skills eventually lead to becoming one big family.
Another thing I have learned from playing baseball at
Team work, being good in working with people in different organisations and class. This type of skill can be seen in my study group is university, being part of two different societies in university and a sports team leader
My Dad and my grandfather never share a lot of time together when my dad was growing up. Nevertheless something that they both shared was the ability to play the sport of baseball. This particular sport became instead of money and property that is what the majority of people give to their children. Baseball became the family heritage that my grandparent taught to my dad and my dad taught to me. Consequently I growing up all my life playing baseball. The ability to play baseball gave me the opportunity to be the captain on various occasion with different teams. Being at this position made me in the role of being a leader among my teammates. Being a leader required pay attention to all details don’t matter how simple or difficult they are. So, at this stage of my life I had the chance to learn that in baseball all the players are called teammates because obviously they are in the same team, but not everybody would be considerate teammates. The different style of baseball players can’t affect the relationship and development of other personal players that consequently
One of the more important skills students will learn outside the classroom is teamwork. This quality can not be taught it must be learned by experience. Members will be on teams to compete in competitions. Students must learn the limits and strengths of their team member if they wish to succeed. This skill prepares students for the team work assignments which will be required in classes, as well as in everyday
As I mentioned earlier I have had countless of fond memories playing ball there and helped me meet some of my closest friends. Today I am someone who is very competitive and can’t stand the thought of eve losing at anything. I feel that a lot of my competitive nature started with playing little league baseball for the Carmel Youth Baseball Association. My dad was my coach for a lot of my teams so him being extra hard on me definitely had me more fired up about winning. I also couldn't stand the act of someone bragging to my face at school the next day that they struck me out or got a hit off of me. When I was younger I really couldn't stand school and so baseball was really that first activities that I worked really hard at and was very passionate about. It also created a sort of identity for me as everyone new me as more of an athlete and bonded with others who were very interested in sports. To this day I am still just as obsessed with baseball as I was back then, except now I have other passions and actually care a lot more about school. If I never played baseball for the Carmel Youth Baseball Association my identity and competitiveness would be a whole lot
I am currently a senior at Weslaco East High School I was a third grader when baseball had caught my interest, baseball will always have a gigantic impact on my life, because I have met most of my friends through the game ,and I consider them family and my friends fathers, including mine all use to play when they were our age so it basically brought us closer, because we all had something in common. I was originally born in Orlando, Florida, but both my parents decided to come to a very small city called Weslaco, which is in the Rio Grande Valley which can be located in Texas. Weslaco isn’t the biggest City in the world, but this city has made me who I am today and because of this city I have met so many of my friends and family. I have made powerful memories here with the
Participating in organized basketball and football for ten years presented me the opportunity to achieve common goals working side-by-side with a variety of different personalities. Playing sports drove home the importance of harnessing different personalities and skill sets as key components to teamwork. Fundamental to teamwork is the ability to encourage others, to pick up new information, to learn from mistakes, to hold oneself accountable and to overcome defeat. Over time I have found that the lessons learned through team sports are broadly applicable tools for success. For instance, this past summer my
I am so thankful to have had baseball be a part of my life. Baseball can be taught to a person, but you must have the drive and passion to keep pursuing it. I had very key points in my baseball career making Most Valuable Player, making the Junior varsity team, and also making varsity team. Most importantly it was my dad who drove me to baseball and the coaches took over from there. If It was not for my dad I would not of had a chance to play high school ball. He helped me recover mental and physically. Although I did not pursue baseball after high school I would not change a thing from the past. My advice to young baseball players is, “Stick with it when the going gets tough push through it and strive to be the
Sports teach countless important lessons that apply to school and afterwards in the real world. A few of the skills that you can learn while playing sports include sportsmanship, hard work, leadership, teamwork, discipline,
Teamwork is a key skill that everyone should have installed in them at a young age.The brain of a child is like a sponge, they absorb everything and use it in the future. Playing football is not an individual sport unlike competitive swim or boxing, when playing a sport heavy contact or not as a team a child learns to work with others to achieve a common goal of winning or advancing. Children become cooperative and have the ability to collaborate with others making them more resourceful and beneficial in any real life situation. According to live strong representative and author of article “Benefits of Teamworks in Sports” Wade Harle, stated “ Teamwork in sports can help give participants stronger communication skills and teach them to work better with others. Additional advantages to teamwork in sports are learning to deal with conflict and varieties of different ideas within a team.” As the young child grows and prospers into a young adult having the teamwork ability and characteristic will only gain them the upper hand when applying for jobs, working on projects and in life commitments and relationships.
From softball, to jobs, to community service, the plethora of knowledge I received shaped me into the person I am today. My involvement in a variety of activities make my success in life, possible. Although I may continue this sport after high school, it has still given me lifelong lessons that I will hold on to for the rest of my being.
The first thing I learned from being on a team was responsibility. Volleyball stressed this concept heavily because members relied on each other to be at practice and games so that we can grow and bond together to form a stronger team. With this responsibility came learning how to effectively communicate. Communication was essential especially in a coach to athlete situation, much like a boss to employee scenario, because if we could not attend practice or we were injured, the coach (boss) had to know. I strive to be an effective communicator at my current job and future career in graphic design so that my customers can get the best experience possible. With my ever-improving skills in communication, holding responsibility for myself and this Bay scholarship, I will be able to reach my goal of living a successful life as a graphic
Having played a variety of team sports throughout my life, I saw a lot of parallels throughout the class work on team building between positive teamwork and success. Reading Five Dysfunctions of a Team and then applying what we learned from the reading into several team building exercise gave me a unique perspective on how to create and identify key team building skills.
Ever since I was ten years old and I made my first local little league team’s all star team, I knew I wanted to play baseball for as long as I could. I am thankful I have been offered the opportunity to play baseball beyond the high school level and am enjoying the college selection process.
I have loved baseball for years, but by the time I was a freshman at Laurel High School, I had precious little experience. The chances of me playing baseball in most high schools were slim, but this was Laurel. America’s favorite pastime was treated there as a vestige of years long forgotten. The athletic director ignored us, the students didn’t support us, and the school funded us just enough to say that they had a baseball program. Tucked away in a forgotten corner of the campus in the gloomy shadows of the tower from which football games were announced, the baseball diamond was the school’s disgrace. The dugouts were dismal cinder block bunkers with peeling paint and a propensity to flood. Grass was scarce where it was supposed to be and
Most of my time in high school was spent on the baseball field. It's where I met my friends, made some of the best memories of my life, and learned things that I will carry with me forever. My biggest influence was my head coach who played baseball here at Warner. I didn't just learn the game of baseball on that field. I saw what it meant to be a family and to have each others backs. Orangewood baseball is why I am who I am today.