
Benefits Of Training And Development

Satisfactory Essays

Training and development are two different process but they are linked in with each other. Training is point to the process of learning procuration of knowledge and skills for a person to made a specific tasks and job. Development is spread the capabilities of a person to improve the job performance and is about helping person to grow up through piecemeal process. In the training for short period but development is for a long term training the organizations give it for their employees to make their performance better than before but development they give it for their employees to make them ready to next step or advancement in job. Essays, UK. The benefits of training and development: The benefits of training and development here have many benefits like :- Employees it`s made Satisfaction and morale are increased in work between employees. And increase the motivation of employees, and the increased efficiency in the process resulted in a financial benefit, and increase the ability to adopt new techniques and methods, and Increase innovation strategies and products, and reduction employee turnover, improve the knowledge and skills of the work of all levels organization, will improve the morale of the labour force, People will help to identify the goals of the organization. It helps to create a better corporate image. will improve relationship between supervisors and subordinates. Essays, UK, Potential drawbacks of training and development:- Some types of training

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